Friday, January 29, 2021 - 15:00
The University was awarded €1 million funding for the replacement of the Library roof and an initial investment in the building plant room under the Higher Education Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation Pathfinder Programme.
This €1 million EEDPP award prioritises an initial phase of works in the Library which will;
- Improve energy efficiency, reduce total primary energy use and carbon emissions.
- Introduce photo-voltaics into the original building elements.
- Advance decarbonisation strategies by replacing end-of-life boiler plant.
- Advance an initial phase of the John Paul II Library Building AHU replacement programme.
- Address poor insulation at roof level, replace the failing roof fabric and mitigate further water ingress and material damage.
This EEDPP proposal forms an important first step in advancing the original Library building towards the BER B2 Building Energy Rating;