Friday, September 28, 2018 - 09:30
The ALL Institute had the pleasure of hosting the UNPRPD (United Nations Partnership for the Rights of People with Disability) last week as part of the annual UNPRPD Knowledge Management programme. Round three projects reach across 18 countries, and the training was also attended by the UNDP secretariat from New York. As well as a lot of hard and very engaged work, participants also had a tour of the historic campus - under the blazing Irish sun - and a close encounter with Ireland’s leading Traditional Group, the McVeigh Family Band.

UNPRPD Workshop Attendees at St. Joseph's Square, Campus Tour, South Campus, Maynooth University

UNPRPD Workshop Attendees at St. Patrick's College Chapel, Campus Tour, South Campus, Maynooth University

Ambassadorial Reception with Entertainment by McVeigh Family Band