The Institute houses a number of funded research projects and supports the incubation of new research projects led by Institute members.
Current Projects:
- BROKENSONG: Polyphonic Singing and Communities of Music Writing in Medieval Britain and Ireland, c. 1150 to c. 1350 [ERC]; PI: Prof. Karen Desmond, Dept of Music.
- LEIGHEAS: Language, Education and Medical Learning in the Premodern Gaelic World [IRC]; PI Dr. Deborah Hayden, Dept of Early Irish
- "Our Roots Travel Widely": Beyond Regionalism and Nationalism in Irish Poetry (BRAN) [North-South Research Programme]; PI Dr. Karl O'Hanlon, Dept of English
- Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities [AHRC-IRC]; PI Dr. Jeneen Naji, Dept of Media Studies | Dr. Sharon Webb, University of Sussex
- The Invisible Women - Developing a Feminist Approach to Film Archive Metadata and Cataloguing [AHRC-IRC]; PI Dr. Sarah Arnold, Dept of Media Studies | Prof. Keith Mark Johnston, University of East Anglia
- OG(H)AM: Harnessing digital technologies to transform understanding of ogham writing, from the 4th century to the 21st century [AHRC-IRC]; PI Prof. David Stifter, Dept of Early Irish | Prof. Katherine Forsyth, University of Glasgow
- Diversifying Irish Poetry: Poetry Critics of Colour in Ireland [IRC]; PI Dr. Catherine Gander, Dept of English
- Mapping Actors and Contexts: Modelling Research in Renaissance Ireland in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century (MACMORRIS): [IRC]; PI Prof. Pat Palmer, Dept of English
- Clericus Project: [SPCM & Notre Dame University]; PI Prof. Thomas O’Connor, Dept of History
- Motherhood Project: [ERC]; PI Prof. Valerie Heffernan, School of Modern Languages
- Ulysses. Relationality in the Capitalocene: developing a transdisciplinary approach to the ecopolitics of colonised land use through activism, social science, and the arts: [IRC]; PI Dr Catherine Gander, Dept of English
Past Projects:
- FTe: Intersections: Feminism, Technology, and Digital Humanities [AHRC-IRC]; co-PI Dr. Kylie Jarrett, Dept of Media Studies
- Chronologicon Hibernicum [ERC] PI Prof. David Stifter, Dept of Early Irish
- Frank Duff Letters Project [Legion of Mary Funding]; PI Dr Jacinta Prunty, Dept of History
- Irish in Europe Project [IRC]; PIs Dr John Keating, Dept of Computer Science; Prof. Marian Lyons, Dept of History, Prof. Thomas O’Connor, Dept of History
- In the Room Audio (ITRA) [Enterprise Ireland]; PI Prof. Victor Lazzarini, Dept of Music
- Letters 1916-23 [IRC]; PI Prof. Susan Schreibman
- Medieval Irish Medicine in its North-western European Context: A Case Study of Two Unpublished Texts (MIMNEC): [IRC]; PI Dr. Deborah Hayden, Dept of Early Irish
- ModEL: Modernisms advancing European Literatures [Enterprise Ireland]; PI An Dr Liam Mac Amhlaigh, Litríocht & Teanga na Gaeilge, Froebel Department of Primary Education
- Atlas Litríocht na Gaeilge [MU]; PI An tOll Fionntáin de Brún, Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge
- Tenerife Project [MU]; PI Prof. Thomas O'Connor, Dept of History