Lynn Moran

I loved Maynooth, working on my final year project was fun. The lecturers were generally interested and engaged with the undergrads. I'm still friends with a large number of the people I met there.
The atmosphere of the university being the size it is in the town the size of Maynooth, makes for a fantastic place to live and/or study for a few years!
After PhD (Physics, UCD) did Postdoc (European Space Agency contract in University of Southampton), then lectured at University of Liverpool for 7 years. Then decided to change career path and searched for a graduate entry role. I attended lots of campus events and applied to lots of top companies. I was offered roles with PWC and others, but chose Ericsson Ireland.
What are the key skills/knowledge that you use in your job?
Program management, project management, problem solving, stakeholder management.
(updated October 2018)