Graduate Research Academy: An tAcadamh Taighde Iarchéime

Focused on you, the postgraduate researcher, the Graduate Research Academy offers supports for training, development and mentorship throughout your postgraduate career. The Academy is the central support for prospective, new and existing postgraduate researchers. The Academy has been set up to create a better holistic experience for our students throughout their Maynooth journey through to graduation. For general queries please contact us at [email protected] and we can arrange an appointment for you with one of the members of the team.

Acadamh Taighde Iarchéime

Tá an tAcadamh Taighde Iarchéime dírithe ortsa mar thaighdeoir iarchéime agus cuireann sé tacaíochtaí oiliúna, forbartha agus meantóireachta ar fáil le linn do thréimhse mar iarchéimí. Is é an tAcadamh seo an phríomhfhoinse thacaíochta do thaighdeoirí iarchéime a bheidh againn, atá nua-thagtha chugainn agus atá tar éis bheith linn ar feadh scaithimh go dtí seo. Bunaíodh an tAcadamh chun eispéireas iomlánaíoch níos fearr a chruthú trí chéile dár mic léinn ó thús go deireadh a n-aistir in Ollscoil Mhá Nuad, an bealach ar fad go bronnadh a gcéimeanna. Má tá ceisteanna ginearálta agat dúinn, déan teagmháil linn ag g[email protected] agus is féidir linn coinne a dhéanamh duit le ball den fhoireann.