In this online event two days before World Food Day, pioneering women who live, work, and are changing Kildare and the wider world, discuss and demonstrate how they are addressing the food & climate crisis.
Speakers will include Deirdre Lane (Shamrock Spring & the Kildare Environmental Network), Eibhlín Ní Chearbhaill (Kildare Library & Arts Services), Dr. Mary O'Connor (Ecologist & Chair of Kildare Tidy Towns), Rose Hogan (Sustainable Agriculture Adviser, Trocaire), and Dr. Patricia Healy Kettle (Maynooth University & Maynooth Green Campus)
Moderated by Dr Alistair Fraser
With lively chat, music, discussion, and debate, this event is intended to invite active engagement in combating the food and climate crisis, encourage local food consumption and regenerative practice, and embed local resilience.
This event is supported by Afri, Kildare Library & Arts Services, Maynooth Green Campus, the Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute, and the Maynooth University Dept of Geography.
This event is online - please register here