​Your time at university is not only for academic achievement. It is also a time for personal development, for fun and for friendship.

Maynooth University has a reputation for being a particularly friendly University. The community atmosphere around the town and campus is what our students love about the University.

Your years at college mark a crucial time in your personal as well as your academic development. We have established a number of support mechanisms to promote the welfare of all our students during their time at Maynooth. Experienced staff are available, across a range of services, to provide advice, support and guidance, if and when you need it.

At Maynooth University, students have a wide variety of extra-curricular activities to choose from. Our Student Centre and Sports Centre provide a base for over 100 clubs and societies, overseen by our highly active Students’ Union. So whether you’re seeking adventure, fitness, relaxation or fun, make sure to get involved in the many areas of student life open to you.


Tá i bhfad níos mó i gceist le saol na hollscoile ná na héachtaí acadúla amháin. Tréimhse atá ann d’fhorbairt phearsanta, do spraoi agus do chairdeas.

Tá clú agus cáil ar Ollscoil Mhá Nuad mar ollscoil atá cairdiúil. Is é an spiorad pobail sa bhaile féin agus ar an gcampas an rud a thaitníonn go mór lenár mic léinn. 
Bíonn tionchar faoi leith ag na blianta a chaitheann tú ag an ollscoil ar d’fhorbairt phearsanta agus ar d’fhorbairt acadúil. Tá meicníochtaí tacaíochta forbartha againn a chuireann leas na mac léinn chun cinn agus iad ag freastal ar Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Bíonn baill foirne, a bhfuil taithí na mblianta acu, ar fáil le comhairle, tacaíocht agus treoir a chur ar fáil do mhic léinn nuair a theastaíonn sé.
Tá réimse leathan de ghníomhaíochtaí seach-churaclaim ar fáil do mhic léinn na hOllscoile. Freastalaíonn Ionad na Mac Léinn agus an tIonad Spóirt ar bhreis agus 100 cumann, le tacaíocht ó Aontas na Mac Léinn. Más gníomhaíocht eachtraíochta, spórt, suaimhneas nó spraoi atá uait, ba cheart duit na deiseanna a bhaineann le saol na mac léinn a thapú.