ALL Member Dr Nicola Mountford, School of Business, will be leading work package 1 for Horizon 2020 CHAMELEONS project.
The CHAMELEONS project has been granted over €998,000 in funding by the Horizon 2020 programme with the aim of creating a new European model for PhD training that will impact real and meaningful societal change. Under the action, “Championing a Multi-Sectoral Education and Learning Experience to Open New Pathways for Doctoral Students”, this 2 year project aims to design, deliver, and evaluate a range of interdisciplinary, intersectoral and international modules that will broaden PhD graduate skills, improve their employability in both academic and non-academic environments and equip them to solve societal challenges in the area of Connected Health. Work package 1, led by Dr Mountford, will assess existing resources and requirements with a view to identifying the gap.
Ten years from now, jobs will be more knowledge and skills-intensive than ever before. Globalisation and technological advances indicate that there will be changes in sectoral structure and demand for new types of skills – skills that we currently cannot even anticipate. Developing the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations is a key policy objective for the EU. Europe needs excellent PhD/Post-Doctoral Graduates who can work across sectors and disciplines to address our most urgent and complex societal challenges.
CHAMELEONS will offer opportunities for PhD/Post-Doctoral students to further develop their skills, widening their opportunities to create a bespoke education program tailored to their own and to society’s needs. CHAMELEONS will empower its PhD students with fundamental and advanced research and business skills to meet the developing needs of Europe’s 'knowledge-driven' economies.
CHAMELEONS will ensure a long and successful career for the graduate, a return on investment for the educational funders such as governments and EU programmes, and innovative ways of approaching the world’s problems.
CHAMELEONS is underpinned by three guiding principles which will ensure that it delivers on the New Skills, Modernisation, and Open Science Agendas for researchers and scientists in all career stages:
1. It prioritises co-designed, skills-related training, with intersectoral and international actors.
2. It designs for programmatic and practical integration across sectors and geographies.
3. It gathers, incorporates and disseminates intersectoral and international intelligence to all stakeholders throughout the design, delivery, and evaluation processes.
The consortium consists of ten partners from different countries in Europe. The partners from academia and research are: University College Dublin, Ireland; Maynooth University, Ireland; University of Porto, Portugal; Aristotle University, Greece; University of Oulu, Finland. There are also two healthcare providers: Beacon Hospital, Ireland and Irmandade Da Santa Casa Da Misericordia Da Amadora, Portugal; a technical SME: Salumedia Labs, Spain, and two patient organizations: Escuela Andaluz de Salud Pública SA, Spain and the Irish Platform For Patient´s organisations Science and Industry, Ireland.
Learn more about the project here and get the latest news by subscribing to the newsletter through the website.