Conor Maxwell

Thinking back to my time in Maynooth University, one of the fondest memories I have is of the sense of community within the Science/Maths Education programme. The course is relatively small so you get to know your classmates quickly and over the course of the degree you get lots of opportunities to work together as part of group projects and assignments. This close community spirit also shines through when completing elements of coursework. All assignments were completed with the help and support of each other and this is something I will always look back fondly on.
Another sense of community is how well you get to know other year groups doing the same programme. The class above us were hugely helpful at the start of every year, frequently organising meetings or information sessions to give us overviews of modules we would be studying in the upcoming year, and offering any advice or tips they had for our placements. This was something we also got to do with the class below us.
The Education Department as a whole were also highly supportive over my years there. The lecturers were all approachable and willing to help with whatever query you had, no matter how big or small. It was always comforting to know that between classmates and lecturers you were never stuck to find someone if you needed help.
Since completing the Science Education programme and graduating from the PME, I have been working in Sandymount Park Educate Together Secondary School. The school opened its door for the first time in August 2018 and we currently have 31 first year students and 7 teachers. It is an amazing opportunity to be part of a start-up school within Educate Together who are leaders in the implementation of the Junior Cycle. It is also hugely exciting to be heading both the Maths and Science departments in my first year qualified. This is no doubt thanks to the amazing help, guidance and support offered to me during my time in Maynooth.