Information session on Career Fit Plus; a MSCA COFUND programme

Monday, September 21, 2020 - 10:00 to 11:00

This meeting aims to provide information for researchers at risk on fellowship opportunities available under Career Fit Plus; a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND programme supported by Enterprise Ireland; a government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets.

Career Fit Plus has 25 fellowships available for highly skilled researchers to conduct a three-year research project in Ireland, including a 12-month industry secondment. The call for proposals opened on September 7th and will close on December 31st 2020.
Applicants must be Experienced Researchers as per the MSCA definition: at the time of recruitment, applicants must be in possession of a doctoral degree or, if the applicant does not have a doctoral degree and is not in the process of completing one, they should have at least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience.

The aims of the fellowships are to support suitable highly qualified experienced researchers in any discipline to:

  • Conduct research relevant to the Technology Centres/Technology Gateways
  • Engage in collaboration with suitable companies
  • Experience and benefit from international mobility
  • Avail of relevant training and career development opportunities
  • Increase their chances of gaining a future senior research position, including in the nonacademic sector.

Registration: Registration for this information session is free but is required here

The information session will consist of a short presentation by Micol Martinelli, Programme Manager of Career Fit Plus about the Fellowship programme followed by an opportunity to raise questions. 

When registering, you will be asked to provide your first name and email address. Please note that an alias/pseudonym may be provided instead of your first name if you do not wish to share this information

Please note that the information session will be held as a zoom meeting. If you do not want to be heard or seen, please ensure that you mute your microphone and turn off your camera.
Also, the meeting will be recorded and uploaded afterwards to the Inspireurope website.

For more information on the Career Fit Plus programme, please see here

For more information on the Inspireurope project, please see here