Horizon Europe Coordination and Support Action (CSA)
Innovative Education for the BioEconomy
Topic: Education on the bioeconomy including bio-based sectors for young people in primary and secondary education in Europe
Dr Máire Nic an Bhaird from the Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education, Maynooth University is leading the university’s central role in the UCD-led €2 million Horizon Europe EdBioEc project. This multi-actor project comprises a pan-European consortium of 15 partners from across education, science and technology and the wider society. Dr Nic an Bhaird has been awarded a budget of ca. ¼ million euro, and will lead an international team specialising in the development of bespoke education programmes to address the science-society nexus. A key focus is on embedding the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into primary and secondary education programmes across Europe, leading to enhanced society-wide understanding of a sustainable future for the next generation. Other partners include An Taisce and the MU Erasmus partners, RUAS and ODISEE universities. This is a great opportunity for Froebel to play a key European leadership role in this rapidly developing area of education.
Specifically, EdBioEc is a 24 month project with the overall aim to develop and deploy an education programme that will enhance understanding and engagement across society regarding ‘circularity’ and the bioeconomy, using five bioeconomy themes - interconnectedness, outdoor learning, forestry, life below water, the food loop. A sustainable network of interconnected European educators and stakeholders committed to promoting the bioeconomy concept through all channels will co-create and co-deliver the programme. EdBioEc will provide the means for better coordination between bio-science and education in schools by developing the Circular Economy Science-Society message with a particular focus on circular lifestyle, circular behaviours, and a governance framework on society-wide engagement in bioeconomy policy. EdBioEc shall take steps to address social issues such; as gender bias, disadvantaged youth groups, migrants and members of society with additional needs.
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