Dr Catherine Gander
Friday, October 6, 2023 - 16:30
Dr Catherine Gander has won the Max Nänny Prize for best essay in word and image studies. The prize is awarded by the International Association for Word and Image Studies (IAWIS) every three years, and announced at their AGM.
Dr Gander's essay, "Black and White Landscapes: Topographies of Disorientation in the works of Carrie Mae Weems and Claudia Rankine" was published in Journal of American Studies, Volume 54, Special Issue 3, July 2020, 517-540, and can be accessed here: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-american-studies/article/abs/black-and-white-landscapes-topographies-of-disorientation-in-the-works-of-carrie-mae-weems-and-claudia-rankine/9A474A6C55A630582FA48431C90BE637