Demeter Eurydice Medusa-Butterfly feature new video works and an installation of recent notebooks by the world renowned artist, theorist and psychoanalyst Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger. Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger is an artist and psychoanalyst and Professor at the European Graduate School. Her work has been exhibited worldwide, including exhibitions at MOMA, the Pompidou Centre, the Palais de Beaux Arts and the Freud Museum.
Demeter Eurydice Medusa-Butterfly is part of Subrealism.
Identity, Diversity & Values along with Illuminations, Boston College-Ireland and Tina Kinsella are delighted to announce that internationally renowned theorist, artist, and psychoanalyst Bracha Ettinger will open an exhibition of her recent work called Demeter Eurydice Medusa-Butterfly on Wed 8 October, and a series of events on her work will run from Wed 8 October—Sat 11 Oct 2014
Conference organisers: Dr Moynagh Sullivan, Maynooth University and Dr Tina Kinsella
Demeter Eurydice Medusa-Butterfly
Curated by Bracha Ettinger.
Exhibition Launch: Wednesday 8 October, 7.00pm Illuminations Gallery, Ground Floor, Iontas Building, Maynooth University.
SUBREALISM: A Conference on Ettinger Studies
Master Class: Thursday 9 October, Aula Maxima, Maynooth University
One Day Conference: Fri 10 October, Aula Maxima, Maynooth University
Postgraduate Symposium: Saturday 11 October, Boston College, 42 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
REGISTRATION FEE €50 Payable on first day of delegates attendance
Overall Event Description
Subrealism is a series of events including an exhibition entitled Demeter Eurydice Medusa-Butterfly featuring new works by the world renowned artist, theorist and psychoanalyst Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger. There will also be a Masterclass with Ettinger on the topic of subrealisms and trust, a conference on recent work in Ettingerian Studies, and a postgraduate symposium. The events will register a shift from the Matrixial to Ettingerian Studies that involves a radical re-thinking of both the subject and the human being.
Exhibition launch, Wednesday 8 October, 7pm
Demeter Eurydice Medusa-Butterfly
This exhibition will feature new video works by Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger and an installation of her recent notebooks.
Masterclass (9 October, Maynooth University, 10am-3pm)
In recent years Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger’s work has been concerned with subrealism and subreality alongside a re-thinking of the subject, the human being and the non-human. This master class will feature two lectures by Ettinger on the themes of trust, human subject, ontology and transcendence. Among the topics which will be considered are loyalty, intimate relations and difference, trust, singularity, primal affects, and how to imagine an ethics of the subject in the world. This will entail thinking about theology, catastrophe, testimony, memory, joy, faith, belief, artworking, transference, trauma and connectivity in different ways in order to ask what transcendence might mean today. Two of Ettinger’s touch points in developing her idea of a feminine-maternal-matrixial Ethics will be the early Kabbalistic tradition and her original interpretation of the Biblical text of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4. A reader with texts by Ettinger will be distributed in advance to participants. Spaces will be limited to 30.
Lecture 1: To Become Humane (ENOSH אנש heb.) – To Carry (NOSSEE נשא heb.). Daring the Shock of Trust (EMUN אמן heb.):
Art and Trust after the end of Trust (10am-12pm)
Lecture 2: Subrealism and Transrealism: Between Ontology and Transcendence (1pm-3pm)
* Places for the Masterclass are limited. To register please email Dr Moynagh Sullivan at moynagh.sullivan@nuim.ie or Dr Tina Kinsella at [email protected]
A One Day Conference on Ettingerian Studies (10 October, Maynooth University, 10am-5pm)
This one-day conference features invited presentations on recent shifts in Ettingerian studies focusing particularly on theology, gender studies, sexuality studies, queer theory, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy.
* Speakers will be confirmed shortly.
Postgraduate Symposium
A one-day Postgraduate symposium on the work of Bracha L. Ettinger, Boston College, Dublin
Call for Papers
Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger is an international artist, theorist, psychoanalyst who has developed an important body of theory over the last thirty years. She has inspired many of her contemporaries including Emmanuel Levinas, Félix Guattari, Jean-François Lyotard, Nicholas Bourriaud, Judith Butler, Griselda Pollock, Brian Massumi, Erin Manning. Her work has also had a profound impact on scholars in a diverse range of fields including philosophy, theatre and performance studies, English Literature, visual theory, gender studies, sexuality studies, queer theory, theology, psychoanalysis, psychosocial studies, film studies, political theory, among others. This one day postgraduate symposium invites presentations on the broad sweep of Ettinger’s work from the matrixial to the subreal. Papers will be considered for publication in the soon to be established Journal of Ettinger Studies.
Please send abstracts of 250-300 words to Dr Moynagh Sullivan at [email protected] or Dr Tina Kinsella at [email protected]