David Swaine

David Swaine is a MAP Student Advisor, working with students on a range of issues; from academic and financial; to personal and social.
Prior to joining Maynooth University, David was a Guidance Officer with the South-West Inner-City Local Employment Centre; where he provided clients with a confidential, individual career path planning, guidance and counselling service on a caseload basis.
David has also worked in Dublin City University as an Education Project Coordinator where he designed, developed and delivered Anti-Bullying programmes. He has also served as Education and Training Manager in Pieta House; where he was responsible for the day-to-day running of the education and training department.
He holds a First Class Honours Degree from St. Patrick’s College Drumcondra (BA English and History); a Higher Diploma in Adult and Further Education from Maynooth University; and an M.Phil. in Irish Writing from Trinity College Dublin.