While the growth of managerialism, marketization and performativity has had a considerable and growing influence in education globally, driven by the rise of neoliberal regimes; this presentation explores how its impact is mediated within politics and cultures of different educational contexts and sectors. It performs pedagogical responses which seek to enhance collaborative, transformative and democratic possibilities for the future.
Speaker: Dr Bernie Grummell, Departments of Education and Adult & Community Education, Maynooth University
Bernie Grummell is a Senior Lecturer in the Departments of Education and Adult & Community Education, Maynooth University. Her research explores the landscape of social justice and transformation across different sectors of education and society. Current research projects include working with colleagues to support adult literacy services in the national ETBs to develop greater inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and the Disciplines Inquiring into Societal Challenges (DISCs) project enhancing inclusion in higher education. With Michael Murray, she is currently a co-director of the Centre for Research in Adult Learning and Education in the Department of Adult and Community Education.