Student LGBTQ+ Competition
Deadline: 5pm 28th January 2022
From the Margins: Global Perspectives on LGBTQ+ Experiences
This competition is very kindly sponsored and supported by the Maynooth University Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, Interculturalism (EDI) Project Fund
From the Margins is an initiative that seeks to illuminate the experience of people who are LGBTQ+ from a global perspective. Launched at a symposium and workshop that took place in April 2020, it focusses on experiences of gender identity and expression that lean against social and cultural expectations. It seeks to identify strategies to improve understanding and combat marginalisation, having regard to cultural diversity and intersectional factors such as ethnicity, religion, and disability.
As part of this initiative, this student showcase invites MU students to submit for upload to an event website
(a) an original short article, letter, poem, or creative writing extract, of no more than 1,000 words (it can be shorter than this) or
(b) an original audio recording of no more than 10 minutes or
(c) or an image of an original artwork*
reflecting on conditions for people who are LGBTQ+ (or any sub-group therein) in any part of the world. (*Please contact the organisers in advance to discuss the nature of the planned artwork and the manner of its presentation.)
You might submit, for instance, a short article about conditions for LGBTQ+ persons in a particular place or about restrictions on LGBTQ+ life, expression, or relationships; a letter; an audio recording; a poem or creative piece depicting life for a person or people who is/are LGBTQ+ in a particular place or context; a note about a court case or legislation affirming or denying LGBTQ+ rights; or about similar matters with an international focus.
We welcome submissions in Irish, English, French, Spanish, or Greek (let us know if you wish to submit work in another language, and we will see what we can do).
There are three prizes available: vouchers to the value of €100 each for the top three submissions.
Subject to the discretion of the organisers, all submitted suitable works will be published on a webpage running alongside the Symposium.
Students retain copyright in their work, but by submitting, students should confirm that they give us permission to post the work on our webpage as part of the event. Work can be published anonymously, if the author wishes to remain anonymous, though the author must make known their identity to the organisers if they wish to be eligible for any of the prizes.
Submitted work must be original and all sources must be properly referenced.
The deadline for submission of work is 5pm on 28th January 2022. Work should be submitted to fergus.ryan [at] mu.ie to arrive by the due date.
The judges’ decision shall be final.
For more details on ‘From the Margins’ see:
For more information about MU SexGen, the Maynooth University network for research on genders and sexualities, see https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/sexgen.