Professor John O Brennan delivered a number of keynote lectures in the latter part of 2022, focusing on Ireland's experience of EU membership.
On 9th November, he delivered an address at Bucharest University, Romania, in an event organised by the Irish Embassy in Romania. Later that day he addressed the Euro Atlantic Resilience Centre at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, on the future of EU Enlargement policy. John also met with colleagues at Bucharest University to discuss new partnership agreements with Maynooth University.

On Monday 21 November John was part of a Maynooth University team which participated in a public roundtable on Irish-German relations within the EU at Marburg University, Germany, in conjunction with the Irish Consulate-General in Frankfurt. The Maynooth team was led by Professor Mark Maguire, Dean of Social Science, and also included Professor Hana Cervinkova of the Department of Anthropology, Dr. Brid Quinn, University of Limerick and Francis Jacobs, former head of the European Parliament office in Ireland.

John also delivered an address on Ireland and Europe on 2 December, at the University in Georgia in Athens, Georgia, in the United States, and participated in a panel at the American Conference for Irish Studies on 3-4 December on the theme of Ireland and borders.
Finally, on Tuesday 13 December, John delivered the keynote lecture at the conference organised by the EU Academy at Dublin City University on the theme 'Ireland and the European Union 1973-2023: from the margins to the centre of Europe?