An important component of Academic Integrity is the correct citation and acknowledgement of works used in your research when disseminating your research findings. Accurate citation in keeping with the norms of your discipline and avoiding plagiarism are an essential part of research integrity.
To aid you in this process MU provides access to the Desktop and Online versions of the EndNote Reference Management Tool. Reference Management Tools allow you to import & store references (including the PDF of Articles), generate bibliographies in many different referencing styles, and create in-text citations or footnotes in your papers. You can also annotate PDF’s, keep notes, and engage in collaborations with other researchers which will improve publication visibility and impact.
This talk will bring you through the set-up process and explain the basic functionality of EndNote. At the end of the session, you will be able to set up your own account, populate it with references, sort them into subject groups, and generate bibliographies and in text citations/footnotes from your references.