Prof Pat Palmer



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Patricia Palmer works on cultures in contact in, principally, early modern Ireland, on the conflictual exchange between English colonists and the Gaelic world, on linguistic colonisation, the aesthetics of violence, and the politics of translation. There is a strong comparative element to her work: she has written on translations of Ariosto, Ercilla, and Virgil, and on bardic poetry. She is the author of Language and Conquest in Early Modern Ireland: English Renaissance Literature and Elizabeth Imperial Expansion (Cambridge University Press, 2001) and The Severed Head and the Grafted Tongue: Translating Violence in Early Modern Ireland (Cambridge University Press, 2014). She has published articles with English Literary Renaissance, Translation Studies, Renaissance Quarterly, Irish Historical Studies, and Literature CompassEarly Modern Criticism in a Time of Crisis which she edited with David Baker was published in November 2022. Her current book project is a study of the polyphonic and intersecting literary cultures of early modern Ireland, Her current book project is a monograph provisionally entitled The Poetics of Property: Castle Poems and the Invention of Ownership in Early Modern Ireland

After graduating with an MA from University College Cork, she worked in Athens and Brussels before taking a D.Phil. in English literature at the University of Oxford. She was Senior Lecturer in the University of York (2000-2008) and Reader in King’s College London (2008-2016) and took up the chair of Renaissance Literature in Maynooth in 2017. 

She was awarded an Advanced Laureate by the Irish Research Council in 2019 and is Principal Investigator on the MACMORRIS Project, a four-year DH project which seeks to map the full range of cultural activity, across languages and ethnic groups, in early modern Ireland. 


Year Publication
2025 Patricia Palmer and Evan Bourke (2025) Decolonial Deep Mapping. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2014 Patricia Palmer (2014) The Severed Head and the Grafted Tongue: Literature, Translation and Violence in Early Modern Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2001 Patricia Palmer (2001) Language and Conquest in Early Modern Ireland: English Renaissance Literature and Elizabeth Imperial Expansion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Patricia Palmer (2024) 'The Gaelic court and Irish country-house poetry The politics of an overlooked genre' In: Ireland and the Renaissance court. Manchester : Manchester University Press. [Link]
2023 Patricia Palmer (2023) '‘“Gente Blanca” in the Green Atlantic, or Whose Lives Matter in Irish Studies?’' In: Reading Gender and Space: Essays for Patricia Coughlan. Cork : Cork University Press.
2022 David Baker and Patricia Palmer (2022) 'Introduction: Early Modern Criticism in a Time of Crisis' In: Early Modern Criticism in a Time of Crisis. USA : EMC Imprint: University of California Santa Barbara. [Link]
2022 Patricia Palmer (2022) ' Animacy, the “Unthought,” and a Poem to a Sacred Tree ' In: Early Modern Criticism in a Time of Crisis. USA : EMC Imprint: University of California Santa Barbara. [Link]
2022 Patricia Palmer (2022) 'Another Past Was Possible: Mapping the Path from MACMORRIS to Port Harcourt' In: Early Modern Criticism in a Time of Crisis. USA : EMC Imprint: University of California Santa Barbara. [Link]
2018 Patricia Palmer (2018) '‘Fugitive Identities: Selves, Narratives and Disregarded Lives in Early-Modern Ireland’' In: Becoming and Belonging in Ireland 1200-1600. Cork : Cork University Press.
2016 Patricia Palmer (2016) '‘Where Does It Hurt? How Pain Makes History in Early Modern Ireland’' In: The Body in Pain in Irish Culture. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2015 Patricia Palmer (2015) '‘Richard Stanihurst’s Aeneis and the English of Ireland’' In: The Culture of Translation in Early Modern England and France, 1500-1660. London : Routledge.
2010 Patricia Palmer (2010) '‘Flights of Fancy: Journeying into the Miraculous’' In: Flight of the Earls /Imeacht na nIarlaí. Derry : Guildhall Press.
2010 Patricia Palmer (2010) '‘Miraculous Bullets, Relic Heads: Exile as Pilgrimage’' In: Italian Influences and Irish Outcasts: Essays on Torquato Tasso and Aspects of the Renaissance in Ireland, Europe and Beyond. Belfast : University of Ulster Press.
2010 Patricia Palmer (2010) '‘Hungry Eyes’ and the Rhetoric of Dispossession: English Writing from Early Modern Ireland’' In: The Blackwell Companion to Irish Literature. Oxford : Blackwell.
2007 Patricia Palmer (2007) '‘At the sign of the severed head: the currency of beheading in Early Modern Ireland’' In: Cultures of Violence. London : Palgrave.
2005 Patricia Palmer (2005) '‘Cross-talk and Mermaid-speak’' In: Britain and Ireland: Lives Entwined. Dublin : British Council. [Link]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2022 Patricia Palmer & David Baker (Ed.). (2022) Early Modern Criticism in a Time of Crisis. USA: EMC Imprint: University of California Santa Barbara, [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2018 David J. Baker, Willy Maley and Patricia Palmer (2018) '‘What Ish My Network? Introducing MACMORRIS: Digitising Cultural Activity and Collaborative Networks in Early Modern Ireland’'. Literature Compass, . [Full-Text]
2015 Patricia Palmer (2015) '‘Invited Response to “Betraying empire: Translation and the ideology of conquest”’'. Translation Studies, 8 (3):357-361. [Full-Text]
2007 Patricia Palmer (2007) '‘ “An headless Ladie” and a “horses loade of heades”: Writing Atrocity in a Time of Conquest’'. Renaissance quarterly, 60 (1):25-57. [Full-Text]
2006 Patricia Palmer (2006) '‘Missing Bodies, Absent Bards: Spenser, Shakespeare and a Crisis in Criticism’'. English Literary Renaissance, 36 (3):376-395. [Full-Text]
2004 Patricia Palmer (2004) '‘False and Unreliable Interpreters in Sixteenth-Century Ireland’'. Irish Historical Studies, 33 (131):257-277.
1990 Patricia Palmer (1990) '‘Apples, Arts, Amnesiacs and Emigrants: The University Connection’'. The Irish Review, 8 :14-18. [Full-Text]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2019 Patricia Palmer, David J Baker, Willy Maley (2019) 'Enter MacMorris' JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 113 . [Link]
2018 Patricia Palmer (2018) '‘Wanton Bardes, and Rymers Impudent’: A Response to ‘Spenser, Poetry, and Performance’' Spenser Review, 48 (1.2) . [Link]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2007 Patricia Palmer (2007) Proceedings of the 21th Harvard Celtic Colloquium ‘Babel is Come Again: Linguistic Colonisation and the Bardic Response in Early Modern Ireland’

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2022 Patricia Palmer, Evan Bourke, Phil Mac a' Ghoill (2022) 'Deep mapping the arboreal in early modern Munster' Conference and Networking Event for Literature and Ireland’s Trees Maynooth, .
2022 Patricia Palmer (2022) ‘We Need to Think about Early Modern Ireland: Early Modernism Our Contemporary’ Keynote, International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures Limerick, .
2022 Patricia Palmer (2022) ‘The MACMORRIS Project and the Redefinition of Early Modern Ireland’ Forgotten Histories of Early Modern Ireland, 1450-1750 National University of Ireland, Merrion Square, Dublin, .
2022 Patricia Palmer (2022) ‘Gleanings from Early Modern Ireland: MACMORRIS and the Project of Reinserting Irish into the Narrative' Paul Walsh Memorial Lecture Maynooth, .
2022 Patricia Palmer (2022) Mapping Cultural Actors in Early Modern Ireland: the MACMORRIS Project Irish Historical Studies Dublin, .
2022 Patricia Palmer (2022) ‘Faerie lond’ and the Land of the Síth’ Renaissance Society of America Dublin, .
2022 Patricia Palmer (2022) 'Away with the Airy Faeries: Faerie-lond, plantation, and the Concept of Property in Early Modern Ireland’ Cambridge Group for Irish Studies Cambridge, .
2021 Pat Palmer and Deirdre Nic Chárthaigh (2021) ‘Visualising Literary Patronage Networks in Gaelic Ireland c. 1550–1650’ A Digital Framework for the Medieval Gaelic World Maynooth, .
2020 Patricia Palmer (2020) “Tugais cruth naoidhe ar neamhchruth”: Filíocht na Scol and ‘[country] house poems’ Tintúd-Aistriú: an tAistriúchán Liteartha i Stair na Gaeilge / Literary Translation through Time online, .
2019 Patricia Palmer (2019) ‘Did Ireland Have a Renaissance?’ International Irish Studies Lecture Queen’s University Belfast, .
2019 Patricia Palmer (2019) ‘Adversarial Polyglossia: Gaelic Poetry and the Tudor Conquest of Ireland’ Polyglot Communities in Early Modern Britain Paris Nanterre, .
2019 Patricia Palmer (2019) ‘ “To Advertise of Every Common Person”: Extending the Cast List of Early Modern Ireland’ Keynote: Dominus Hibernie/Rex Hiberniae: Premodern Ireland, 1200-1801 The National Archives, Kew, .
2019 Patricia Palmer (2019) ‘Spenser’s Noyous Neighbours’ MLA Chicago, .
2018 Patricia Palmer (2018) ‘Future Directions for Research in Early Modern Gaelic Ireland’ Renaissance Society of America New Orleans, .
2018 Patricia Palmer (2018) ‘ “Hollow Caues” and Talking Castles: The Politics of Conquest and Resistance in Irish and English Country-House Poetry’ Cambridge Renaissance Seminar Cambridge, .
2018 Patricia Palmer (2018) ‘Ecologies of Early Modern Irish literature: Out from Kilcolman’ American Conference of Irish Studies Cork, .
2018 Patricia Palmer (2018) ‘ “Seanróimh éigsi is ealadhan”: Mapping Cultural Complexity in 1590s’ Munster’ Reading Ireland, 1500-1700: An Interdisciplinary Conference, Marsh’s Library Dublin, .
2017 Patricia Palmer (2017) ‘Irish Country-House Poetry in the Early Modern Period: A Neglected Genre?’ Tudor-Stuart Ireland Conference Galway, .
2017 Patricia Palmer (2017) ‘The Arts of War and the ‘Embedded’ Poet: Incitement, Exultation and Elegy in Literary Responses to the Conquest of Ireland’ Caltech-Huntington Humanities Collaboration Module: Violence and Order Past and Present Los Angeles, .
2017 Patricia Palmer (2017) ‘Spenser, Poetry, and Performance’ International Spenser Society Research-in-Action workshop on Sam Wanamaker Theatre London, .
2017 Patricia Palmer (2017) «‘By others opposition or obliquid view’: Edmund Spenser, Irish Bards and Writing in a Time of Conflict» Paris Early Modern Seminar, Sorbonne Paris, .


Year Publication
2017 Patricia Palmer (2017) Translating the City: Writing is Looking. [Blog] [Link]
2017 Patricia Palmer (2017) London-Port Hartcourt. [Blog] [Link]
2017 Patricia Palmer (2017) Political Criticism Goes Live. [Blog] [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Outreach Activities

Organisation Type Description
CMAP: The Human City Project, Port Harcourt Civic Society The Human City Project is a community-driven media, architecture, urban planning and human rights movement in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. It works with marginalised communities to develop their voice and build their capacity to participate meaningfully in the shaping of their city. I've given a series of workshops to its trainees and am an board member [Link]