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Adam Winstanley graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computing) and Archaeology. He worked as an archaeologist and cartographer with Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland for several years. He gained an MSc and PhD in Computer Science from Queen's University Belfast in 1987 and 1991 respectively. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at University of Ulster on tools for analysing process-oriented software specifications. He was a lecturer at Queen's University before taking up post at Maynooth in 1995. He was Head of the Department of Computer Science 2007 - 2018.
Research Interests
Genealogical Analysis Software;
Geographic Data Quality Measurement;
Shape Description;
Location based services;
Analysis software for particle physics;
Traveller Information Systems;
Automatic Vehicle Navigation and Control;
Book Chapter
Pouria Amirian, Anahid Basiri, Guillaume Gales, Adam Winstanley and John McDonald (2015) 'The Next Generation of Navigational Services using OSM data: the Integration of Augmented Reality and Graph Databases' In: OpenStreetMap in GIScience: experiences, research, and applications. : Springer.
Anahid Basiri, Pouria Amirian, Adam Winstanley, Terry Moore, Chris Hill (2014) 'Spatial Uncertainty Management in Pedestrian Navigation' In: Principle and Application Progress in Location-Based Services, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. : Springer.
Jacob R, Mooney P, Winstanley AC (2012) 'What’s up that street? Exploring streets using a Haptic GeoWand' In: Gartner G, Ortag F(Eds.). Advances In Location-Based Services, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer-Verlag : Belin.
Ying F, Mooney P, Corcoran P, Winstanley AC (2012) 'Dynamic Visualization of Geospatial Data on Small Screen Mobile Devices, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography' In: Gartner G, Ortag F(Eds.). Advances in Location-Based Services. Berlin : Springer Verlag.
R. Jacob, B. Shalaik, A.C. Winstanley, P. Mooney (2011) 'Haptic feedback for passengers using public transport' In: DIGITAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. : Communications in Computer and Information Science. [Full-Text]
Mooney, Peter and Winstanley, Adam (2009) 'Representations of Environmental Data in Web-Based GIS' In: Mount, NJ, Harvey, GL, Aplin, P and Priestnall, G(Eds.). Representing, Modeling and Visualizing the Natural Environment:, Innovations in GIS 13. : CRC Press. [Full-Text]
Winstanley, AC (2009) 'Cartography: Spatial Databases' In: Kitchin R, Thrift N(Eds.). International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography. Oxford : Elsevier. [Full-Text]
Corcoran, P. and A.C. Winstanley (2008) 'Using Texture to tackle the problem of Scale in Land-Cover Classification' In: Blaschke, T., G. Hay and S. Lang(Eds.). Object-based image analysis spatial concepts for knowledge-driven remote sensing applications - Springer Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. : Springer. [Full-Text]
Corcoran, P. and Winstanley, A.C. (2007) 'Using texture to tackle the problem of scale in land-cover classification' In: Object-based image analysis – spatial concepts for knowledge-driven remote sensing applications. Springer Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. : Springer. [Full-Text]
Winstanley, A. C., Lewis, P, and O’Brien, M. (2005) 'Web Tools for Accessing Irish Census Data' In: Billen, R., Drummond, J., Forest, D. and Jaoa E(Eds.). Proceedings of GIS Research UK, University of Glasgow.
Winstanley, A. C., O’Sullivan, A., Keyes, L (2005) 'An Extended System for Labelling Graphical Documents Using Statistical Language Models' In: Wenyin L. and Llados, J(Eds.). Proceedings of IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2005), City University, Hong Kong. [Full-Text]
Winstanley, A. C. and Corcoran (2005) 'Large Robust Texture Separability within Aerial Photography' In: Billen, R., Drummond, J., Forest, D. and Jaoa E(Eds.). Proceedings of GIS Research UK, University of Glasgow.
Winstanley, A. C., Mooney, P., McDonagh, C., and O’Hare, G. (2005) 'Data Quality Issues in Environmental Research Data Management' In: Billen, R., Drummond, J., Forest, D. and Jaoa E(Eds.). Proceedings of GIS Research UK, University of Glasgow.
Winstanley, A. C. and Corcoran, P (2005) 'A Novel Approach to the evaluation of Gabor and Wavelet Texture Features for the Segmentation of Aerial Scenes' In: Amira, A., Bouridane, A. and Kurugollu, F(Eds.). IMVIP 2005 Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, Queen's University Belfast.
Mooney P.; Winstanley A. (2003) 'Mapping and Internet Based Public Transportation Journey Planning and Information Systems' In: Maps and the Internet. [DOI]
Mooney, P. and Winstanley, AC (2003) 'Transit Information Systems on the Internet' In: Maps and the Internet.
A.C.Winstanley, S.P.Loughlin and F.J.Smith (1998) 'The Intelligent Selection of Materials from a Design Specification' In: Thermodynamic Modelling and Materials Data Engineering.
D.W. Bustard, A.C. Winstanley et al (1989) 'Graphical Views of Process orientated Specifications' In: Formal Description Techniques, K.J. Turner (ed).
Edited Book
Winstanley, AC (Ed.). (2009) CIICT 2009, Proceedings of the China-Ireland Information and Communication Technology Conference. Maynooth: NUI Maynooth,
A.C. Winstanley (Ed.). (2007) GISRUK 2007, Proceedings of the Geographical Information Science Research UK Conference. Maynooth: NUI Maynooth,
A.C. Winstanley (Ed.). (2001) IMVIP 2001, Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference. Maynooth: NUI Maynooth,
Peer Reviewed Journal
Basiri, A; Amirian, P; Winstanley, A; Marsh, S; Moore, T; Gales, G (2016) 'Seamless Pedestrian Positioning and Navigation Using Landmarks'. Journal of Navigation, 69 :24-40. [DOI][Full-Text]
Keyes L.; Winstanley A. (2001) 'Using moment invariants for classifying shapes on large-scale maps'. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 25 (1):119-130. [DOI][Full-Text]
Basiri A.; Amirian P.; Winstanley A. (2014) 'The use of quick response (QR) codes in landmark-based pedestrian navigation'. International Journal of Navigation and Observation, 2014 . [DOI][Full-Text]
Jacob, R; Winstanley, A; Togher, N; Roche, R; Mooney, P (2012) 'Pedestrian navigation using the sense of touch'. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 36 :513-525. [DOI][Full-Text]
Shalaik B, Jacob R, Winstanley AC (2012) 'Modeling Passenger-Flow in Real-Time Bus Tracking System'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODELING AND OPTIMISATION, 2 :432-435. [DOI][Full-Text]
Jacob R, Mooney P, Shalaik B, Winstanley A (2012) 'Haptic Transit: Tactile feedback to notify public transport users'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL INFORMATION AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATION, 1 :238-252. [Full-Text]
Shalaik B, Jacob R, Mooney P, Winstanley A (2012) 'Using haptics as an alternative to visual map interfaces for public transport information systems'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATION, 7 :1280-1292. [Full-Text]
Corcoran, P; Winstanley, A; Mooney, P; Middleton, R (2011) 'Background Foreground Segmentation for SLAM'. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 12 :1177-1183. [DOI][Full-Text]
Lewis, P; Fotheringham, S; Winstanley, A (2011) 'Spatial video and GIS'. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25 :697-716. [DOI][Full-Text]
Corcoran, P; Winstanley, A; Mooney, P (2011) 'Complementary texture and intensity gradient estimation and fusion for watershed segmentation'. Machine Vision and Applications, 22 :1027-1045. [DOI][Full-Text]
Corcoran, P; Mooney, P; Winstanley, A (2011) 'Planar and non-planar topologically consistent vector map simplification'. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25 :1659-1680. [DOI][Full-Text]
Corcoran, P; Winstanley, A; Mooney, P (2010) 'Segmentation performance evaluation for object-based remotely sensed image analysis'. International Journal for Remote Sensing, 31 :617-645. [DOI][Full-Text]
Corcoran P.; Winstanley A.; Mooney P.; Tilton J. (2009) 'Self-intersecting polygons resulting from contour evolution for shape similarity'. International Journal of Shape Modeling, 15 (1-2):93-109. [DOI][Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (ed) (2008) 'Selected papers from GISRUK 2007'. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 32 :47-328.
Liang, JN; Yang, S; Winstanley, A (2008) 'Invariant optimal feature selection: A distance discriminant and feature ranking based solution'. Pattern Recognition, 41 :1429-1439. [DOI][Full-Text]
Valveny, E; Dosch, P; Winstanley, A; Zhou, Y; Yang, S; Yan, L; Wenyin, L; Elliman, D; Delalandre, M; Trupin, E; Adam, S; Ogier, JM (2007) 'A general framework for the evaluation of symbol recognition methods'. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 9 :59-74. [DOI][Full-Text]
Mooney, P; Winstanley, A (2006) 'An evolutionary algorithm for multicriteria path optimization problems'. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 20 :401-423. [DOI][Full-Text]
Winstanley, A. C.,Keyes, L., O'Sullivan, A.
(2004) 'Statistical Language Models for Graphical Object Recognition'. ITB JOURNAL, 10 :25-36. [DOI][Full-Text]
Winstanley, A.C., Keyes, L. (2000) 'Applying Computer Vision Techniques to Topographic Objects'. THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES, 33 :480-487. [DOI][Full-Text]
Bustard, D.W., Winstanley, A.C. (1994) 'Making Changes to Formal Specifications: Requirements and an Example'. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 20 :562-568. [DOI][Full-Text]
Bustard, D.W., Norris, M.T., Orr, R.A., Winstanley, A.C. (1992) 'An Exercise in Formalising the Description of a Concurrent System'. 22 :1069-1098. [DOI][Full-Text]
Winstanley, A.C., Bustard, D.W. (1991) 'EXPOSE: an Animation Tool for Process-Oriented Specifications'. Software Engineering Journal, 6 :463-475. [DOI][Full-Text]
Other Journal
Costelloe, D., Mooney, P. and Winstanley, AC (2001) 'When Is The Next Bus?'The Irish Scientist 2001 Year Book, 2001 . [Full-Text]
Mooney P.; Winstanley A. (2001) 'Internet-based transport maps. Cognitive issues for human readers'GIM International, 15 (8) :13-15.
A.C. Winstanley, and L. Keyes (1999) 'The Shape on the Map'The Irish Scientist 1999 Yearbook, 1999 . [Full-Text]
A.C. Winstanley, N. Gilchrist and M. Frain (1997) 'Reading Maps Automatically'The Irish Scientist 1997 Year Book, 1997 . [Full-Text]
A.C. Winstanley (1994) 'Updating Complex Digital Topographic Databases, An object-oriented solution'The Updating of Complex Digital Topographic Databases, OEEPE Commission 1 :1-19.
Conference Publication
Amirian, P; Basiri, A; Winstanley, A (2014) COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS - ICCSA 2014, PT V Evaluation of Data Management Systems for Geospatial Big Data[Full-Text]
Amirian P, Winstanley A, Basiri A (2013) GISRUK 2013: Proceedings of the Geographical Information Science Research UK conference NoSQL storage and management of geospatial data with emphasis on serving geospatial data using standard geospatial web services[Full-Text]
Amirian P.; Basiri A.; Winstanley A. (2014) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Evaluation of data management systems for geospatial big data[DOI][Full-Text]
Basiri A.; Amirian P.; Winstanley A. (2014) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Use of graph databases in tourist navigation application[DOI][Full-Text]
Amirian, P; Basiri, A; Winstanley, A (2013) 2013 FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING FOR GEOSPATIAL RESEARCH AND APPLICATION (COM.GEO) Effiecint Online Sharing of Geospatial Big Data Using NoSQL XML Databases[DOI]
Zheng J.; Zhang Z.; Ciepluch B.; Winstanley A.; Mooney P.; Jacob R. (2013) International Conference on Geoinformatics A PostGIS-based pedestrian way finding module using OpenStreetMap data[DOI][Full-Text]
Ricky Jacob, Sean Smithers, Adam C. Winstanley (2012) Irish Signals and Systems Conference 2012, Maynooth, 28-29th June 2012 Performance evaluation of storing and querying spatial data on mobile devices for offline location based services, Irish Signals and Systems[Full-Text]
Basiri A.; Amirian P.; Winstanley A.; Kuntzsch C.; Sester M. (2012) Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Querying and Mining Uncertain Spatio-Temporal Data, QUeST 2012 Uncertainty handling in navigation services using rough and fuzzy set theory[DOI][Full-Text]
Corcoran P.; Mooney P.; Bertolotto M.; Winstanley A. (2011) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) View- and scale-based progressive transmission of vector data[DOI][Full-Text]
Jacob R.; Mooney P.; Winstanley A. (2011) MLBS'11 - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobile Location-Based Service Guided by touch: Tactile pedestrian navigation[DOI][Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2011) Assessing the quality of open spatial data for mobile Location-Based Services research and applications Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (7th MMT 2011), Cracow, Poland June 13-16, 2011 Assessing the quality of open spatial data for mobile Location-Based Services[Full-Text]
Ying, F., Mooney P, Corcoran P, Winstanley AC (2011) Selective progressive Transmission of vector data, In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on GeoComputation, UCL, London, England 20-22 July 2011 Selective Progressive Transmission of Vector Data[Full-Text]
Padraig Corcoran, Peter Mooney, Adam Winstanley (2011) Convexity Grouping of Salient Contours, Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition (8th IAPR - TC-15 Workshop), (Full Paper - Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Munster, Germany, May 18-20, 2011 Convexity Grouping of Salient Contours[Full-Text]
Jacob, R; Shalaik, B; Winstanley, AC; Mooney, P (2011) DIGITAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PT I Haptic Feedback for Passengers Using Public Transport[Full-Text]
Jacob R.; Shalaik B.; Winstanley A.; Mooney P. (2011) Communications in Computer and Information Science Haptic feedback for passengers using public transport[DOI][Full-Text]
Shalaik B, Jacob R, Winstanley AC (2011) TransitDroid: Delivering real-time bus tracking information on mobile devices In Proceedings of GEOINFORMATIK 2011 – GEOCHANGE, Munster, Germany 15-17 June 2011, pp.185-191 TransitDroid: Delivering real-time bus tracking information on mobile devices
Jacob R, Shalaik B, Mooney P, Winstanley AC (2011) Haptic feedback for passengers using public transport, Proceedings of International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP 2011), Universite de Bourgogne, France, 21-23 June, 2011 Haptic feedback for passengers using public Haptic feedback for passengers using public transport, Proceedings of International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications[Full-Text]
Shalaik, B; Winstanley, A (2011) FUTURE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PT II Delivering Real-Time Bus Tracking Information on Mobile Devices
Shalaik, B. and Jacob, R. and Winstanley, AC (2011) Point-to-query Public Transport Information. Conference Proceedings, LBS2011 Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 21-23 November 2011 Point-to-query Public Transport Information
Corcoran, P; Mooney, P; Bertolotto, M; Winstanley, A (2011) COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS - ICCSA 2011, PT II View- and Scale-Based Progressive Transmission of Vector Data[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2011) A flexible model for haptic-assisted pedestrian navigation mobile applications, In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on GeoComputation, UCL, London, England 20-22 July 2011 A flexible model for haptic-assisted pedestrian navigation mobile applications[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2011) Modeling PassengerFlow in a Real-Time Bus Tracking System, Proceedings of IEEE Third International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, January 2011 Modeling PassengerFlow in a Real-Time Bus Tracking System[Full-Text]
Shalaik B.; Winstanley A. (2011) Communications in Computer and Information Science Delivering real-time bus tracking information on mobile devices[DOI]
Jacob R, Mooney P, Corcoran P, Winstanley AC (2011) Integrating Haptic Feedback to Pedestrian Navigation Applications, Proceedings of GISRUK 2011 Integrating Haptic Feedback to Pedestrian Navigation Applications[Full-Text]
Corcoran P.; Mooney P.; Winstanley A. (2011) BMVC 2011 - Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2011 A convexity measure for open and closed contours[DOI][Full-Text]
B. Shalaik, R. Jacob, and A.C. Winstanley (2011) Smart mobile devices for extracting real-time transit information, Location-Based Services & Telecartography, Vienna, Austria, 21-23 November, pp 15-21 (2011) Smart mobile devices for extracting real-time transit information, Location-Based Services & Telecartography, Vienna, Austria
Jacob R, Mooney P, Winstanley AC (2011) Guided by touch: Tactile pedestrian navigation, Proceedings of 1st Mobile Location Services (MLBS) Workshop in conjunction with the 13th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2011) 17-21 September, China 2011 Tactile Pedestrian Navigation[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2011) In Proceedings GISRUK 2011 Conference, Portsmouth, UK [0,0,0] Effective Vector Data Transmission and Visualization Using HTML5[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2011) View- and Scale-Based Progressive Transmission of Vector Data. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. (Full Paper, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science) Santander June 2011 View- and Scale-Based Progressive Transmission of Vector Data[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2011) Hide and Tweet: A game to teach schoolchildren about spatial technologies, International Conference on Engaging Pedagogies (ICEP, 2011), Dublin, Ireland Hide and Tweet: A game to teach schoolchildren about spatial technologies, International Conference on Engaging Pedagogies[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) A Model for Progressive Transmission of Spatial Data based on Shape Complexity, 18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2010), San Jose, 2-5 November 2010 A Model for Progressive Transmission of Spatial Data based on Shape Complexity[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) Topological Consistent Generalization of OpenStreetMap, GISRUK 2010 Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference, London, p353-358, 14-16th April 2010 Topological Consistent Generalization of OpenStreetMap[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) How little is enough? Evaluation of user satisfaction with maps generated by a progressive transmission scheme for geospatial data, 14th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Utrecht, Netherlands, April 18th-21st 2011 How little is enough?[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) State of the Map 2010: 4th Annual International OpenStreetMap Conference, Girona, 9th – 11th July 2010 Design, setup, and management of a local spatial data server using OpenStreetMap as the principal mapping platform[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) Open for Research: A case-study of using Open Source software in a GIS research group, Open Source GIS 2010, Nottingham, June 2010 Open for Research: A case-study of using Open Source software in a GIS research group
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) Introducing OpenStreetMap to the Irish GIS Community', Proceedings of GIS Ireland 2010, Dublin, Ireland October 14th 2010 Introducing OpenStreetMap to the Irish GIS Community
Mooney P.; Corcoran P.; Winstanley A. (2010) GIS: Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems Towards quality metrics for OpenStreetMap[DOI][Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) Convexity Based Perceptual Organization, International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP) 2010, Limerick, 8th-10th September 2010 Convexity Based Perceptual Organization
Ciepluch, B. Mooney, P., Corcoran, P. Jacob, R and Winstanley, A.C (2010) State of the Map 2010: 4th Annual International OpenStreetMap Conference, Girona, 9th 11th July 2010 Design, setup, and management of a local spatial data server using Open Street Map[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) Polygon Processing with OpenStreetMap XML Data, GISRUK 2010 Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference, London, p149-154, 14-16th April 2010 Polygon Processing with OpenStreetMap[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) Development of a server to manage a customised local version of OpenStreetMap in Ireland, GISRUK 2010 Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference, London, p143-148, 14-16th April 2010 Development of a server to manage a customised local version of OpenStreetMap in Ireland[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) Preliminary Results of a Spatial Analysis of Dublin Citys Bike Rental Scheme, GISRUK 2010 Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference, London, p325-330, 14-16th April 2010 Preliminary Results of a Spatial Analysis of Dublin Citys Bike Rental Scheme[Full-Text]
Zheng J.; Chen X.; Ciepłuch B.; Winstanley A.; Mooney P.; Jacob R. (2010) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives Mobile routing services for small towns using cloudmade api and openstreetmap[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) “PostGIS-based Pedestrian Wayfinding Module Suitable for LBS using OSMap Data”, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, LBS 2010, Guangzhou, China PostGIS-based Pedestrian Wayfinding Module Suitable for LBS
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) Integrating Real-time Bus Tracking with Pedestrian Navigation in a Journey Planning System, GISRUK 2010 Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference, London, p505-510, 14-16th April 2010 Integrating Real-time Bus Tracking with Pedestrian Navigation in a Journey Planning System[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) Handling Positional Uncertainty in Real-Time Bus Tracking System, Geoinformatik 2010, Kiel, p37-43, March 2010 Handling Positional Uncertainty in Real-Time Bus Tracking System
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) Mobile Routing Services for Small Towns using CloudMade API and OpenStreetMap, SDH 2010: 14th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Hong Kong, 26-28 May 2010, International Archives Of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing And Spatial Information Sciences, v38, pt2, p337-343 Mobile Routing Services for Small Towns using CloudMade API and OpenStreetMap[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) A comparison of the accuracy of OpenStreetMap for Ireland with Google Maps and Bing Maps, Accuracy 2010: Ninth International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, pp. 337-340, Leicester, July 2010 A comparison of the accuracy of Open Street Map for Ireland with Google Maps and Bing Maps[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2010) Haptic-GIS: Exploring the possibilities, 18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2010), San Jose, 2-5 November 2010 Haptic-GIS: Exploring the possibilities[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2009) Wiimote as a Navigation tool for Pedestrians, Proceedings of the 4th China-Ireland Information and Communications Technologies Conference, 2009, NUI Maynooth, Ireland. pp. 23-24 Wiimote as a Navigation tool for Pedestrians[Full-Text]
Zheng, JH; Winstanley, A; Pan, Z; Coveney, S (2009) THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA AND UBIQUITOUS ENGINEERING (MUE 2009) Spatial Characteristics of Walking Areas for Pedestrian Navigation[DOI][Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2009) Campus guidance system for international conferences based on OpenStreetMap in W2GIS 2009: Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on web and Wireless GIS , Maynooth, Ireland, Berlin:Springer, pp187-198 Campus guidance system for international conferences based on OpenStreetMap[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2009) Towards Integrating Spatial Video in an LBS Context, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on LBS&Telecartography, Nottingham, 2009 Towards Integrating Spatial Video in an LBS Context
Jacob R.; Zheng J.; Ciepłuch B.; Mooney P.; Winstanley A. (2009) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Campus guidance system for international conferences based on OpenStreetMap[DOI][Full-Text]
Zheng, J., C, Blazej, Mooney, P., Winstanley, A. (2009) Proceedings of CIICT2009 Location Based Services of University Town Based on OpenStreetMap: NUI Maynooth as an example[Full-Text]
Zheng, J., Winstanley, A., Pan, Z., Coveney, S. (2009) Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering 2009, IEEE Computer Society Spatial characteristics of walking areas for pedestrian navigation[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2009) Role of spatial video in GIS, Geocomputation 2009, Sydney, 30th Nov 2nd Dec, 2009. In Lees, B.G. & Laffan, S.W. (eds), 10th International Conference on GeoComputation, UNSW, Sydney, November-December, 2009 Role of spatial video in GIS, Geocomputation[Full-Text]
Jacob, R; Zheng, JH; Ciepluch, B; Mooney, P; Winstanley, AC (2009) WEB AND WIRELESS GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS Campus Guidance System for International Conferences Based on OpenStreetMap[Full-Text]
Blazej, C., Mooney, P., Jacob, R. and Winstanley, A. C. (2009) SIGSPATIAL Special (3,1) Using OpenStreetMap to deliver location-based environmental information[Full-Text]
Jacob R, Zheng J, Ciepluch B, Mooney P, Winstanley AC (2009) W2GIS Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on web and Wirelass Geographic Information Systems Campus guidance system for international conferences based on OpenStreetMap[Full-Text]
Hosey, N., Bergin, S., O'Donoghue, D.P. (2009) 2009 China-Ireland Intentional Conference on Information and Communications Technologies Q-Learning for Cognitive Radios[Full-Text]
Jacob, Ricky, Jianghua Zheng, Adam C. Winstanley, Blazej Ciepluch, Peter Mooney (2009) 10th International Conference on GeoComputation A Multi-lingual pedestrian navigation and campus guidance system using CloudMade API[Full-Text]
Pan Z.; Yan L.; Winstanley A.; Fotheringham A.; Zheng J. (2009) 2009 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2009 A pedestrian navigation system using navigation sentence based on XML[DOI][Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2009) EXPOSE: an Animation Tool for Process-Oriented Specifications, Software Engineering Journal, 6 (6), 463-475, November 1991. [IF: 1.612 (2009)] EXPOSE[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2009) Visualizing Public Transport Quality of Service. GISRUK 2009 Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 17th Annual Conference, Durham, p325-330, 14-16th April 2009 Visualizing Public Transport Quality of Service[Full-Text]
Pan Z.; Yan L.; Winstanley A.; Fotheringham A.; Zheng J. (2009) 3rd International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, MUE 2009 A 2-D ESPO algorithm and its application in pedestrian path planning considering human behavior[DOI][Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2009) A Multi-lingual pedestrian navigation and campus guidance system using CloudMade API, In Lees, B.G. & Laffan, S.W. (eds), 10th International Conference on GeoComputation, UNSW, Sydney, November-December, 2009. A Multi-lingual pedestrian navigation and campus guidance system using CloudMade[Full-Text]
Lewis, Paul, Stewart Fotheringham & Adam Winstanley (2009) 10th International Conference on GeoComputation Role of spatial video in GIS[Full-Text]
Zheng J.; Winstanley A.; Pan Z.; Coveney S. (2009) 3rd International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, MUE 2009 Spatial characteristics of walking areas for pedestrian navigation[DOI][Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2009) Open Environmental Informatics Proceedings of 9th International Symposium, W2GIS 2009: Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on web and Wireless GIS, Maynooth, Ireland Open Environmental Informatics Proceedings of 9th International Symposium
Zheng J.; Winstanley A.; Yan L.; Fotheringham A. (2008) Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing Symposia/Workshops, GPC 2008 Economical LBS for public transport: Real-time monitoring and dynamic scheduling service[DOI][Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2008) A conceptual model of spatial video moving objects using viewpoint data structures, International Workshop on Moving Objects from natural to formal language, at GIScience 2008, Park City, 23rd September 2008 A conceptual model of spatial video moving objects using viewpoint data structures[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2008) Approximation of Image Object Space as a Geographic Extent, Remote Sensing & GIS laboratory, Peking University, December 2008 Approximation of Image Object Space as a Geographic Extent, Remote Sensing & GIS laboratory
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2008) Enhancing Location Based Services with Spatial Video, Transport Research Arena Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 2008 Enhancing Location Based Services with Spatial Video
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2007) Paul Lewis, Adam Winstanley & Tim McCarthy Synchronised Encoding of GPS NMEA Messages onto High Definition Video Streams[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2007) Segmentation Evaluation for Object Based Remotely Sensed Image Analysis, Geographical Information Science Research UK Conference, Maynooth, 11th-13th April 2007 Segmentation Evaluation for Object Based Remotely Sensed Image Analysis[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2007) Power Consumption in a New Light Rail Vehicle, Railway Engineering, Westminster, 12th June 2007 Power Consumption in a New Light Rail Vehicle
Corcoran P.; Winstanley A. (2007) VISAPP 2007 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Proceedings Removing the texture feature response to object boundaries[Full-Text]
Lewis, P; Winstanley, A; McCarthy, T (2007) IMVIP 2007: INTERNATIONAL MACHINE VISION AND IMAGE PROCESSING CONFERENCE, PROCEEDINGS Synchronised encoding of GPS NMEA messages onto high definition video streams[Full-Text]
Corcoran, P. and Winstanley, AC (2007) PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH UK CONFERENCE Segmentation Evaluation for Object Based Remotely Sensed Image Analysis[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2007) Watershed segmentation using a multi-scale ramp edge gradient operator, International Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing, Maynooth, September 2007 Watershed segmentation using a multi-scale ramp edge gradient operator[Full-Text]
Lewis P.; Winstanley A.; McCarthy T. (2007) International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, IMVIP 2007 Synchronised encoding of GPS NMEA messages onto high definition video streams[DOI][Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2007) Removing the texture feature response to object boundaries, International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Barcelona, 363-368, 8 - 11 March, 2007 Removing the texture feature response to object boundaries[Full-Text]
Corcoran, P; Winstanley, A (2007) IMVIP 2007: INTERNATIONAL MACHINE VISION AND IMAGE PROCESSING CONFERENCE, PROCEEDINGS Watershed segmentation using a multiscale ramp edge merging strategy[Full-Text]
Corcoran, P. and Winstanley, AC (2007) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION THEORY AND APPLICATONS Removing the texture feature response to object boundaries[Full-Text]
Mooney P.; Winstanley A. (2007) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Evaluating interfaces to publicly available environmental information[Full-Text]
Mooney, P; Winstanley, AC (2007) Human Interface and the Management of Information: Methods, Techniques and Tools in Information Design, Pt 1, Proceedings Evaluating interfaces to publicly available environmental information[Full-Text]
Corcoran, P. and Winstanley, AC (2007) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE VISION AND IMAGE PROCESSING Watershed segmentation using a multi-scale ramp edge gradient operator[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2007) Software Algorithm for decoding GPS from spatially encoded video, GeoComputation 2007, Maynooth, September 2007 Software Algorithm for decoding GPS from spatially encoded video[Full-Text]
O'Sullivan A.; Keyes L.; Winstanley A. (2006) Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, IPCV'06 Developing corpora for Statistical Graphical Language Models[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2006) The Spatial Scale of Urban Areas, Geographic Information Science Research UK (GISRUK 2006), Nottingham, 162-5, April 2006 The Spatial Scale of Urban Areas
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2006) Feature selection based on run covering, 2006 IEEE Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT'06), November, 2006 Feature Selection Based on Run Covering[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2006) Feature ranking with a relation based metric 10th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2006), Singapore, April, 2006 Feature ranking with a relation based metric
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2006) Using texture to tackle the problem of scale in land-cover classification, 1st International Conference on Object-based Image Analysis (OBIA 2006), Salzburg University, Austria, July 4-5, 2006 Using texture to tackle the problem of scale in land-cover classification[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2006) Developing Corpora for Statistical Graphical Language Models, International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV'06), Las Vegas, June 26-29, 2006 Developing Corpora for Statistical Graphical Language Models[Full-Text]
Yang S.; Liang J.; Wang Y.; Winstanley A. (2006) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Feature selection based on run covering[DOI][Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2006) Mooney, P., Winstanley, A.C., and McDonagh, C Processing Large Environmental Datasets With SAS – Writing Robust and Dynamic Macro Code[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2006) A Novel Approach to the evaluation of Gabor and Wavelet Texture Features for the Segmentation of Aerial Scenes, IMVIP 2005 Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, 79-86, Belfast, September 2005 A Novel Approach to the evaluation of Gabor and Wavelet Texture Features for the Segmentation of Aerial Scenes
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2006) Preparing for the Challenges, Geographic Information Science Research UK (GISRUK 2006), Nottingham, 10-13, April 2006 Data Interoperability
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2006) Mapping Psychiatric Address Data, Geographic Information Science Research UK (GISRUK 2006), 131-5, Nottingham, April 2006 Mapping Psychiatric Address Data
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2006) On the Importance of Directional Information When Performing Texture Based Unsupervised Land-Cover Classification in Urban Areas, Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP 2006), 128-135, Dublin City University, Dublin, August 2006 On the Importance of Directional Information When Performing Texture Based Unsupervised Land-Cover Classification in Urban Areas
O'Sullivan, A; Keyes, L; Winstanley, A (2006) GRAPHICS RECOGNITION An extended system for labeling graphical documents using statistical language models[Full-Text]
O'Sullivan A.; Keyes L.; Winstanley A. (2006) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) An extended system for labeling graphical documents using statistical language models[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2005) Large Robust Texture Separability within Aerial Photography, Geographic Information Science Research UK (GISRUK 2005), Glasgow, 93-98, April 2005 Large Robust Texture Separability within Aerial Photography
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2005) Data Quality Issues in Environmental Research Data Management, Geographic Information Science Research UK (GISRUK 2005), Glasgow, 104-109, April 2005 Data Quality Issues in Environmental Research Data Management
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2005) An Extended System for Labeling Graphical Documents Using Statistical Language Models, Proceedings of IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2005), 77-86, Hong Kong, August 2005 An Extended System for Labeling Graphical Documents Using Statistical Language Models[Full-Text]
Keyes L.; O'Sullivan A.; Winstanley A. (2005) Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR Graphical object recognition using statistical language models[DOI][Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2005) Web Tools for Accessing Irish Census Data, Geographic Information Science Research UK (GISRUK 2005), Glasgow, 194-202, April 2005 Web Tools for Accessing Irish Census Data
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2004) Topographic Object Recognition Using Stochastic Tagging, Geographic Information Science Research UK (GISRUK 2004), 131-134, Norwich, April 2004 Topographic Object Recognition Using Stochastic Tagging
Keyes, L; Winstanley, A (2004) GRAPHICS RECOGNITION: RECENT ADVANCES AND PERSPECTIVES Shape description for automatically structuring graphical data[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2004) Texture Based Classification of Topographic Objects, Geographic Information Science Research UK (GISRUK 2004), 126-130, Norwich, April 2004 Texture Based Classification of Topographic Objects[Full-Text]
O'Donoghue D.; Winstanley A.; Mulhare L.; Keyes L. (2003) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) Applications of Cartographic Structure Matching[Full-Text]
O'Donoghue, D., A. Winstanley, L. Mulhare, L. Keyes (2003) Applications of Cartographic Structure Matching, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’03), Vol. VI: 3730 – 3732, July 2003 Applications of Cartographic Structure Matching[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2003) Comparing Learning Strategies for Topographic Object Classification, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’03), Vol. VI: 3468 – 3470, July 2003 Comparing Learning Strategies for Topographic Object Classification[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2003) Investigating Fuzzy Path Problems, GIS Research UK, 143-7, London, April 2003 Investigating Fuzzy Path Problems
Winstanley A.; Salaik B.; Keyes L. (2003) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) Statistical Language Models for Topographic Data Recognition[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2003) Shape Description for Automatically Structuring Graphical Data, 5th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2003), 318-328, Barcelona, July 2003 Shape Description for Automatically Structuring Graphical Data[Full-Text]
O'Donoghue, D; Winstanley, A; Mulhare, L; Keyes, L (2003) IGARSS 2003: IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM, VOLS I - VII, PROCEEDINGS Applications of cartographic structure matching[Full-Text]
Winstanley, A; Salaik, B; Keyes, L (2003) IGARSS 2003: IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM, VOLS I - VII, PROCEEDINGS Statistical language models for topographic data recognition[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2003) The JPathFinder Multicriteria path planning toolkit, 6th AGILE conference on Geographic Information Science, 283-291, Lyon, April 2003 The JPathFinder Multicriteria path planning toolkit[Full-Text]
Keyes L.; Winstanley A.; Healy P. (2003) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) Comparing Learning Strategies for Topographic Object Classification[Full-Text]
Keyes, L; Winstanley, A; Healy, P (2003) IGARSS 2003: IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM, VOLS I - VII, PROCEEDINGS Comparing learning strategies for topographic object classification[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2003) Statistical Language Models For Topographic Data Recognition, GIS Research UK, 234-8, London, April 2003 Statistical Language Models For Topographic Data Recognition[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2003) Statistical Language Models For Topographic Data Recognition, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’03), Vol III: 1808 – 1810, July 2003 Statistical Language Models For Topographic Data Recognition[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2002) Automatically Structuring Archaeological Features on Topographic Maps. GIS Research UK, 191-4, Sheffield, April 2002. Best paper award winner Automatically Structuring Archaeological Features on Topographic Maps
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2002) Context-based Classification of Objects in Cartographic Data. 195-198, GIS Research UK, Sheffield, April 2002 Context-based Classification of Objects in Cartographic Data[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2002) Multi-objective Path Optimisation in Dynamic Environments. GIScience 2002, Boulder, September 2002 Multi-objective Path Optimisation in Dynamic Environments
Costelloe D., Mooney P., Winstanley AC (2002) An Evolutionary Spatial Decision Support System. GIS Research UK, 91-94, Sheffield, April 2002 An Evolutionary Spatial Decision Support System
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2002) Shortest Path Computation: A Comparative Analysis. 88-90, GIS Research UK, Sheffield, April 2002 Shortest Path Computation[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2001) Representing Public Transport Networks as Dynamic Graphs, GIS Research UK, 110-113, Glamorgan, April 2001 Representing Public Transport Networks as Dynamic Graphs
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2001) Topographic Object Recognition Through Shape, GIS Research UK, 383-387, Glamorgan, April 2001 Topographic Object Recognition Through Shape[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2001) Multi-Objective Optimisation on Transportation Networks., 4th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Brno, 523-530, 2001 Multi-Objective Optimisation on Transportation Networks[Full-Text]
Keyes, L; Winstanley, A (2001) IEEE/ISPRS JOINT WORKSHOP ON REMOTE SENSING AND DATA FUSION OVER URBAN AREAS Data fusion for topographic object classification[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2001) Analogical Structure Matching on Cartographic Data, 12th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Maynooth, 43-54, 2001 Analogical Structure Matching on Cartographic Data[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2001) Data Fusion For Topographic Object Classification, IEEE/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas, 275-279, Rome, November 2001 Data Fusion For Topographic Object Classification[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2001) A Visualisation Tool for Dynamic Graphs, GIS Research UK, 532-536, Glamorgan, April 2001 A Visualisation Tool for Dynamic Graphs
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2001) Improving Object Recognition Through Fusion of Shape Classifiers, IMVIP 2001 Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, 262, Maynooth, September 2001 Improving Object Recognition Through Fusion of Shape Classifiers
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2001) Finding Analogous Structures in Cartographic Data, 4th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Brno, 553-560, 2001 Finding Analogous Structures in Cartographic Data[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2001) From Random Walks to Pareto Optimal Paths, 12th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Maynooth, 309-318, 2001 From Random Walks to Pareto Optimal Paths
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2000) A Fully Distributed GIS Based Public Transport Information System, GIS Research UK, 113-9, York, April 2000 A Fully Distributed GIS Based Public Transport Information System
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2000) Issues In The Cognition And Representation Of Internet Based Public Transport Maps, GIScience 2000, Savannah, 365-366, October 2000. (poster) Issues In The Cognition And Representation Of Internet Based Public Transport Maps[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2000) Moment Invariants as a classification tool for cartographic shapes on large-scale maps, 3rd AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, p156, Helsinki/Espoo, May 25th-27th, 2000 Moment Invariants as a classification tool for cartographic shapes on large-scale maps
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2000) Multi-Objective Optimisation And Dynamic Routing Algorithms In Transportation Networks, GIScience 2000, 161-162, Savannah, October 2000 Multi-Objective Optimisation And Dynamic Routing Algorithms In Transportation Networks
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2000) Topographical Object Recognition through Structural Mapping, GIScience 2000, 19-20, Savannah, October 2000 Topographical Object Recognition through Structural Mapping[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2000) Using Moment Invariants for classifying shapes on large-scale maps, GIS Research UK, 132-4, York, April 2000 Using Moment Invariants for classifying shapes on large-scale maps
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2000) A Map Based Public Transport Information System., 3rd AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, p123, Helsinki/Espoo, May 25th-27th, 2000 A Map Based Public Transport Information System
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2000) Applying Computer Vision Techniques to Topographic Objects, XIXth Congress of International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 154, 480-487, Amsterdam, July 2000. (poster) Applying Computer Vision Techniques to Topographic Objects
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2000) Using Moment Invariants for classifying shapes on large-scale maps, IMVIP 2000 Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, 149-156, Queen's University, September 2000 Using Moment Invariants for classifying shapes on large-scale maps
Dr Adam C Winstanley (1999) Map Feature Recognition Using Neural Networks, Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 7th Annual Conference, Southampton, April 1999 Map Feature Recognition Using Neural Networks
Dr Adam C Winstanley (1999) Fourier Descriptors as a General Classification Tool for Topographic Shapes, IMVIP '99 Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, 193-203, Dublin City University, September 1999 Fourier Descriptors as a General Classification Tool for Topographic Shapes[Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (1999) Using Fourier Descriptors for Classifying Shapes on Large Scale Maps, Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 7th Annual Conference, 87-90, Southampton, April 1999 Using Fourier Descriptors for Classifying Shapes on Large Scale Maps
Dr Adam C Winstanley (1998) Structuring Vector Maps Using Computer Vision Techniques, Proceedings of the Association for Geographic Information Conference, 8.11.1-1.11.2, Birmingham, 1998 Structuring Vector Maps Using Computer Vision Techniques
Dr Adam C Winstanley (1995) Intelligent Quantitative Problem Solving, Euromech 343 (Colloquium on computerised symbolic manipulation in mechanics), European Mechanics Society, Hamburg, October 1995 Intelligent Quantitative Problem Solving
Dr Adam C Winstanley (1993) Making Changes to Formal Specifications: Requirements and an Example, in I. Sommerville and M. Paul (eds): Software Engineering - ESEC '93, LNCS 717, Springer-Verlag, 115-126, 1993 Making Changes to Formal Specifications
Dr Adam C Winstanley (1991) EXPOSE: an Animation Tool for Process-Oriented Specifications, Software Engineering Journal, 6 (6), 463-475, November 1991. [IF: 1.612 (2009)] EXPOSE[Full-Text]
D.W. Bustard, M.T. Norris, R.A. Orr and A.C. Winstanley (1989) Graphical Views of Process-Oriented Specifications in K.J. Turner (ed) Formal Description Techniques, 143-156, North-Holland, 1989 Graphical Views of Process-Oriented Specifications in K.J. Turner
Conference Contribution
Professor Levent Onural (2009) 3D Imaging Systems Bilkent University, Science & Engineering, Computer Science, .
(2009) A Pedestrian Navigation System using Navigation Sentence based on XML International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering . [Full-Text]
Professor Yuan Liu (2009) Multiple RF circuits Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Science & Engineering, Computer Science, .
Dr Martha Rotter (2009) Lighting up the Web: next generation experiences Microsoft Ireland, Science & Engineering, Computer Science, .
Mooney, P and A Winstanley (2003) 6th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science Lyon, 24/04/2003-26/04/2003.
Mooney, P and A Winstanley (2003) Geographic Information Science Research UK London, 09/04/2003-11/04/2003.
Winstanley, A., B. Salaik, L. Keyes (2003) IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’03) Toulouse, 21/05/2003-25/07/2003.
Salaik, Bashir, Adam Winstanley and Laura Keyes (2003) Geographic Information Science Research UK London, 09/04/2003-11/04/2003.
Keyes, L., A. Winstanley, P. Healy (2003) IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’03) Toulouse, 21/05/2003-25/07/2003.
O'Donoghue, D., A. Winstanley, L. Mulhare, L. Keyes (2003) IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’03) Toulouse, 21/05/2003-25/07/2003.
Mulhare, L., D. O'Donoghue, et al (2002) Geographic Information Science Research UK Sheffield, 09/04/2002-11/04/2002.
Mooney P., Winstanley AC (2002) GIScience 2002 Boulder, 09/09/2002-11/09/2002.
Costelloe D., Mooney P., Winstanley AC (2002) Geographic Information Science Research UK Sheffield, 09/04/2002-11/04/2002.
Sherlock R., Husdal J., Mooney P, Winstanley A. (2002) Sheffield, 09/04/2002-11/04/2002.
L. Keyes and Winstanley AC (2002) Geographic Information Science Research UK Sheffield, 09/04/2002-11/04/2002.
L. Keyes and Winstanley AC (2001) IEEE/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas Rome, 09/11/2001-11/11/2001.
Costelloe, D., Mooney, P. and Winstanley, AC (2001) 12th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Maynooth, 09/09/2001-11/09/2001.
L. Keyes and A.C. Winstanley (2001) IMVIP 2001, Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Maynooth, 09/09/2001-11/09/2001.
L. Keyes and A.C. Winstanley (2001) IEEE/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas Rome, 08/11/2001-09/11/2001.
L. Mulhare, D. O’Donoghue and Winstanley, AC (2001) 12th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Maynooth, 09/09/2001-11/09/2001.
L. Keyes and A.C. Winstanley (2000) IMVIP 2000, Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Belfast, 30/08/2000-02/09/2000.
L. Keyes and A.C. Winstanley (1999) IMVIP '99 Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Dublin City University, 08/09/1999-09/09/1999.
D.W. Bustard and A.C. Winstanley (1993) Software Engineering ESEC '93 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 13/09/1993-17/09/1993.
D.W. Bustard, M.T. Norris, R.A. Orr and A.C. Winstanley (1988) Formal Description Techniques Stirling, 06/09/1988-09/09/1988.
Keyes L.; Winstanley A. (2004) Shape Description for Automatically Structuring Graphical Data. [Article] [Full-Text]
Book Review
Winstanley, A. (2009) Theory and application frontiers of location based services. [Book Review]
Keyes, L. and Winstanley, A.C. (2001) Data Fusion for Topographic Object Classification. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
Mulhare, L., O'Donoghue, D. and Winstanley, A.C. (2001) Analogical Structure Matching on Cartographic Data. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
Keyes, L. and Winstanley, A. (2001) Topographic Object Recognition Through Shape. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
Keyes, L. and Winstanley, A.C. (1999) Fourier Descriptors as A General Classification Tool for Topographic Shapes. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
Conference Paper
Basiri A, Winstanley A, Amirian P (2013) Landmark-based pedestrian navigation. [Conference Paper] [Full-Text]
Basiri A, Winstanley A, Sester M, Amirian P, Kuntzsch C. (2012) Uncertainty Handling in Navigation Services. [Conference Paper] [Full-Text]
R. Jacob, Winstanley, AC. Togher, N. and Roche, R (2012) Pedestrian navigation using haptic feedback: Results from a field study to test spatial abilities and memory recall. [Conference Paper] [Full-Text]
Winstanley, A.C. (2008) Special Issue: Selected papers from GISRUK 2007 (Editor). [Editorial]
McDonald J.; Markham C.; Ghent J.; Winstanley A. (2007) Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Wireless Technology, ECWT: Foreword. [Editorial] [DOI]
Lewis P.; Fotheringham S.; Winstanley A. (2011) Spatial video and GIS. [Reviews] [DOI][Full-Text]
Dr Adam C Winstanley (2014) Identifying People on the Morpeth Roll: Can the configuration and association between names on the Morpeth Roll be used to add to our genealogical knowledge of mid-19th century Ireland?
. University of Strathclyde: [Thesis]
Adam C Winstanley (1991) The Elucidation of Process-Oriented Specifications. Queen's University, Belfast: [Thesis]
Adam C Winstanley (1987) Automatic Shape Recognition in a Machine Vision System. Queen's University, Belfast: [Thesis]
Adam C Winstanley (1978) The Megalithic Monuments of Western Europe. University of Cambridge: [Thesis]
Technical Publication
Liu Yuefeng, Zheng Jianghua (2009) The first workshop on theory and application frontier LBS . [Technical Publication]