Professor Mardi Dungey 1966-2019.

Friday, January 25, 2019 - 09:30

It is with great sadness that the Department acknowledges the recent passing of Professor Mardi Dungey.

Mardi was Professor of Economics and Finance at the University of Tasmania, Adjunct Professor at the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis at ANU and at Maynooth University and Senior Research Associate at the Centre for Financial Analysis and Policy at Cambridge University. She was a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.

Colleagues and friends will remember Mardi for her friendship, drive and vibrant enthusiasm, and her pursuit of excellence in her research.

Mardi’s research interests combined the empirical aspects of finance and economics. She is acknowledged as an international expert in the transmission of financial crises, systemic risk and the policy implications of these events. Less well known, but just as important for her, was her program teaching financial literacy to Tasmanian primary-school students.

Mardi was a great friend and colleague to many in the Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting at Maynooth and we will miss her immensely.

Typical of Mardi’s concern for students, before she died, Mardi and her partner Ross asked that instead of flowers at her memorial, the Tasmanian branch of the Economic Society be invited to establish a perpetual prize for economics students at the University of Tasmania.

Friends who wish to contribute may make a transfer to:

Economic Society of Australia - Tasmanian Branch Inc
BSB: 067 002 , Acc No: 1030 9388

If you require a receipt please contact [email protected]