The Irish Qualitative Data Archive is pleased to announce that the collection 'Re-Use and Archiving of Complex Community-Based Evaluation Research' is now available to access through the Digital Repository of Ireland. RACCER was a joint initiative of the Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) and the Irish Qualitative Data Archive, and was co-funded by CDI and the Irish Research Council as part of its Research Development Initiative. This collection consists of minutes from board and internal development team meetings, minutes from community of practice meetings, agendas and other administrative documentation from the 2007 - 2009 period. The goal of the RACcER project was to archive the administrative documents associated with CDI within the Irish Qualitative Data Archive and, in the process, to establish best practices in the archiving of qualitative data. This work resulted in the joint publication of Best Practice in Archiving Qualitative Data. The RACcER collection is restricted to bona fide researchers and service design teams embarking on similar projects.