4th Irish International Narrative Inquiry Conference, IT Sligo, 19th/20th April 2018
Representing our Department at the 4th Irish International Narrative Inquiry Conference 19th /20th April were Dr Grace O’ Grady, conference organiser, and PhD students; Denise O’ Flanagan, Eileen Morris, Cliona Murry and John Meegan. Please see below titles of their presentations and link to programme and abstracts.
Eileen Morris: ‘Mirroring our Cultural Stories and Recognising Ourselves’
Cliona Murray: ‘Powerful narratives, narratives of power: a study of teacher professional identity in the context of Irish post-primary education’
John Meegan and Denise O’ Flanagan: Stalking with World Stories: A Conversation on Portals, Thresholds and Voices from Africa
Dr Grace O’ Grady: ‘An autoethnographic performance: the researcher’s story of hysterectomy and menopause as identity narrative
See below for abstracts of presentations:
For further information on our Centre for Transformative Narrative Inquiry (joint initiative between the Department of Adult and Community Education and the Education Department, Maynooth University), please click here