The KTI Impact Awards recognise and showcase the success in knowledge transfer carried out in Irish Higher Education Institutes and in publicly funded research organisations for the wider benefit of the economy and society. Across seven categories this year, the awards recognise top performance in industry engagement and commercialisation of research. They pay tribute to the businesses and research organisations involved in this process of knowledge transfer. The awards also acknowledge and celebrate the technology transfer offices, industry liaison offices and their staff who make this happen.
At the Impact Award evening this year there was also an unexpected presentation "Alison Campbell, Director of KTI, announced the KTI Special Recognition Award which was presented to Lorraine Kane, Office Manager at Maynooth University Commercialisation Office. This acknowledged Lorraine’s consistent high performance across the Maynooth University Technology Transfer Consortium of four HEIs and her contribution and support, nationally, to the development of the Knowledge Transfer system in Ireland.”
The KTI Impact Awards by category are available at