Dr Aedín Doris

Aedín Doris has been at Maynooth's Economics Department since 1997, after undertaking her PhD at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.
Aedín is an applied labour economist doing research mainly in the areas of earnings inequality, the economics of education and labour market public policy. Her research addresses policy-relevant questions using empirical analysis, typically of Irish data.
She has research interests in the determinants of earnings and earnings inequality; educational inequality; gender inequality in the labour market; the labour market effects of benefit systems; and higher education funding and access. She has published in leading international journals such as the Journal of Human Resources, Economica, the Economics of Education Review, the Journal of Economic Inequality, the Oxford Review of Education and the IZA Journal of European Labor Studies.
Her policy work has included reports on income-contingent student loans, the HEAR and DARE university access routes, the introduction of a Living Wage and the introduction of the Minimum Wage.
In 2017, she was joint winner (with Bruce Chapman of Australian National University) of the Miriam Hederman O'Brien prize, awarded by the Foundation for Fiscal Studies for outstanding work in the area of fiscal policy.
Aedín is a member of the External Advisory Group for IGEES (the Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service). She was a member of the government's Pensions Commission and was Managing Editor of the Economic and Social Review, Ireland's foremost Economics journal, from 2020-2023.
Research Interests
Areas of interest include Labour Economics, Economics of Inequality, Economics of Education, Labour Market Public Policy.
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Doris, A; O'Neill, D; Sweetman, O (2022) 'Good schools or good students? The importance of selectivity for school rankings'. Oxford Review of Education, 48 (6):804-826. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Aedín Doris, Donal O'Neill, Olive Sweetman (2020) 'Does Reducing Unemployment Benefits During a Recession Reduce Youth Unemployment? Evidence from a 50% Cut in Unemployment Assistance'. Journal of Human Resources, 55 (3):902-925. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Aedín Doris; Donal O'Neill; Olive Sweetman (2020) 'How Important are Firms in Explaining Wage Changes During a Recession?'. Economica, 87 (345):282-298. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Bruce Chapman; Aedín Doris (2019) 'Modelling higher education financing reform for Ireland'. Economics of Education Review, 71 :109-119. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Aedín Doris (2019) 'Ireland's Gender Wage Gap, Past and Present'. Economic And Social Review, 50 :667-681. [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Aedin Doris, Donal O'Neill, Olive Sweetman (2015) 'Wage Flexibility and the Great Recession: the response of the Irish Labour Market'. IZA JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN LABOR STUDIES, 4:18 . [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Doris, A; O'Neill, D; Sweetman, O (2013) 'Gender, single-sex schooling and maths achievement'. Economics of Education Review, 35 :104-119. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Doris, A; O'Neill, D; Sweetman, O (2013) 'Identification of the covariance structure of earnings using the GMM estimator'. Journal of Economic Inequality, 11 :343-372. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Doris, A; O'Neill, D; Sweetman, O (2011) 'GMM estimation of the covariance structure of longitudinal data on earnings'. Stata Journal, 11 :439-459. [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Aedín Doris (2001) 'The Changing Responsiveness of Labour Supply During the 1990s'. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 12 :68-82. [Full-Text] | |
1998 | Doris, A (1998) 'Married women in the Irish part-time labour market'. Economic And Social Review, 29 :157-178. [Full-Text] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2017 | Darragh Flannery; Aedín Doris; Bruce Chapman (2017) 'Student financing of higher education' In: Economic Insights on Higher Education Policy in Ireland: Evidence from a Public System. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [DOI] | |
2000 | Aedín Doris (2000) 'Wage Differentials and Labour Market Participation' In: How Unequal? Men and Women in the Irish Labour Market. Dublin : Oaktree Press. | |
2000 | Aedín Doris, Tim Callan and Brian Nolan (2000) 'Taxes, Transfers and Labour Market Responses in Ireland: Where Do We Go from Here?' In: Taxes, Transfers and Labour Market Responses: What Can Microsimulation Tell Us?. Dublin : Economic and Social Research Institute Policy Research Series No. 36. |
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Aedin Doris, Donal O'Neill, Olive Sweetman (2022) Research on the Introduction of a Living Wage in Ireland. Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment, . [Link] | |
2021 | Commission on Pensions (Aedin Doris, Commission member) (2021) The Report of the Commission on Pensions. Department of Social Protection, . [Link] | |
2021 | Commission on Pensions (Aedin Doris, Commission member and Technical Sub-Committee member) (2021) Pensions Commission Technical Working Paper 1: Population and Labour Force Projections. Department of Social Protection, . [Link] | |
2021 | Commission on Pensions (Aedin Doris, Commission member and Technical Sub-Committee member) (2021) Pensions Commission Technical Working Paper 2: Expenditure Projections. Department of Social Protection, . [Link] | |
2021 | Commission on Pensions (Aedin Doris, Commission member and Technical Sub-Committee member) (2021) Pensions Commission Technical Working Paper 3: Poverty Prevention and State Pensions. Department of Social Protection, . [Link] | |
2021 | Commission on Pensions (Aedin Doris, Commission member and Technical Sub-Committee member) (2021) Pensions Commission Technical Working Paper 4: Benchmarking and Indexation. Department of Social Protection, . [Link] | |
2016 | Expert Group on Funding for Higher Education; Aedin Doris (contributor to Appendix 3) (2016) Investing in National Ambition: a Strategy for Funding Higher Education. Department of Education and Skills, . | |
2014 | Delma Byrne, Aedin Doris, Olive Sweetman, Ruth Casey, David Raffe (2014) A National Evaluation of the HEAR and DARE Supplementary Admission Routes to Higher Education: Report Commissioned by the HEAR DARE Strategic Development Group of the Irish Universities Association. HEAR DARE Strategic Development Group, . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
1999 | Tim Callan and Aedín Doris (1999) Labour Supply Responses to the Minimum Wage, Chapter 4 in 'The Impact of the Minimum Wage in Ireland: Report for the Inter-Departmental Group on the Implementation of a National Minimum Wage. The Stationery Office, Government Publications Office, . |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Aedin Doris (2023) 'Discussion of An Analysis of the Current Leaving Certificate Points System and a New Leaving Certificate Points System by O'Hare & Ryan' Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 52 . [Link] | |
2021 | Aedin Doris (2021) 'Discussion of Top Incomes in Ireland: Reconciling Evidence from Tax Records and Household Survey Data by Tim Callan, Karina Doorley and Alyvia McTague' Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 50 :13-14. [Link] | |
2015 | Aedin Doris (2015) 'Discussion of Developments in the Irish Labour Market during the Crisis: What Lessons for Policy? by Thomas Conefrey, Martina Lawless & Suzanne Linehan' Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 44 :33-34. [Link] |
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