Maynooth University Celebrates 20th Birthday
On 16 June, 1997, the Universities Act took effect, marking the creation of the National University of Ireland, Maynooth as an independent institution. Between June 2017 and 2018, Maynooth University, as we are proudly known today, is celebrating 20 years of remarkable achievement by telling the stories of its students, alumni, staff and of the institution itself through a range of events and activities. See more at:
- Research Week afforded academics, students, and the public to engage with the vast range of truly inspiring and ground-breaking work being undertaken across the three faculties: Science and Engineering; Arts, Philosophy and Celtic Studies; and Social Sciences.
- Maynooth Week celebrated the Maynooth University experience at 20, by shining a spotlight on the staff, students, alumni, and the community who embody the unique spirit of this institution through their distinctive intellectual contributions, their commitment to innovation in teaching and learning and service to the institution, their partnership with Maynooth as a university town, and their energy to provide the best possible student experience in Ireland.
Ceiliúradh déanta ag Ollscoil Mhá Nuad ar 20 bliain a bunaithe
Ar an 16 Meitheamh 1997, tháinig Acht na nOllscoileanna i bhfeidhm agus bunaíodh Ollscoil Mhá Nuad mar institiúid neamhspleách. Idir Meitheamh 2017 agus Meitheamh 2018, tá Ollscoil Mhá Nuad, mar a thugtar orainn go bródúil anois, ag ceiliúradh 20 bliain d’éachtaí suntasacha trí scéalta na mac léinn, alumni, a mball foirne agus scéal na hinstitiúide féin a insint trí réimse ócáidí agus gníomhaíochtaí. Tuilleadh eolais:
Deis a bhí i Seachtain an Taighde d’acadóirí, do mhic léinn agus don phobal teagmháil a bheith acu leis an obair spreagúil, cheannródaíoch atá ar bun sa trí dhámh: Eolaíocht agus Innealtóireacht; na hEalaíona, Fealsúnacht agus an Léann Ceilteach; agus na hEolaíochtaí Sóisialta.
Rinne Seachtain Mhá Nuad ceiliúradh ar eispéireas Ollscoil Mhá Nuad agus í 20 bliain ar an bhfód trí aird a tharraingt ar an bhfoireann, ar mhic léinn, ar alumni agus ar an bpobal a léiríonn an spiorad uathúil atá ag an institiúid seo tríd an obair intleachtúil agus shainiúil a bhíonn ar siúl acu, an tiomantas atá acu don nuálaíocht sa teagasc agus san fhoghlaim agus don tseirbhís a thugann siad don institiúid, an chomhpháirtíocht le Maigh Nuad mar bhaile ollscoile, agus an fuinneamh atá acu an t-eispéireas is fearr in Éirinn a chur ar fáil do mhic léinn.