Pampanga Province's WoW bags sustainable initiative

Froebel students join Helen Mitchell at a WoW bags workshop
Monday, November 27, 2017 - 13:00

Helen Mitchell, a Maynooth graduate and community worker, who has been in the Philippines for 17 years spoke to groups of students in Froebel and in Applied Social Studies at Maynooth University on 23 November. She talked about a project with women in the Pampanga province, who were displaced following the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991. The women make superb bags, brief cases and other products by collection of and upcycling used plastic juice packs, which are collected from hospitals and schools. Currently eleven women are earning a living income through the WoW bags project, which also enables them to fund and secure second level school completion for their children. The talks were part of a short visit hosted by Maynooth Green Campus, which has promoted WoW bags as part of its work. We hope to have a consignment for anyone interested in a WoW bag.

Contact [email protected] for more details on where these bags are available to buy on campus.