IQDA is very pleased to announce that a collection of qualitative interviews carried out as part of the Preparing for Life Programme has been deposited in the archive and published in the Digital Repository of Ireland. Preparing for Life (PFL) is a community-led prevention and early intervention programme that is operated by the Northside Partnership (NSP) in Dublin. Ruth Geraghty, Data Curator at the Children’s Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland (and formerly of IQDA) has written an interesting post on the DRI blog, looking at the history of the Preparing for Life collection and the process by which it was compiled. As Ruth notes in her blog, the PFL interviews join our larger collection of qualitative material from research with contemporary Irish children and their families, including qualitative transcripts from the Growing Up in Ireland study (Economic and Social Research Institute and Trinity College Dublin, 2008), and children’s essays about their local area from the New Urban Living Essays collection (Corcoran, Gray and Peillon, 2002-04).