Dr Pádraig Hogan

Pádraig Hogan is an Emeritus of the National University of Ireland Maynooth. He has a keen research interest in the quality of educational experience and in what makes learning environments conducive to fruitful learning. Prior to retirement he led the research and development programme ‘Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century’ (TL21), a schools-university initiative that commenced in 2003 and continues to grow. He is now involved in a number of co-operative research endeavours internationally. His research publications, including books, journal articles, book chapters and commissioned pieces can be viewed by clicking on the publications link above. His books include The Custody and Courtship of Experience: Western Education in Philosophical Perspective (1995); The New Significance of Learning: Imagination’s Heartwork (2010); Towards a better Future: A Review of the Irish School System (co-authored with J. Coolahan, S. Drudy, Á. Hyland and S. McGuinness, 2017); Hermeneutics: Understanding Educational Experience (2025).
Research Interests
Research interests include: learning environments, quality in educational experience, justice and equity in educational practice, professional ethics in teaching, leadership in education, pluralism and multi-cultural influences in schooling, developments in practices of teaching and learning, conceptions of human understanding from the classical to the postmodern, international developments in educational policy, educational reform and its cultural contexts.
Year | Publication | |
2025 | Pádraig Hogan (2025) Hermeneutics: Understanding Educational Experience. Leiden and Boston: Brill. [Link] | |
2017 | John Coolahan, Sheelagh Drudy, Pádraig Hogan, Áine Hyland, Séamus McGuinness (2017) Towards a Better Future: A Review of the Irish School System. Dublin: Irish Primary Principals Network and National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals. | |
2010 | Hogan, Pádraig (2010) The New Significance of Learning: Imagination’s Heartwork. London and New York: Routledge. | |
1995 | Hogan, Pádraig (1995) The Custody and Courtship of Experience - Western Education in Philosophical Perspective. Dublin and Lanham MD: Columba Press & International Scholars Publications. |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Pádraig Hogan (2024) 'Uncovering Education as a Practice in its own Right' In: Defending the Value of Education as a Public Good. London and New York : Routledge. [DOI] | |
2022 | Pádraig Hogan (2022) 'Custodia o Musa? El significado de la tradición para el pensamiento pedagógico y para la actuación pedagógica' In: Democracia y Tradición en la Teoría y Práctica Educativa del Siglo XXI. Madrid : Narcea, S.A. | |
2021 | Pádraig Hogan (2021) 'Teaching, Tradition and the Play of Influence' In: David Hanson and the Call to Teach: Renewing the Work that Teachers Do. New York : Teachers College Press. | |
2020 | Pádraig Hogan (2020) 'Educational Experience and the Neglected Landscape of Possibility' In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press. [DOI] | |
2018 | Hogan, Pádraig (2018) 'Eclipses and reclamations: The question of religion in educational experience' In: Does Religious Education Matter?. London and New York : Routledge. [DOI] | |
2018 | Kevin Williams and Pádraig Hogan (2018) 'The Educational Legacy of Michael Oakeshott' In: International Handbook of Philosophy of Education. Cham, Switzerland : Springer. | |
2016 | Pádraig Hogan (2016) 'Hermeneutics and Educational Experience (expanded)' In: Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Singapore : Springer. [DOI] | |
2016 | Pádraig Hogan (2016) 'Learning to Be - as a Teacher' In: La Formación del Caraáctar de los Maestros. Barcelona : Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. | |
2016 | Pádraig Hogan (2016) 'Alasdair MacIntyre' In: The Routledge Encyclopaedia of Educational Thinkers. London and New York : Routledge. | |
2015 | Pádraig Hogan (2015) 'Gadamer and the Philosophy of Education (expanded)' In: Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Singapore : Springer. [DOI] | |
2015 | Pádraig Hogan (2015) 'Cultivating Human Capabilities in Venturesome Learning Ennvironments (Reprint)' In: Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education. Malden, MA and Oxford, UK : Wiley Blackwell. | |
2014 | Hogan,P. (2014) 'Ethics and Teaching' In: D.C. Phillips(Eds.). Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. : Sage. | |
2014 | Hogan, P. (2014) 'Integrity and Subordination in Educational Practice' In: Baldacchino, John; Galea, Simone; Mercieca, Duncan P(Eds.). My Teaching, My Philosophy: Kenneth Wain and the Lifelong Engagement with Learning. New York : Peter Lang. | |
2011 | Hogan, P. (2011) 'The Custodial Legacies of History - Reviewing Educational Practice in the Early 21st Century' In: Blanka Kudlčov & Sławomir Sztobryn(Eds.). Contexts of Philosophy of Education in Historical and Contemporary Perspective. Thrava & Bratislava, Slovakia : University of Trnava Slovakia. | |
2010 | Hogan P. (2010) 'Reason and rationality' In: International Encyclopedia of Education. [DOI] | |
2010 | Hogan, P. (2010) 'Religious Inheritances of Learning and the ‘Unquiet Frontiers of Modernity’' In: Ian Leask(Eds.). The Taylor Effect: Responding to ‘A Secular Age’. London : Cambridge Scholars Press. | |
2006 | Hogan, P. (2006) 'Can Goodness be Taught?' In: Patrick Hannon(Eds.). Moral Theology: A Reader. Dublin : Veritas. | |
2006 | Hogan, P. (2006) 'The Promise of Untimely Meditations: Reflections on University Education in the Early Twenty-First Century' In: What Price the University? Perspectives on the meaning and value of higher education from the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. A Special Issue of Maynooth Philosophical Papers. Maynooth : National University of Ireland, Maynooth. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Hogan, P. (2005) 'Teaching with Conviction in Late Modernity' In: Ian Leask(Eds.). Religion, Education and the Arts. Dublin : Mater Dei Institute. | |
2005 | Hogan, P. (2005) 'The Politics of Identity and the Epiphanies of Learning' In: Wilfred Carr(Eds.). The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in the Philosophy of Education. London : RoutledgeFalmer. | |
2004 | Hogan, P. (2004) 'Religion in Education and the Integrity of Teaching as a Practice' In: D. Herron(Eds.). Teaching Religion in the Primary School: Issues and Challenges. Dublin : Irish National Teachers’ Organisation. | |
2004 | J. Dunne and P. Hogan (2004) 'Teaching and Learning as a Way of Life' In: J. Dunne and P. Hogan(Eds.). Education and Practice: Upholding the Integrity of Teaching and Learning. Oxford : Blackwell. | |
2004 | J. Dunne and P. Hogan (2004) 'Introduction' In: J. Dunne and P. Hogan(Eds.). Education and Practice: Upholding the Integrity of teaching and Learning. Oxford : Blackwell. | |
2002 | Hogan, P. (2002) 'Conviction and its Warrant in Educational Practice' In: The Many Faces of Philosophy of Education: Traditions, Problems and Challenges. | |
2002 | Hogan, P. and R. Smith (2002) 'The Activity of Philosophy and the Practice of Education' In: The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Oxford : Blackwell. | |
2002 | Hogan, P. (2002) 'Learning as Leavetaking and as Homecoming' In: Heidegger, Education and Modernity. Oxford : Rowman and Littlefield. | |
1999 | Hogan, P. (1999) 'Hermeneutics and Educational Experience' In: M.A. Peters, P. Ghiraldelli, P. Standish & B. Zarnic(Eds.). Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education (Internet). | |
1999 | Hogan, P. (1999) 'Gadamer and the Philosophy of Education' In: M.A. Peters, P. Ghiraldelli, P. Standish & B. Zarnic(Eds.). Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education (Internet). | |
1995 | Hogan, P. (1995) 'Introduction' In: P. Hogan(Eds.). Partnership and the Benefits of Learning. Maynooth : Educational Studies Association of Ireland. | |
1995 | Hogan, P. (1995) 'Power, Partiality and the Purposes of Learning' In: P. Hogan(Eds.). Partnership and the Benefits of Learning. Maynooth : Educational Studies Association of Ireland. | |
1987 | Hogan, P. (1987) 'Building a Professional Foundation for Teaching' In: P. Hogan(Eds.). Willingly to School? – Essays in Memory of Séamas Ó Súilleabháin. Maynooth : Educational Studies Association of Ireland. | |
1982 | Hogan, P. (1982) 'The Central Question in Technological Education' In: N. MacMillan & M. Farry(Eds.). Higher Technological Education in Ireland. Dublin : Institute of Physics in assoc. with Association for Technological Edu. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Hogan, P. (2023) 'Large-Scale Research and the Question of Educational Experience: Recovering the Heart of the Matter'. Revista Internacional de Teoría e Investigación Educativa, . https://dx.doi.org/10.5209/ritie.88410 [Full-Text] | |
2023 | Pádraig Hogan (2023) 'Educational Experience, Pedagogical Research and the State's Interest'. Paedagogia Christiana, 51 (1):19-39. http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/PCh.2023.001 [Full-Text] | |
2023 | Hogan, P. (2023) 'The inherent fruits of educational endeavour'. Policy Futures in Education, (3):257-272. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Hogan P.; Malone A. (2022) 'Tackling a lingering infirmity: On the nature and warrant of action research in education'. British Educational Research Journal, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Hogan, P. (2021) 'The Recurring Conquest of Hearts and Minds: Reflections on Totalitarian Currents in Education'. Historia Scholastica, 7 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Malone, Anthony and Hogan, Pádraig (2020) 'Evidence and its Consequences in Educational Research'. British Educational Research Journal, 46 (2):265-280. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Richard J. Bernstein and Pádraig Hogan (2018) 'Ironies, Virtues and Educational Hopes: Richard J. Bernstein in Conversation with Pádraig Hoogan'. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 52 (1). [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Dolan, Rose and Hogan, Pádraig (2017) 'SHAPING A NEW ETHICAL LANDSCAPE IN TEACHER EDUCATION: AN IRISH EXPERIENCE IN AN INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT'. Bordon-Revista De Pedagogia, 69 :93-108. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Hogan, P. (2015) 'Lesson Study East and West: Identifying Some Key Issues in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR LESSON AND LEARNING STUDIES'. Vol.4 . http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-01-2015-0004 | |
2015 | Hogan, P (2015) 'Recovering the Lost Metier of Philosophy of Education? Reflections on Educational Thought, Policy and Practice in the UK and Farther Afield'. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 49 :366-381. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Hogan P. (2015) 'Educational goals and the PISA assessments: introduction to symposium'. Ethics and Education, 10 (3):343-347. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Hogan, P. and Rafał Godoń (2014) 'The Inherent Ethics and Integrity of Education, in PEDAGOGICAL CULTURE/KULTURA PEDAGOGICNA'. Vol 1 :55-68. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Hogan, P., Morwenna Griffiths, Kenneth Wain, Bob Davis (2013) 'Symposium on The New Significancance of Learning - Imagination's Heartwork'. Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 45 :334-348. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Hogan, P. (2013) 'Cultivating Human Capacities in Venturesome Learning Environments'. Educational Theory, Vol. 63 :237-252. [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Hogan, P. (2012) 'Naucazanie i uczenie sie jako sposb życia , FORUM PEDAGOGICZNE (Warsaw) Translation of 'Teaching and Learning as a way of life' (2003) below'. Vol. 2 :15-40. [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Hogan P. (2011) 'The ethical orientations of education as a practice in its own right'. Ethics and Education, 6 (1):27-40. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Pádraig Hogan (2010) 'Preface to an Ethics of Education as a Practice in its own Right'. Ethics and Education, 5 (2):85-98. [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Hogan, P (2010) 'Reflections of an Anglophone on Currents in the Philosophy of Education in Central Europe Journal of Pedagogy/Pedagogicky Casopis'. Vol.1 :123-132. | |
2009 | Hogan, P. (2009) 'Educational Practice and the Integrity of Learning'. KWARTALNIK PEDAGOGICZNY / PEDAGOGICAL QUARTERLY, Vol. 54 . | |
2008 | Hogan, P. (2008) 'Philosophical Perspectives on Educational Practice - Introduction'. Studies in Philosophy and Education, Vol. 27 . [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Hogan, P. (2008) 'Response to Kenneth Wain’s ‘The Learning Society in a Postmodern World''. Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 40 . [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Hogan, P. (2006) 'Education as a Discipline of Thought and Action'. Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 32 . [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Hogan, P. and Smeyers, P. (2005) 'The Inherent Risks of Human Learning'. Educational Theory, Vol. 55 . [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Hogan P. (2005) 'The integrity of learning and the search for truth'. Educational Theory, 55 (2):185-200. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Hogan, P. (2005) 'Learning Anew: Developing the professional self-understanding of teachers'. KWARTALNIK PEDAGOGICZNY / PEDAGOGICAL QUARTERLY, Vol. 50 . | |
2004 | Hogan, P. (2004) 'Polityka tozsamosci a epifanie kszcelcenia'. KWARTALNIK PEDAGOGICZNY / PEDAGOGICAL QUARTERLY, Vol. 49 . | |
2003 | Hogan, P (2003) 'Teaching and learning as a way of life'. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 37 :207-223. [Full-Text] | |
2003 | Hogan, P. (2003) 'Uncertainty, the Mother of Opportunity: Reviewing Teaching as a Way of Life in Ireland in the Early 21st Century'. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 22 . [Full-Text] | |
2003 | Hogan P. (2003) 'Difference and deference in the tenor of learning'. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 22 (3-4):281-293. [Full-Text] | |
2001 | P. Hogan and J. Cleary (2001) 'Education is Self-Education – a translation of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Erziehung ist Sich-erziehen'. Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 35 . [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Cleary, J; Hogan, P (2001) 'The reciprocal character of self-education: Introductory comments on Hans-Georg Gadamer's address 'Education is self-education''. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 35 :519-527. [Full-Text] | |
2000 | Hogan, P (2000) 'Virtue, vice and vacancy in educational policy and practice'. British Journal of Educational Studies, 48 :371-390. [Full-Text] | |
1998 | Hogan P. (1998) 'The Politics of Identity and the Experience of Learning: Insights for Pluralism from Western Educational History'. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 17 (4):251-259. [Full-Text] | |
1998 | Hogan, P (1998) 'Europe and the world of learning: Orthodoxy and aspiration in the wake of modernity'. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 32 :361-376. [Full-Text] | |
1996 | Hogan, P. (1996) 'Forlorn Hopes and Great Expectations - Teaching as a way of life in an age of uncertainty'. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 16 . | |
1993 | Hogan, P. (1993) 'Philosophy as Arraignment'. Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 27 . | |
1992 | HOGAN, P (1992) 'THE SOVEREIGNTY OF LEARNING, THE FORTUNES OF SCHOOLING AND THE NEW EDUCATIONAL VIRTUOUSNESS'. British Journal of Educational Studies, 40 :134-148. [Full-Text] | |
1988 | Hogan, P. (1988) 'Communicative Competence and Cultural Emancipation – Reviewing the Rationale for Educational Studies in Teacher Education'. Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 14 . [Full-Text] | |
1984 | Hogan, P. (1984) 'Rethinking the Nature of Educational Studies'. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 4 . | |
1983 | Hogan, P. (1983) 'Prejudice in the Appraisal of Student Teachers'. Journal of Education for Teaching, Vol. 9 . | |
1983 | Hogan, P. (1983) 'An Overview of the Educational Ethos'. Crane Bag, Vol. 7 :41-50. [Full-Text] | |
1980 | Hogan, P. (1980) 'A Critique of Educational Research'. Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 6 . [Full-Text] |
Edited Book
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
1986 | Pádraig Hogan (1986) 'Progressivism and the Primary School Curriculum' Oideas - Iris na Roinne Oideachais, (No. 29, Autumn 1986) . [Full-Text] | |
1985 | Pádraig ÓhÓgáin (1985) 'Tionchar na Teicneolaíochta ar Chleachtadh agus Torthaí an Oideachais' Comhar, (Feabhra 1985) . [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Pádraig Hogan (2017) 'The Pluralist Imperatives of Education' Irish Teachers' Journal, 5 (1) . | |
2000 | Pádraig Hogan (2000) 'The Road Less Travelled' arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.2293, 5 . | |
1997 | Pádraig Hogan (1997) 'Custody and Epiphany in Educational Experience' Aspects of Applied Biology, (Spring 1997) . [Full-Text] | |
1996 | Pádraig Hogan (1996) 'Tackling the Tenacious Tradition of 1878' Issues in Education, 1 . | |
1996 | Pádraig Hogan (1996) 'The Liberality of Making: The Place of Practical Subjects in a Liberal Education' Una Citta, (February 1996) . | |
1993 | Pádraig Hogan (1993) ''To unite in one system children of different creeds'' Irish Education Decision Maker, (No.7, Spring 1993) . | |
1990 | Pádraig Hogan (1990) 'Schooling and the Sacredness of the Playful' Oideas - Iris na Roinne Oideachais, (No 36, Autumn 1990) . [Full-Text] | |
1989 | Pádraig Hogan (1989) 'Can Goodness be Taught?' The Furrow, (February 1989) . [Full-Text] | |
1986 | Pádraig Hogan (1986) 'The Arts and Sciences in the Conversation of Mankind' Behavioral and Brain Sciences, (No.2, Autumn 1986) . | |
1985 | Pádraig Hogan (1985) 'Schooling, Religious Tradition and 'the Default of God'' Archphoto, (July 1985) . [Full-Text] | |
1984 | Pádraig Hogan (1984) 'The Question of Ethos in Schools' The Furrow, (November 1984) . [Full-Text] | |
1982 | Pádraig Hogan (1982) 'Teacher Education and Higher Learning' Communicating the City, (Summer 1982) . [Full-Text] |
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2008 | Hogan Pádraig, Anne Brosnan, Bernadette de Róiste, Alec MacAlister, Anthony Malone, Nigel Quirke-Bolt, Greg Smith (2008) Learning Anew - Final Report of the Research and Development Project 'Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century'. Education Department NUI Maynooth, . [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Pádraig Hogan, Anthony Malone, Greg Smith, Anne Brosnan, Bernadette de Róiste, Alec McAlister, Claire McAvinia (2005) Voices from School: Interim Report of the Research and Development Project 'Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century'. Education Department, Maynooth University, . |
Year | Publication | |
2008 | Hogan, P (2008) Philosophical Perspectives on Educational Practice in the 21st Century Introduction. DORDRECHT: [Editorial] [DOI] |
Technical Publication
Year | Publication | |
2009 | Hogan, P. (2009) New Forms of Professional Development for Teachers: The TL21 Transfer Initiative. Dublin: [Other] | |
2000 | Hogan, P. (2000) The Road Less Travelled, (Dublin: , 2000). Dublin: [Other] | |
1997 | Hogan, P. (1997) A Critique of the Future of Trusteeship. Dublin: [Other] | |
1997 | Hogan, P. (1997) Custody and Epiphany in Educational Experience. [Other] [Full-Text] | |
1996 | Hogan, P. (1996) The Liberality of Making: The Place of Practical Subjects in a Liberal Education. [Other] | |
1996 | Hogan, P. (1996) Tackling the Tenacious Tradition of 1878. Dublin: [Other] | |
1993 | Hogan, P. (1993) ‘To unite in one system children of different creeds’ – Reflections on Cardinal Daly’s interview with Decision Maker. [Other] | |
1990 | Hogan, P. (1990) Schooling and the Sacredness of the Playful. [Other] [Full-Text] | |
1990 | Hogan, P. (1990) From the rituals of rancour to the embrace of partnership?. [Other] | |
1989 | Hogan, P. (1989) Can Goodness be Taught?. [Other] [Full-Text] | |
1988 | Hogan, P. (1988) They Are Never Idle - Current concerns about the 1971 primary school curriculum. Dublin: [Other] | |
1988 | Hogan, P. (1988) Response to President’s Address. [Other] | |
1986 | Hogan, P. (1986) Progressivism and the Primary School Curriculum. [Other] [Full-Text] | |
1986 | Hogan, P. (1986) The Fortress of the Good and the Liberation of Tradition. [Other] [Full-Text] | |
1986 | Hogan, P. (1986) The Arts and Sciences in the Conversation of Mankind. [Other] | |
1985 | Hogan, P. (1985) Tionchar na Teicneolaíochta ar Chleachtadh agus ar Thorthaí an Oideachais. [Other] [Full-Text] | |
1985 | Hogan, P. (1985) Schooling, Religious Tradition and the Default of God. [Other] [Full-Text] | |
1985 | Hogan, P. (1985) Ethos as an Issue in Schools. [Other] | |
1984 | Hogan, P. (1984) The Question of Ethos in Schools. [Other] [Full-Text] | |
1984 | Hogan, P. (1984) Teacher Education for What?. [Other] | |
1982 | Hogan, P. (1982) Teacher Education and Higher Learning. [Other] [Full-Text] | |
1979 | Hoogan, P. and Coolahan, J. (1979) The System or the Student? – a response to Seán Ó Conchobair. [Other] |
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