The Department of Education hosted two engaging research seminars this spring, both of which are now available now recordings.
Professor Mel Ainscow, University of Glasgow, delivered a talk entitled Collaboration as a Strategy for Promoting Equity in Education: Possibilities and Barriers . Drawing on his extensive experience and research, Professor Ainscow provided guidance around the conditions that are needed in order to make collaboration work. He focused on the major challenge facing education systems around the world: that of achieving equity. It started from the assumption that, under the right conditions, learner diversity can be a catalyst for educational improvement. Listen to Professor Ainscow's talk here.
Professor Jill Blackmore, Alfred Deakin Professor, Deakin University, Australia, delivered a talk entitled The Im/possibilities of Imagining University Futures: Leadership and Discourses of Utopia and Dystopia in the Liminal space of a “pink pandemic”. The key questions addressed were 1. what lessons have been learnt in recent times about the relationship between the state, universities and scientific expertise and leadership and 2. where do issues of equity fit? What does the pandemic restructuring of the sector hold for post-pandemic university futures and for gender equity? Listen to Professor Blackmore's talk here.