Padraic Fleming, a fourth year SPHeRE scholar based in the Mental Health and Social Research Unit (MHSRU), Maynooth University Department of Psychology, was recently appointed by the Minister of State for Disabilities, Finian McGrath, to the government’s new Task Force on Personalised Budgets. Padraic’s multi-faceted and mixed methods doctoral research focuses on the development and implementation of individualised funding for people with a disability and has been published (and publicised) widely to date. This role offers a unique and exciting opportunity for Padraic’s ongoing research to be directly translated in an effective and timely manner into the policy and decision making process relating to personalised budgets for people with a disability. Padraic’s supervisors are Dr Sinéad McGilloway (NUIM) and Dr Sarah Barry (TCD).
Psychology SPHeRE scholar appointed to new government Disability Task Force
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Psychology SPHeRE scholar appointed to new government Disability Task Force
Thursday, September 29, 2016 - 12:45