The Maynooth University School of Business and Maynooth University EDI Office are hosting "Engaging Men and Women Equally - A Masterclass" on Wednesday 9th March 2022 at 1pm.
This event will be of particular value to male leaders given their strong representation at the most senior levels of organisations and their role in advocating for real change, but this masterclass is open to all men and women, at all grades, who have an interest in creating greater diversity and inclusion of talent in their organisation.
Our speaker for this one-hour online event is Peter Cosgrove, Managing Director, Futurewise, a future of work insights company. Peter is on the steering committee of the 30% Club and is Chair of the mental health charity Aware and Chair of Brain Tumour Ireland. He has written two books 'Fun Unplugged' and 'Family Fun Unplugged', books designed to take families off their digital devices.
All are welcome to join this online public lecture. Registration is required at this link