What happens if Chinese and Western multinationals meet in a developing country? Read more in a new paper from Dr. Julius Nyiawung

Thursday, February 25, 2021 - 10:00

Western multinational companies, operating in developing countries, have been typically dictating their work and employment practices and unwilling to adapt. But what happens when another power – that of Chinese multinationals – arrives to the same developing country?  Dr. Julius Nyiawung and Prof John Geary (Smurfit Graduate Business School, University College Dublin) explore this in their paper ‘The Impact of Chinese Investments on Western Multinational Enterprises’ Work and Employment Practices: A Consideration of Institutional, Power and Dominance Effects’, just published in Human Relations. They demonstrate how the arrival of alternative Chinese investments influenced the manner in which Western multinationals operated and managed ‘their’ workforces, forcing them to adapt their practices. You can read the full story of how and why this happened here.