Upcoming 4th International Irish Narrative Inquiry Conference hosted at the Institute of Technology, Sligo, April 19th/20th, 2018, co-organised and supported by Institute of Technology, Sligo, National University of Ireland Galway and Maynooth University. This unique gathering of scholars, practitioners, artists and creative inquirers pays attention to the use of narrative inquiry in research and practice.
The focus this year is on narrating neo-liberalism in an Irish context. Local, national and global stories and narratives tell of the impacts of austerity; of the historical silence on institutional sexism, racism, disabilsm, social class and homophobia; of the fluidity of storytelling and what is considered ‘fact’ or ‘fiction’. In this context we present contributions that address the ‘social role of stories’: the ways they are produced, the ways they are read, the work they perform in the wider social order, how they change, and their role in the political process.
For further details on the conference, please click the following: Irish Narrative Inquiry Conference
For further information on our Centre for Transformative Narrative Inquiry (joint initiative between the Department of Adult and Community Education and the Education Department, Maynooth University), please click here