Social robots: the ultimate test for AI and robotics

Monday, April 19, 2021 - 14:00 to 16:00
Microsoft TEAMS

Social robots: the ultimate test for AI and robotics

April Assisting Living and Learning (ALL) Institute Virtual Seminar
In association with the Hamilton Institute

Monday, 19th April 2021 2pm –4pm
Keynote Speaker: Professor Tony Belpaeme, Professor at Ghent University and Professor in Robotics and Cognitive Systems at the University of Plymouth. He currently leads a team studying cognitive robotics and human-robot interaction 


While robots have traditionally been used to automate physical labour and have minimal interaction with people, social robots are designed to engage us using the same channels we use when interacting with each other. There is a fair bit of excitement around the potential of social robots, and recent years have seen a number of promising applications, ranging from healthcare, assisted living, customer service to education. However, building an autonomous social robot capable of keeping an interaction going for more than a few minutes is still a formidable challenge. This talk will show experimental results of the efficacy of social robots in therapy and education, and will speculate on how we can move forward with building increasing social autonomy, a challenge which is likely to involve the entire artificial intelligence department.

Registration and seminar link: The Teams link will be shared with registered participants closer to the event.
Please send an RSVP to [email protected] by 12pm, noon Friday, 16th April 2021 to register.