Alana Carolan

My interest in Maths started during my Junior Certificate year, when I realised that I could progress if I worked and studied this subject. This interest developed further over the following two years. So when the question of what I would like to study arose, I thought about my interests; which were Maths and Science. I then asked myself, how could I portray the enthusiasm I have for these subjects to others? My answer was teaching.
Maynooth University was always a place where I hoped to study, as it offered a friendly atmosphere in a rural environment. While speaking to my career guidance teacher in Loreto College, he advised me on the course BSc Science Education. This course appealed to me, as it offered both the opportunity to study two subjects at level 8 and gain experience of teaching in three different schools.
Since completing this course, I have realised how much I learned from being part of Science Education. Along with subject knowledge and participating in group work, I have gained a valuable life skill; public speaking, which is a hugely useful skill. As it was a small course, lecturers recognised us and made us feel comfortable in approaching them with our issues. It was beneficial if we had problems with our teaching practice and/or assignments. This can also be extended to other departments, where lecturers were more than willing to provide assistance. In my own experience, I found the Maths Support Centre extremely helpful.
I am currently pursuing a Masters in Financial Mathematics in DCU. This course broadens my knowledge of probability, while opening it to finance. It makes it a useful extension to Applied Mathematics, as it shows a practical example of how maths is used in everyday life. I hope to use this application to engage students in Maths in the future.