Angela Rickard

Lecturer/Assistant Professor
Lecturer in the Department of Education in Maynooth University Angela Rickard is Course Leader for Year 1 of the Professional Master of Education (PME). She teaches on this and on other postgraduate and undergraduate programmes in the department. She is interested in integrating education for social justice in Initial Teacher Education; supporting creative approaches to teaching and learning and exploring how emerging technologies can be used to complement these approaches. She is the departmental representative in the Ubuntu Teacher Education Network and coordinates a Development Education Week as part of the PME programme.
Working with internal and external partners, Angela has worked to promote collaborative, inclusive practice generally and Team Teaching in particular. She has undertaken a number of research initiatives involving partners in Ireland and further afield. Themes include: Social Justice and Development Education, Initial Teacher Education, Teacher Professional Development and Educational Technology. She is currently doing doctoral level study in the University of Bristol.
Working with internal and external partners, Angela has worked to promote collaborative, inclusive practice generally and Team Teaching in particular. She has undertaken a number of research initiatives involving partners in Ireland and further afield. Themes include: Social Justice and Development Education, Initial Teacher Education, Teacher Professional Development and Educational Technology. She is currently doing doctoral level study in the University of Bristol.
Research Interests
In both my teaching and research I seek to promote education for social justice. I explore creative approaches to teaching and learning, including Team Teaching and in recent years have worked to bring the formal and non-formal sectors (teachers and Youth Workers) together to explore themes of mutual concern. I am currently undertaking a Doctorate in Education in the University of Bristol where my dissertation is a narrative inquiry exploring LGBTQ+ inclusive practice in schools.
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Rickard A.; Walsh T. (2019) 'Policy, practice and process in team teaching: a pilot project with co-operating teachers and student teachers on school placement'. Irish Educational Studies, 38 (3):309-326. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Austin R.; Rickard A.; Reilly J. (2017) 'Face-to-face contact in blended learning for intercultural education: the role of teachers'. Irish Educational Studies, 36 (3):323-340. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Doggett, B, Grummell, B and Rickard, A (2016) 'Opportunities and Obstacles: How School Leaders View Development Education in Irish Port-Primary Schools'. POLICY AND PRACTICE - A DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION REVIEW, 23 (Autumn):38-64. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Rickard A. (2014) 'Not-so-simple Story from My Life: Using Auto-ethnography and Creative Writing to Re-frame the Heteronormative Narratives of School Life'. Changing English, 21 (4):348-358. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Rickard A.; Grace A.; Austin R.; Smyth J. (2014) 'Assessing impact of ICT intercultural work'. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 10 (3):1-18. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Austin, R; Smyth, J; Rickard, A; Quirk-Bolt, N; Metcalfe, N (2010) 'Collaborative digital learning in schools: teacher perceptions of purpose and effectiveness'. TECHNOLOGY, PEDAGOGY AND EDUCATION, 19 :327-343. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Rickard, A., McAvinia, C. & Quirke-Bolt, N. (2009) 'The Challenge of Change: Digital Video-Analysis and Constructivist Teaching Approaches on a One Year Preservice Teacher Education Program in Ireland. '. JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHER EDUCATION, 17 . | |
2004 | Rickard, A (2004) 'Oilte: Organising In-service Training for Languages & Technology in Education'. Teangeolas, 41 :15-19. |
Conference Contribution
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Lonergan, J., Behan, A., McNerney, L., Croasdell, A., McNerney, E., Rickard, A. and Cahalane, C (2021) 'Discovering Space' Surveyors Journal, 10 (4) :28-29. [Link] | |
2020 | Cahalane, C., Behan, A., Lonergan, J., McNerney, L., Rickard, A., Croasdell, A. and McNerney, E. (2020) 'Space, Surveyors and Students' Surveyors Journal, 10 (1) :26-27. [Link] | |
2020 | Rickard, A., Behan, A., Lonergan, J., McNerney, L., Rickard, A., Croasdell, A., McNerney, E. and Cahalane, C (2020) '5*S: Space, Surveyors, Students: STEM and the Sustainable Development Goals' ETBI Journal of Education, 2 (1) :9-14. [Link] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2023 | O'Shea, Marianne, Rickard, Angela (2023) '‘Among Others’ Reinventing Initial Professional Education with Student Teachers & Student Youth Workers' In: The New Publicness of Education: Democratic Possibilities after the Critique of Neo-Liberalism. London : Routledge. [Link] | |
2014 | Rickard, A (2014) 'Navigating Other Worlds (NOW) Exploring Digital Game-based Learning in Teacher Education' In: Game-Based Learning: opportunities and challenges. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. | |
2013 | Rickard, A. (2013) 'Navigating Other Worlds (NOW) Digital Games Based Learning project for Science and Maths Education ' In: Teaching Fellowships 2012 – 2013 Project Reports & Outcomes. : NUIM. | |
2016 | Rickard A.; Austin R. (2016) 'Assessing impact of ICT intercultural work: The dissolving boundaries program' In: Exploring the New Era of Technology-Infused Education. [DOI] | |
2010 | Healy, C., Rickard, A., Mc Dermott K. and Ruddock, K. (2010) 'I'm Glad to Know I'm Not Going Mad!: The Use of Videos of Authentic Classroom Practice to Prompt Collaborative Reflective Practice Among Second Level Modern Foreign Languages Teachers' In: The Digital Learning Revolution in Ireland : Case Studies from the National Learning Resources Service. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Press. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Rickard, A., Blin, Françoise & Appel, Christine (2006) 'Training for Trainers: Challenges, Outcomes, and Principles of In-Service Training across the Irish Education System' In: Hubbard, Philip and Mike Levy(Eds.). Teacher Education in CALL. Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins. |
Conference Publication
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2021 | O'Shea, M., Rickard, A. (2021) Among Others: Exploring the impact of a shared module of professional education linking pre-service student teachers and Youth and Community Work students. Centre for Teaching & Learning, Maynooth University, . | |
2014 | Byrne, D., Burke, N.,Dempsey, M., O'Shea, A., & Rickard, A. (2014) FaSMEd Position Paper Low-Attaining Learners in Science and Mathematics. FaSMEd, . [Link] |
Conference Paper
Technical Publication
Working Paper
Year | Publication | |
2013 | Rickard, A., Grummell, B. and Doggett, B. (2013) WorldWise Global Schools: Baseline Research Consultancy, Dublin: WWGS. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Rickard, Angela, Quirke-Bolt, Nigel (2009) Going2secondary : An Evaluation of the Going2Secondary Website Project. [Working Paper] |
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