Dr Rose Dolan


Gaeilge agus fáilte

Associate Professor

Maynooth University School of Education
(01) 708 3686


Dr Rose Dolan is a lecturer, teacher educator and researcher in MU Department of Education.     

After graduating with a degree in Natural Sciences (Microbiology) from Trinity College, Rose completed her Higher Diploma in Education in Maynooth University (MU). She then taught science, mathematics and biology at second-level for 10 years and completed her M.Ed. in 2001 where her thesis focused on youth leadership development in schools. She joined the staff of MU Department of Education in 2003 and led the postgraduate initial teacher education programme there from 2003 to 2016.

In 2011, she was awarded her PhD from the University of Cambridge, England where her research focused on the professional development of teacher educators in an Irish university. She lectures and researches on teacher education practice and policy, both in Ireland and Internationally. Her research continues to focus on the professional development of Teacher Educators across the continuum.

She is currently the programme leader of the Doctor of Education in MU and she also leads the teacher education strands on the M Ed and the Doctorate.

Research Interests

My research and scholarship are situated in discourses about the quality of the teaching profession, and subsequently the quality of those who educate teachers i.e. teacher educators. My research focuses on two aspects of this; how policy changes affect educational systems; and the impact of policy across the continuum of teacher education, particularly in relation to the professional development of teachers and teacher educators. This also includes research on mid-career transitions and the impact of such transitions on practitioners.

This research agenda has expanded beyond the teaching profession to include practitioners and professionals from other sectors. Drawing on boundary crossing concepts from Wenger's work, I am currently researching the impact of formal Professional Learning, such as practitioner-led professional doctorates, on professional discourses and workplace practices.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Teachers’ professional learning through Masters study in Ireland. Co PI This study provides a profile of teachers studying for Masters degrees in Education across the island of Ireland. In particular, the research focusses on motivation to study and the influence of Masters on professional identity and practice. The research was framed within a qualitative, interpretative design. Using a mixed methods approach including survey, interview and focus groups, primary data were collected from purposive samples of Masters programme leaders and teachers studying for, or having graduated with Masters degrees in the previous three years. The findings are of interest to teachers, CPD providers and policy makers. 01/11/2020 01/12/2021 2292
Writing as a professional development activity for pre-service teacher educators PI The aim of this research project was to introduce professional writing as a professional development activity for a small group of supervisors of teaching practice in two education schools/departments, one in the Republic and one in Northern Ireland. Over the course of the academic year 2011-2012, two groups were formed for the purpose of exploring the role of writing as a professional development activity. The NUI Maynooth group comprised four part-time University staff who are supervisors of school placement while the group in Queen’s University Belfast were teachers in schools who also worked as school-based tutors with newly qualified teachers. 01/09/2011 01/09/2012 5000
Combat Diseases of Poverty Consortium Consortium member with responsibility for Education Strand CDPC comprised a unique cluster of scientific, academic and NGO professional expertise, who worked together to build educational capacities for combating diseases of poverty in East Africa. A component of the CDPC programme was to bring greater awareness of development issues to secondary school students in Ireland, specifically transition year students, by encouraging them to undertake science projects that focused on human health and development issues thus demonstrating the importance of science for development. 01/09/2007 01/09/2011 1440000
Introducing Development Education to pre-service teachers PI In 2006-2007, student teachers on the Higher Diploma in Education in Maynooth University participated in a week long event, designed to introduce them to the concepts underpinning development education and to enable them to make connections to their own work as educators. Through participation in a series of workshops, seminars, activities and lectures, student teachers developed cross-curricular resources suitable for implementation in their classrooms and also disseminated them in their host schools. 01/09/2006 01/06/2007 5000
Developing Mathematical Thinking. A research project with pre-service maths teachers PI Aim: To allow student teachers to explore certain essential conceptual understandings of mathematics so that they may adequately and appropriately teach mathematics at second level in Ireland. Objectives: To develop among student teachers the ability to: o Deconstruct a concept and formulate appropriate applications and activities to aid pupil learning o Engage in problem solving and to develop the skills and confidence to inculcate problem solving skills within their pupils o Engage in collaboration with other teachers o Encourage pupil collaboration in classrooms through using appropriate group-work skills and intelligent managing of mathematical content o Generate and disseminate innovative resources to support the teaching and learning of mathematics 01/09/2006 01/09/2007 5376

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Paula McFadden; Niamh Flanagan; Jana Ross; Julie Byrne; Rose Dolan; Gloria Kirwan; Eleanor Kelly; Caroline Shore; Orla McDonald; Elaine Wilson; Paula Slavin; Markus Ketola; Audrey Roulston; Claire McCartan; (2023) 'The role of social work education in relation to empathy and self-reported resilience: Results from entry to exit of social work education on the island of Ireland durin the Covid-19 pandemic'. British Journal of Social Work, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Walsh T.; Dolan R. (2019) 'Changing identities and practices: transitioning from the role of supervisor to placement tutor in initial teacher education in Ireland'. Professional Development in Education, 45 (4):527-538. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Dolan, Rose and Hogan, Pádraig (2017) 'SHAPING A NEW ETHICAL LANDSCAPE IN TEACHER EDUCATION: AN IRISH EXPERIENCE IN AN INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT'. Bordon-Revista De Pedagogia, 69 :93-108. [DOI] [Full-Text]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2019 Dolan, R. (2019) 'Strategies Employed by Pre-service Teacher Educators in Ireland in Order to Develop Second-Order Knowledge' In: International Research, Policy and Practice in Teacher Education. Switzerland : Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-01612-8
2017 Dolan, R. (2017) 'Teacher Education Programmes: A Systems View' In: The SAGE Handbook of Research on Teacher Education. London : SAGE.
2016 Dolan, R. (2016) 'Initiation and Implementation: Changes to Teacher Education in Ireland' In: Competencies in Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership in the Digital Age. Springer International Publishing : Springer. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Collins, T. and Dolan, R. (2011) 'Leadership and the curriculum: a question of trust' In: Leading and Managing Schools. California : SAGE Publications. [DOI]
2010 Dolan, R and Collins, T. (2010) 'Education for the 21st Century – a new paradigm' In: S Kingston(Eds.). Aspirations for Ireland. Dublin : Columba Press.
2007 Dolan R. and Gleeson, J. (2007) 'The Competences Debate and Teacher Professional Development' In: Dolan, R. and Gleeson, J(Eds.). The Competences Approach to Teacher Professional Development: Current Practice and Future Prospects Armagh: SCoTENS 2007. [Full-Text]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2014 Dolan, R (Ed.). (2014) Pathways to Innovation and Development in Education. A Collection Of Invited Essays. Maynooth: Maynooth University Department of Education,
2014 Dolan, R (Ed.). (2014) Equality and Curriculum in Education. A Collection Of Invited Essays. Maynooth: Maynooth University Department of Education,


Year Publication
2009 Walsh, B. and Dolan, R. (2009) A Guide to Teaching Practice in Ireland. : Gill & Macmillan.
2007 Dolan, R. and Gleeson, J. (2007) The Competences Approach to Teacher Professional Development: Current Practice and Future Prospects. Armagh, NI: SCoTENS.

Published Report

Year Publication
2014 Dolan, R. and Mc Clune, B. (2014) Writing as a professional development activity in ITE. SCoTENS, . [Link]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2015 Dolan, R. and Walsh, T. (2015) Assessment for Learning –Theory into Practice Invited presentation to teaching staff St Mary's Arklow St Mary's Secondary School, Arklow, .
2014 Dolan, R. (2014) Keynote: See, Think, Wonder, Act Worldwise Schools Conference Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland, .
2013 Dolan, R. (2013) Developments in Initial Teacher Education National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals Region 4 Carlow, Ireland, .
2019 Dolan, R. (2019) Multiple Roles, Transforming Knowledge, Expanding Capabilities: Professionally Developing as a Teacher Educator National Induction Programme for Teachers National Team Meeting Athlone, Ireland, .
2019 Dolan, R. (2019) Professionally Developing as a Teacher Educator: transforming knowledge, expanding capabilities, and occupying multiple roles Professional Development Service for Teachers Annual Conference Athlone, Ireland, .
2019 MacPhail, A., Dolan, R. and Ni Dhuinn, M (2019) The development of an Irish National Teacher Education and Teacher Educator Forum: the next steps Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South Annual Conference Cavan, Ireland, .
2019 Dolan, R. (2019) From Teacher to Teacher Educator: the effects of formal study on practice and identity ATEE Annual Conference Bath Spa University, UK, .
2019 Dolan, R. (2019) How does the Ed D influence Professional Discourse and Workplace Practices? IPDA International Conference Birmingham, UK, .
2019 Ní Dhuinn, M., Prendergast, M., Dolan, R., MacPhail, A., Young, A. (2019) Leveraging education research as an instrument in a Post-Truth Era to address national and infrastructural dilemmas in reconfiguring Initial Teacher Education programmes in Ireland American Educational Research Association (AERA) Toronto, Canada, .
2018 Dolan, R. (2018) From teacher to teacher educator: developing the knowledge base through formal study IPDA Annual Conference , Birmingham, UK, .
2018 Dolan, R., Beck, A., Malone, A., Snoek, M., & Verberg, C. (2018) Teacher-Research from An International Perspective (Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands) Se ECER Annual Conference Bolzano, Italy, .
2017 Dolan R. and Walsh, T. (2017) What’s in a Name? Transitioning from the Role of Supervisor to Placement Tutor Teacher Education and Teacher Educator National Forum University of Limerick, .
2017 Dolan, R. (2017) Teacher Preparation Programs: A Systems View ECER Annual Conference Copenhagen, Denmark, .
2017 Dolan, R. and Malone, A. (2017) A Study of Pre-service Teachers’ Development through use of Action Research and Lesson Study ECER Annual Conference Copenhagen, Denmark, . [Full-Text]
2016 Dolan, R. and O'Grady, S. (2016) The Changing Experiences of Student Teachers On School Placement From Maynooth University: A Longitudinal Study- 2009-2016 ECER Annual Conference Dublin, Ireland, .
2016 Dolan, R. and Walsh, T. (2016) Changing Identities and Practices? Transitioning from the Role of Supervisor to Placement Tutor in Initial Teacher Education ECER Annual Conference UCD, Dublin, .
2015 Dolan, R. and Klassen, R. (2015) Selection for Teacher Education in the UK and the Republic of Ireland: A Proposal for Innovation ECER Annual Conference Budapest, Hungary, .
2014 Schrum, L., Dolan, R., Ifenthaler, D., Huang, R., Niederhauser, D. and Strudler, N. (2014) A Global Conversation about Competencies and Challenges for 21st Century Teachers and Learners Invited Panel at Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA) Conference Porto, Portugal, .
2014 Dolan, R. (2014) Journaling was a challenge... Professional Development Activities for HEI placement tutors American Educational Research Association (AERA) Philadelphia, USA, .
2014 Dolan, R. (2014) The Evolution of the Teacher Educators' Role in the Republic of Ireland World Educational Research Association Annual Conference Edinburgh, Scotland, .
2014 Dolan, R. adn O'Grady, S. (2014) Changing experiences of pre‐service teachers on school placements between 2009 and 2014 Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference Athlone, Ireland, .
2013 Dolan, R. and Murray, J. (2013) From Teacher to Teacher Educator: Issues and Perspectives EU Presidency Conference Dublin Castle, .
2013 (2013) Assessment for Learning - Theory into Practice Joint Managerial Body Conference Croke Park, Dublin, .
2012 Dolan, R. (2012) “Conceptualising the Knowledge Development of New Teacher Educators in Ireland” European Conference on Educational Research Cadiz, Spain, .
2012 Dolan, R. (2012) What, How, Where? Transmuting knowledge-in-action into knowledge-of-practice European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) Cadiz, Spain, .
2012 Dolan, R. (2012) “Every step you take is a step away from where you used to be: the professional development of teacher educators in Ireland Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference Cork, .
2011 Dolan, R. (2011) “Solitary Rambles, Group Walks and Signposted Trails: Learning Pathways for Teacher Educators” Re-imagining Initial Teacher Education: Perspectives on Transformation Conference Dublin, Ireland, .
2011 Dolan, R. (2011) I Teach Teaching: Transmuting knowledge-in-action into knowledge-of-practice AISHE Annual Conference Dublin, Ireland, .
2010 Dolan, R. (2010) How did you learn to be a pre-service teacher educator European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) Helsinki, Finland, .
2009 (2009) An Introduction to Reflective Practice Staff Development Day Institute of Technology Tallaght, .
2008 Dolan, R. and Quirke-Bolt, N. (2008) Student Teachers – potent levers for change?” Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference Galway, Ireland, .
2007 Dolan, R. and O'Doherty, T. (2007) Teaching Competences and Standards Invited presentation to the Teaching Council Galway, Ireland, .
2006 Rickard, A., Dolan, R. and Malone, A. (2006) Integrating Tools for Reflection International Symposium on Values in Teacher Education Germany, .
2006 Dolan, R., Harford, J. and Walsh, B. (2006) The Rhetoric and Reality of Induction Policy in Ireland Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference Dublin, Ireland, .
2005 Dolan, R. and Walsh, B. (2005) Who’s Teaching the Teachers? European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) Dublin, Ireland, .
2003 Dolan, R. (2003) Issues of Diversity in the Induction of Newly Qualified Teachers in Post-Primary Schools Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference Belfast, Northern Ireland, .
2002 Dolan, R. (2002) Today’s Youth, Today’s Leaders Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference Dublin, Ireland, .


Year Publication
2020 Dolan, R. (2020) Teacher educator conversations prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic: opportunities and responsibilities. [Blog] [Link]


Year Publication
2012 Dolan, R. (2012) ‘A step away from where you used to be’ – The Development of Teacher Educators’ Professional Knowledge in an Irish University. University of Cambridge: [Thesis]
2001 Dolan, R. (2001) “Today’s Youth, Today’s Leaders and Citizens”. An exploration of the effect of youth leadership training on senior cycle pupils. NUI Maynooth: [Thesis] [Full-Text]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Internatonal Professional Development Association IPDA supports and promotes professional development of education practitioners, stimulate discussion around policy and practice and disseminates research related to professional learning. -
European Educational Research Association EERA is a learned society founded specifically for the purposes of: encouraging collaboration amongst educational researchers in Europe promoting communication between educational researchers and international governmental organisations such as the EU, Council of Europe, OECD and UNESCO improving communication amongst educational research associations and institutes within Europe disseminating the findings of educational research and highlighting their contribution to policy and practice -
Association of Teacher Educators in Europe The Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) is a non-profit European organisation, whose aim is enhancing the quality of Teacher Education in Europe and supporting the professional development of teachers and teacher educators at all levels. -
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/11/2020 IPDA Scholarship International Professional Development Association
01/01/2019 Maynooth University Publication Fund Maynooth University
01/01/2010 Visiting Scholar Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
01/01/2009 Jean Rudduck Bursary University of Cambridge
01/02/2025 Irish Research Council Research Ally Irish Research Council
01/02/2024 Irish Research Council Research Ally Irish Research Council


Committee Function From / To
PAC-PDE Steering Committee Departmental Representative 01/09/2006 - 30/06/2009
Steering Committee of the National Pilot Project on Post-Primary Teacher Induction Steering Committee member 01/09/2006 - 01/09/2011
The Social Research Ethics Subcommittee (SRESC) Committee member 01/09/2020 -
International Professional Development Association Ireland Committee member 01/09/2018 -
Maynooth University Teaching and Learning Committee Faculty of Social Sciences Representative 01/09/2019 -
Maynooth Alumni Advisory Board. Faculty of Social Sciences Representative 01/09/2019 -
Faculty of Social Sciences Teaching and Learning Committee Committee member 01/09/2012 - 01/01/2014
Standing Committee of Heads of Education and Teacher Unions Departmental Representative 01/02/2013 - 01/09/2014
Standing Committee of Heads of Education and Teacher Unions Departmental Representative 01/09/2006 - 30/06/2009
Faculty of Social Sciences Research Committee Member 01/10/2017 -
National Teacher Education and Teacher Educator Forum Steering Committee 30/11/2017 -
PAC-PDE Steering Committee Chairperson 01/02/2013 - 30/06/2016
Sub-committee for Initial Teacher Education of SCoTENS (Standing Committee of Teacher Education North and South) Chair 01/09/2004 - 01/09/2008


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
NUI Maynooth Masters in Education
University of Cambridge Faculty of Education PhD
NUI Maynooth Higher Diploma in Education
Trinity College B.A. (mod)

Other Activities

Board of Management Lucan Community College The Education Act 1998 describes the role of the Board of Management as managing the school on behalf of the patron and for the benefit of the students and their parents and to provide or cause to be provided an appropriate education for each student at the school for which that board has responsibility. The Board of Management meets approximately twice a term throughout the school year and deals with matters including review and approval of policies, appeals regarding refusal to enrol and other matters, disciplinary hearings and teaching and learning matters. The Principal reports to the Board regarding attendance and punctuality updates, suspensions, referrals to social services, admissions process, student attainment and school activities.


Client Description
Teaching Council External Advisor for Qualifications Assessment

Teaching Interests

Modules for Academic Years 2023-24 and 2024-25


ED406 Teacher as a Critically Reflective Practitioner
The process of becoming a teacher involves changing one’s perspective. This module facilitates that transition using the lenses of Philosophy of Education, Sociology of Education and Psychology of Education to provide the necessary conceptual tools. The philosophical writings in the area of reflective teaching and diversity in educational settings will be explored.

Postgraduate - Masters

ED618 Contextualising and Communicating your Research
This module aims to support the writing and design of students’ theses and projects. It will enhance students’ communicative and collaborative capacities by focusing on academic writing and the research process, broadly conceived. The seminars will offer students a group-based approach to undertaking their research and will provide opportunities to present and discuss research concerns within a supportive, collaborative atmosphere. Students will identify their research topics and problems, contextualise them within relevant educational research traditions and develop a coherent framework in which to explore them.

ED666 Teacher Education: Policy and Issues 
Education has many contested discourses in relation to its values, practices and influences. Murray (2008) has drawn attention to the necessity for teacher educators to have a knowledge base beyond the limited local knowledge of teacher education. Professional development of those who work in the field of teacher education should include a focus on the policies that inform and influence the field and on discourses that underpin the ways in which the purpose of education is understood.
This module examines the development of policy in relation to teacher education and teacher educators at national and international levels. It considers issues such as equality and gender and their influences on the development of the teacher educator. National and international considerations of current issues such as school culture and organisation, the evolving role of teachers, the changing nature of learning and learners and factors that influence on schools as learning environments for pupils and teachers, facilitate a broader and deeper understanding of the first order setting i.e. the school.

ED667 Teaching about Teaching: From Teacher to Teacher Educator
Those who become teacher educators in the Republic of Ireland do so without any requirement to register with a professional body, without any formal period of study of the foundation disciplines of teacher education, without engagement with appropriate pedagogical strategies for teaching adults and with no formally supervised practice of teaching. This is not unique to Ireland. In almost all European countries one becomes a teacher educator without any formal qualification, preparation or induction into the role (Kosnik, 2008). Two key European Commission policy documents, The Green Paper on Teacher Education in Europe (Buchberger, Campos, Kallos & Stevenson, 2000) and Supporting Teacher Educators for Better Learning Outcomes (European Commission, 2012) have highlighted concern about the lack of training for and induction into the teacher education profession, including appropriate methodologies for working with adult learners. This module focuses on the cognitive and practical processes of transitioning from first-order to second-order practitioner, with specific emphasis on the knowledge and capabilities required.

Postgraduate - Doctoral

ED890 Knowledge and Policy in Educational Practice
The introductory module to the Doctorate in Education focuses on knowledge and policy in educational practice. The first section of the module will critically explore the nature and forms of knowledge and the ways in which different kinds of knowledge are developed and communicated. There will be a particular focus on knowledge-of and -for practice. The module then considers the development and implementation of educational policy. Participants will examine the different kinds of policy, the ways in which policy is developed and will use critical policy sociology to analyse how policies may advantage and disadvantage different groups within education.

ED892A Key Discourses in Teacher Education 
Education has many contested discourses in relation to its values, practices and influences. How we conceive the purpose of education has a deep effect on what we view as good teaching and learning, thereby impacting on our resultant definition of quality educational practices. Murray (2008) has drawn attention to the necessity for teacher educators to have a knowledge base beyond the limited local knowledge of teacher education. Professional development of those who work in the field of teacher education should include a focus on the policies that inform and influence the field and on discourses that underpin the ways in which the purpose of education is understood. This module examines the development of policy in relation to teacher education and teacher educators at national and international levels. Using historical, philosophical and sociological lenses, this module will examine issues such as equality and gender and their influences on the development of the teacher and teacher educator. National and international considerations of current issues such as school culture and organisation, the evolving role of teachers, the changing nature of learning and learners and factors that influence on schools as learning environments for pupils and teachers, facilitate a broader and deeper understanding of the first order setting i.e. the school. 

ED894A Knowledge and Capabilities for Teacher Education 
In almost all European countries one becomes a teacher educator without any formal qualification, preparation or induction into the role (Kosnik, 2008). Teachers who become teacher educators encounter a mid career transition, with the ensuing changes in professional identity and a need to acquire new professional knowledge and understanding. This module focuses on the knowledge and capabilities required for the discipline of teacher education. It examines the kinds of knowledge developed and employed by first order practitioners i.e. teachers, and the ways in which such knowledge is developed for use by second order practitioners i.e. teacher educators (Murray, 2002; Loughran, 2014; Dolan, 2019). 

ED896A Proposal Preparation
This module is designed to support students as they prepare to undertake their independent research projects in years 3 and 4. Students identify their research topics and problems, contextualise them within relevant educational research traditions and develop a coherent framework in which to explore them. 

ED881 Academic Writing - Communicating your Research
This module provides participants with the opportunity to engage in writing and to be part of a writing group. It will focus on supporting participants in developing their academic writing, including the use of referencing software. It will also assist participants in effectively communicating their ideas in both written and oral forms.

ED899 and ED899A Developing Professional and Practitioner Knowledge
These modules run throughout the four years of the Ed D programme, developing the participants’ capabilities as critically reflective practitioners. These professional discourse modules allow a student to:
• reflect on the contribution of new knowledge on their practice e.g.
· Improved professional standards in their professional practice
· Developed new/improved guidelines in their professional practice
· Increase inter-agency collaboration
• Build network links within practice and academic communities
· disseminate research to peers in practice
Note that professional practice learning and reflection occurs concurrently in the student’s professional workplace/practice, captured/informed by the proposed modules, while undertaking the Ed D.

ED897 Analysing Qualitative Research Data
The process of analysing qualitative data involves moving from the data to understanding, explaining and interpreting the phenomena in question (Taylor and Gibbs, 2010, p.1.). There is no single or correct way to do this as fitness for purpose is a guiding principle in qualitative data analysis. In this module, students will learn to analyse qualitative data by engaging in analysis of their own data.  Note: In order to participate in this module, students must have gathered qualitative data and be ready to engaged in data analysis. The module is not appropriate for doctoral students who are developing their research question or designing their data gathering instruments.

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2019 Wesley Keith Young PhD