DIMA Project Online Expert Review Group

DIMA “A Toolkit for Developing, Implementing and Monitoring Adult Education Strategies”
Friday, May 26, 2017 - 12:30 to Tuesday, June 20, 2017 - 12:30

Adult educators are invited to become members of the DIMA project e-Learning Expert Review Group. The DIMA project (http://dima-project.eu/en/) “A Toolkit for Developing, Implementing and Monitoring Adult Education Strategies” is a two year project, 2015-2017, involving 6 partners/5 countries, (See http://dima-project.eu/index.php/en/partners), to investigate and design a toolkit to support policy makers in the field of adult/further education.
The toolkit is underpinned by a 10 hour online learning course comprising 9 modules. The project partners are currently testing the appropriateness of the course. To do this the project partners are seeking an expert review group who will, between now and the end of June 2017; 
a)    Review the online course
b)    Complete a feedback form
c)    Meet for 2 hours, in sub-groups, to offer more detailed feedback on the online course/toolkit, advise on content, and explore additional support to Adult Education policymaking.

The DIMA Online e-Learning Expert Review Group. Members will have first access to an online toolkit and course for adult/further education policy makers, and get an insight into a simple online content delivery method.

If you are interested in participating, email [email protected]