Niamh Burke is a second year PhD student and full time Research Assistant in the Education Department. She has been awarded a bursary under the Doctoral Strand of the Assessment Research and Development Programme, funded by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) for her research on formative assessment in the science classroom.
Niamh’s research focuses on the use and understanding of formative assessment in the second level science classroom by identifying successful formative assessment techniques or practices that benefit both student learning and teacher professional development. She aims to expand our knowledge of technologically enhanced teaching and assessment methods in science specific areas with particular emphasis on the new Junior Cycle. Her supervisors are Delma Byrne and Majella Dempsey.
Niamh is currently working on the FaSMEd project within the department. Along with Majella Dempsey and Ann O’Shea (Department of Mathematics and Statistics) the project is investigating the effects of technologically enhanced formative assessment practices in science and mathematics.