Green Shoots Issue 3

Monday, May 17, 2021 - 10:45

On behalf of Maynooth Green Campus, I am delighted to send our e-zine Green Shoots Issue 3.

As this edition reflects, there is considerable momentum among staff and students around environmental issues, climate justice and just transition. Numerous colleagues are engaging with newly emerging facets of the environmental crisis through the lenses of their respective academic disciplines and increasingly co-operating across disciplines.

Long siloed in the sciences, climate change is fast emerging as a front-and-centre challenge across the faculties, as reflected in the reports contained in GS3. In a period dominated by the politics of decay deceit and despair, such efforts really can contribute to the pursuit of clarity and the discovery of pathways to a sustainable future.

on behalf of the green campus team,

Dr Joe Larragy
Editor, Green Shoots
Chair, Maynooth Green Campus

See the link here