Maynooth University has won the award for best memorials (written pleadings) at the Irish finals of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court competition. This highly prestigious competition represents the pinnacle of interscholastic mooting, and we would like to warmly congratulate the students - Lauren Hayden, Zoe Walsh Gibb, Emma Conway, Ethan Johnson, and Martha McArtain – as well as their coach, Dr Bríd Ní Ghráinne, on this remarkable achievement. Congratulations also to the Institute of Professional Legal Studies, Queen's University Belfast, who were the overall winners of the final.
The students took part in the competition through the International Mooting module, which provides academic credit for participation in the Jessup moot. The team and their coach are very grateful to the wonderful support they received throughout the Jessup experience, particularly from Prof Fergus Ryan, the School of Law and Criminology, Oisin Suttle, Hubert Smekal, Rashmi Dias Goonewardena, Kate Coneely, John Morrison, Aoife Murphy, and Jaya Duignan.