The Journal of Management Education was recently ranked as the 2nd most influential management education journal in the world (Currie & Pandher, 2013) and has a long history of publishing cutting-edge experiential pedagogical innovations. With an historical acceptance rate of 11-13%, the Journal of Management Education represents a premier publishing opportunity in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) literature. This interactive workshop will provide participants with a chance to engage with one of the co-editors of the journal and discuss how to develop ideas or papers for submission. Professor Lund Dean will offer tried-and-true tips for giving manuscripts an increased likelihood of being accepted for publication in the Journal of Management Education. Participants are encouraged to bring work-in-progress or ideas for development for discussion at the seminar. Workshop topics will include JME’s domain of interest and specific types of work/articles the journal publishes, a comparison among major management SOTL journals to help participants determine their best outlet, and insight into the developmental review process that is a hallmark of JME.
This seminar will be of interest to management and business teachers and researchers. The seminar is now full. To book a place on the reserve list, please email [email protected].
Professor Kathy Lund-Dean holds the inaugural Board of Trustees Distinguished Chair in Leadership & Ethics in the Dept of Economics and Management at Gustavus Adolphus College. She has held a number of long-term leadership positions in the Academy of Management and the OBTS Teaching Society for Management Educators. She is co-editor of the Journal of Management Education, one of the most influential journals in the field of management education. Her research streams are diverse and range across ethical decision-making in new management and spirituality and religion in the workplace and she has published in a number of highly ranked management publications including Academy of Management Learning & Education, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management Inquiry, Organisational Research Methods, Journal of Organisational Change Management, and Academy of Management Executive.