Amy Rudd

PhD Chemsitry 2000
BSc Chemistry Double Honours
My first experience of Maynooth was the open day for leaving certificate students. I wasn't really sure what I wanted from the open day but walking around the college campus and a relaxed information session with Prof Slevin from the Experimental Physics Department helped make up my mind that this was the place for me! I particularly liked the fact that you applied for a science degree as opposed to settling in the beginning on what disciplines you would specialise in and that the degree course would give me a good solid foundation in fundamental science rather than being overly applied or industry focused.
My first year subjects were Mathematics, Experimental Physics, Computer Science and Chemistry. For the Leaving Cert I had done the combination subject of Physics with Chemistry and had virtually no laboratory experience so I found the practical sessions quite daunting however the lab demonstrators were all very helpful and I caught up soon enough. Despite originally favouring Physics I developed a fascination with Chemistry and my final subjects were Chemistry and Mathematics.
Along the way I made really good friends and met my future husband! I relished that I got to mix socially with Theology, Finance, Music and Arts students who brought different perspectives. I also loved the campus and the fact that you could go for a nice walk to de-stress imbetween studying. The staff members were also particularly helpful and approachable.
I started my degree with the end goal of becoming a teacher but when I graduated I was fortunate to be offered a post graduate studentship with Prof Carmel Breslin and research lured me in! I really enjoyed my postgraduate days - I found my research subject fascinating and liberating.
Having completed my doctorate in Electrochemistry, I was hired by Intel Ireland and have had the opportunity to work in three distinct areas with them. My science and mathematics background has been an asset throughout, both in terms of direct knowledge but also additional skills such as being able to formulate logical arguments which I first learned while studying mathematics and being able to research and learn new subjects.
I look back to my college days in Maynooth University with great fondness and am happy to recommend the college!