The 20th Meeting of the Irish Renaissance Seminar hosted at Maynooth University Department of English.
Saturday 10th November 2018
Earth Songs: Eco-Criticism and Early Modern Studies
1.30 Welcome / Light Lunch
2.00 Paper Session I:
Dr Kevin De Ornellas (University of Ulster): “‘Great is the beauty of Creatures’: Godfrey Goodman Praising Animals Praising God”
Professor Pat Palmer (Department of English, NUI Maynooth): “Earthen Bodies: The Chthonic in Country House Poetry” Chair: Dr Edel Semple (Department of English, University College Cork)
3.00 Tea / Coffee
3.15 Keynote Paper
Dr Deana Rankin (Senior Lecturer in Renaissance Literature, Department of English & Drama, Royal Holloway), “Border Disputes” Chair: Professor Andy Murphy, School of English, Trinity College Dublin
4.15 Paper Session II:
“Dramatising Denial: A Looking Glass for London and new directions for ecocriticism”: Dr Gwilym Jones (Lecturer in Renaissance Literature, University of Westminster) Chair: Professor Marie-Louise Coolhan (Department of English, NUI Galway)
5.15 IRS Discussion / Business meeting, followed by wine reception to mark 20th anniversary
Dinner, by invite and self-funded, 6.30pm
The organisers, Dr Stephen O’Neill and Professor Pat Palmer, acknowledge the support of Maynooth University Conference & Workshop Fund, and Maynooth University Department of English.