The 22nd Chinese Bridge Competition for University Students in Ireland

Wednesday, April 26, 2023 - 14:30

On 14 April 2023, Daire McCann, a first-year student from Maynooth University, took part in the 22nd Chinese Bridge Competition for University Students in Ireland held in Dublin and won the third prize through two rounds of exciting competitions. Congratulations Daire McCann!
2023年4月14日,来自梅努斯中文系的大一同学Daire McCann参加了在都柏林举办的第22届爱尔兰赛区世界大学生“汉语桥”中文比赛,通过两轮精彩的知识竞赛和才艺比拼,获得了三等奖。Daire McCann虽然学习汉语的时间不长,但是通过这次比赛很好地向观众展现了他的学习成果,也让大家感受到了他对学习汉语的热情和努力。

 L to R: MU Chinese Studies lamnguage tutor Yang Cheng, Daire McCann, MU Chinese Studies language tutor Can Shao