Prof Audra Mockaitis

School of Business, Faculty of Social Sciences

Social Sciences Associate Dean of Research and Engagement

Callan Building
(01) 708 4757


Associate Dean for Research, Faculty of Social Sciences

Audra joined Maynooth University as full Professor of International Business in 2019. She previously held tenured positions at Monash University in Australia and Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. Her interests center on cross-national large-scale research on global (virtual) teams, global and cross-cultural leadership, cultural values, language and distance factors in international business. Her work has been published in journals such as Journal of World Business, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Business Ethics, Management International Review, International Business Review, and others. Audra serves on the editorial boards of Journal of World Business, Thunderbird International Business Review (Book Reviews Editor for 13 years to 2020), and Baltic Journal of Management (Associate Editor - to 2020).

She maintains a personal website:

Audra has received numerous awards for her research, including Best Reviewer awards from the Journal of World Business, Academy of Management (AoM) and European Academy of Management (EURAM), Best Paper awards from AoM, British Academy of Management, and the Australia New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), AoM Best Paper Proceedings, and has been nominated as a finalist for awards for best papers and symposia at the AoM and its International Management Division, Academy of International Business (AIB) as well as a Research Group of the Year award in Sweden. 

I am pleased to announce the publication of two new books: 

The Elgar Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Management.


The Palgrave Handbook of Global Migration in International Business


External research profile links:
Google Scholar

Research Interests

International Business, International Management, Cross-Cultural Management, Migration, Cultural identity

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Values and pull factors of Lithuanian emigrants (VALUEHOST) PI Lithuanian Research Council 01/03/2023 31/12/2025 147847
Entrepreneurs’ narcissism and firm internationalisation: A longitudinal cross-national study PI 01/10/2021 31/12/2023 4540
Insights into the black box between personality traits and entrepreneurial success during adversi-ty: A longitudinal cross-national study. PI 01/10/2020 31/12/2022 4838
New ways of working and the illusion of flexibility: The impact of temporal schemata, role con-flict and overload on the wellbeing of global virtual team members PI 01/10/2019 31/12/2021 4078


Year Publication
2021 Kumpikaitė -Valiūnienė, V., Liubinienė, V., Žičkutė, I., Duobienė, J., Mockaitis, A.I., Mihi-Ramirez, A. (2021) Migration Culture: A Comparative Perspective. UK: Springer. [DOI]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2024 Audra I. Mockaitis;Christina L. Butler (Ed.). (2024) Elgar Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar,
2023 Audra I. Mockaitis (Ed.). (2023) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Migration in International Business. United Kingdom: Palgrave MacMillan,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Chugh, R.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Lanivich, S.E.; Nooshabadi, J.E. (2024) 'It’s all about resources: Narcissistic CEOs and entrepreneurial orientation during disruptions'. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, . [Link] [DOI]
2024 Nooshabadi, J.E.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Chugh, R. (2024) 'Chief executive officer’s dark triad personality and firm'. International Business Review, . [Full-Text]
2024 Terpstra Tong, J.; Ralston, D.A.; Furrer, O.; Egri, C.; Karam, C.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Richards, M.; Dabic, M.; Reynaud, E.; Fu, P.; Palmer, I.; Srinivasan, N.; Carranza, M.; Butt, A.; Gutierrez, J.; Lee, C>; Moon, Y; MOlten, M>; Kuo, M>; Casado, T.; Sidani, Y; Milton, L.; Zatorska, L.; Ho, B.; Gelbuda, M.; Alas, R.; Danis, W. (2024) 'Attitudes of Millennials towards Corporate Responsibility: A Multilevel Analysis of 28 Societies'. Cross Cultural and Strategic Management, .
2024 Ralston, D.A.; et al. (2024) 'Is There a Global-business-subculture Effect on Gender Differences? A Multi-Society Analysis of Subordinate Influence Ethics Behaviors'. Business Horizons, .
2022 Mockaitis A.I.; Butler C.L.; Ojo A. (2022) 'COVID-19 pandemic disruptions to working lives: A multilevel examination of impacts across career stages'. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 138 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Ralston, D.A., Russell, C.J., Terpstra-Tong, J., Lenartowicz, T., Szabo, E., Mockaitis, A.I., Elenkov, D., et al. (2022) 'Are societal-level values still relevant measures in the 21st century businessworld? A 39-society analysis'. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, .
2018 Mockaitis, A.I., Zander, L., & De Cieri, H. (2018) 'The benefits of global teams for international organizations: HR implications'. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29 (14):2137-2158. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Mockaitis, A.I.; Zander, L.; de Cieri, H.; (2016) 'Special issue of international journal of human resource management: The benefits of global teams for international organizations: Hr implications'. International Journal of Human Resource Management, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Zander, L.; Jonsen, K.; Mockaitis, A.I.; (2016) 'Leveraging Values in Global Organizations: Premises, Paradoxes and Progress'. Management International Review, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Mockaitis, A.I.; Zander, L.; De Cieri, H.; (2015) 'Special issue of international Journal of Human Resource Management: The benefits of global teams for international organizations: HR implications'. International Journal of Human Resource Management, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Donald L. Ferrin; (2015) 'Team-Based Organizations in a Global World'. Academy of Management Proceedings, . [DOI]
2015 Åsa-Karin Engstrand; Patricia Gabaldon; Stefan Gröschl; Yih-teen Lee; Gundula Lücke; Christof Miska; Fiona Moore; Verena J. Patock; Craig L. Pearce; Laurence Romani; Satu Teerikangas; Gretchen Vogelgesang Lester; Christina Louisa Wassenaar; (2015) 'Making a Difference with Global Leadership: What Can Firms, People and Business Schools Do?'. Academy of Management Proceedings, . [DOI]
2014 Ralston, D.A.; Egri, C.P.; Furrer, O.; Kuo, M.-H.; Li, Y.; Wangenheim, F.; Dabic, M.; Naoumova, I.; Shimizu, K.; de la Garza Carranza, M.T.; Fu, P.P.; Potocan, V.V.; Pekerti, A.; Lenartowicz, T.; Srinivasan, N.; Casado, T.; Rossi, A.M.; Szabo, E.; Butt, A.; Palmer, I.; Ramburuth, P.; Brock, D.M.; Terpstra-Tong, J.; Grison, I.; Reynaud, E.; Richards, M.; Hallinger, P.; Castro, F.B.; Ruiz-Gutiérrez, J.; Milton, L.; Ansari, M.; Starkus, A.; Mockaitis, A.; Dalgic, T.; León-Darder, F.; Thanh, H.V.; Moon, Y.-L.; Molteni, M.; Fang, Y.; Pla-Barber, J.; Alas, R.; Maignan, I.; Jesuino, J.C.; Lee, C.-H.; Nicholson, J.D.; Chia, H.-B.; Danis, W.; Dharmasiri, A.S.; Weber, M.; (2014) 'Societal-Level Versus Individual-Level Predictions of Ethical Behavior: A 48-Society Study of Collectivism and Individualism'. Journal of Business Ethics, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Herbert, K.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Zander, L.; (2014) 'An opportunity for east and west to share leadership: A multicultural analysis of shared leadership preferences in global teams'. Asian Business and Management, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Zander, L.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Harzing, A.-W.; (2014) 'Corrigendum to Standardization and contextualization: A study of language and leadership across 17 countries [J. World Bus. 46 (2011) 296-304]'. Journal of World Business, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Mockaitis, A.I.; Salciuviene, L.; Ghauri, P.N.; (2013) 'On What Do Consumer Product Preferences Depend? Determining Domestic versus Foreign Product Preferences in an Emerging Economy Market'. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Khilji, S.E., Egri, C.P., Ralston, D.A., Palmer, I., Girson, I., Milton, L., Richards, M., Ramburuth, P., and Mockaitis, A.I. (2012) 'Do Anglo Countries Still Form a Values Cluster? Evidence of the Complexity of Value Change'. Journal of World Business, 47 (2):267-276. [Full-Text]
2012 Butler, C.L.; Zander, L.; Mockaitis, A.; Sutton, C.; (2012) 'The Global Leader as Boundary Spanner, Bridge Maker, and Blender'. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Mockaitis, A.I.; Rose, E.L.; Zettinig, P.; (2012) 'The power of individual cultural values in global virtual teams'. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Zander, L.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Butler, C.L.; (2012) 'Leading global teams'. Journal of World Business, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Leonard, K.M.; Cosans, C.; Pakdil, F.; Brew, F.; Tanure, B.; Coutina-Hill, V.; Kuo, B.; Kwantes, C.T.; Rojas-Mendez, J.; Kim, T.-Y.; Lammel, A.; Schmid, S.; Srivastava, B.N.; Setiadi, B.; Keeley, T.; Surkiene, G.; Nasurdin, A.M.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Nowak, M.; Kim, S.-P.; Shin, M.; Tsai, F.-S.; Wu, L.L.; Akdogan, A.; Esatoglu, E.; Gumus, M.; Koyuncu, M.; Kemal Oktem, M.; Tasci, D.; Tokgoz, N.; Yousef, D.; Salciuviene, L.; Rodriguez, S.B.; Chamseddine, N.J.; Ford, D.; Rajadhyaksha, U.; Soler, O.; (2012) 'Cooperation across cultures: An examination of the concept in 16 countries'. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Ralston, D.A., Egri, C.P., Mockaitis, A.I. et al. (2011) 'A 21st Century Assessment of Values across the Global Workforce'. Journal of Business Ethics, 104 (1):1-31. [Full-Text]
2011 Zander, L.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Harzing, A.-W.; Baldueza, J.; Barner-Rasmussen, W.; Barzantny, C.; Canabal, A.; Davila, A.; Espejo, A.; Fernandes Ferreira, R.; Giroud, A.; Koester, K.; Liang, Y.-K.; Morley, M.J.; Myloni, B.; Odusanya, J.O.T.; Leiba O'Sullivan, S.; Kumar Palaniappan, A.; Prochno, P.; Roy Choudhury, S.; Saka-Helmhout, A.; Siengthai, S.; Uzuncarsili Soydas, A.; Viswat, L.; (2011) 'Standardization and contextualization: A study of language and leadership across 17 countries'. Journal of World Business, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Leonard, K.M.; Van Scotter, J.R.; Pakdil, F.; Chamseddine, N.J.; Esatoglu, E.; Gumus, M.; Koyuncu, M.; Ling Ling Wu; Mockaitis, A.I.; Salciuviene, L.; Oktem, M.K.; Surkiene, G.; Tsai, F.-S.; (2011) 'Examining media effectiveness across cultures and national borders: A review and multilevel framework'. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Jenkins, E.M.; Mockaitis, A.I.; (2010) 'You're from where? The influence of distance factors on New Zealand expatriates' cross-cultural adjustment'. International Journal of Human Resource Management, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Moustafa Leonard, K., Van Scotter, J.R., Pakdil, F.,Chamseddine, N.J., Mockaitis, A.I., Salciuviene, L., Surkiene, G., Tsai, F.S., Wu, L.L., Esatoglu, E., Koyuncu, M., Gumus, M., and Oktem, K. (2009) 'Culture and Communication: Cultural Variations and Media Effectiveness'. Administration and Society, 41 (7):850-877. [Full-Text]
2009 Harzing, A.-W.; Baldueza, J.; Barner-Rasmussen, W.; Barzantny, C.; Canabal, A.; Davila, A.; Espejo, A.; Ferreira, R.; Giroud, A.; Koester, K.; Liang, Y.-K.; Mockaitis, A.; Morley, M.J.; Myloni, B.; Odusanya, J.O.T.; O'Sullivan, S.L.; Palaniappan, A.K.; Prochno, P.; Choudhury, S.R.; Saka-Helmhout, A.; Siengthai, S.; Viswat, L.; Soydas, A.U.; Zander, L.; (2009) 'Rating versus ranking: What is the best way to reduce response and language bias in cross-national research?'. International Business Review, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2007 Mockaitis, A.I.; Vaiginiene, E.; Giedraitis, V.; (2007) 'How active are Lithuanian manufacturing SMEs in international markets? Some preliminary findings'. Transformations in Business and Economics, .
2006 Mockaitis, A.I.; Vaiginiene, E.; Giedraitis, V.; (2006) 'The internationalization efforts of lithuanian manufacturing firms - Strategy or luck?'. Research in International Business and Finance, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2005 Harzing, A.W., A.Mockaitis, L.Zander et al. (2005) 'Does the use of English-language questionnaires in cross-national research obscure national differences?'. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 5 (2):213-224. [Full-Text]
2005 Mockaitis, A.I.; (2005) 'The race to EU integration: How many and how high are the hurdles?'. Research in International Business and Finance, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Harzing, A.W., Baldueza, J., Barner-Rasmussen, W., Barzantny, C., Berthelot, A., Davila, A., Espejo, A., Ferreira, R., Giroud, A., Koester, K., Leiba O’Sullivan, S., Liang, W.K., Mockaitis, A.I., Morley, M., Myloni, B., Odusanya, J.O.T., Prochno, P., Choudhury, S.R., Saka, A., Sienghtai, S., Viswat, L., Uzuncarsili Soydas, A., and Zander, L. (2009) 'Ranking versus Rating: What Is the Best Way to Reduce Response and Language Bias in Cross-National Research?'. International Business Review, 18 (4):417-432.
2024 Chugh, R., Mockaitis, A.I., Lanivich, S.E., Nooshabadi, J.E. (2024) 'It’s all about resources: Narcissistic CEOs and entrepreneurial orientation during disruptions'. International Small Business Journal, .
2009 Salciuviene, L.; Ghauri, P.N.; Mockaitis, A.I.; De Mattos, C. (2009) 'Brand image perceptions across cultures: A study of symbolic and functional associations'. Advances in International Marketing, 20 . [Link] [DOI]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Mockaitis, A.I.; Butler, C.L. (2024) 'Preface: transcending traditional approaches to cross-cultural management' In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Management. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar.
2024 Mockaitis, A.I.; Butler, C.L. (2024) 'Cultural competence in global teams' In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Management. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar.
2024 Mockaitis, A.I. (2024) 'Diaspora' In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Management. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar.
2023 Mockaitis, A.I. (2023) 'The Kaleidoscope of Global Migration: International Business Perspectives in a Turbulent World' In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Migration in International Business. United Kingdom : Palgrave MacMillan.
2023 Mockaitis, A.I.; Zander, L. (2023) 'Dissecting generations of migrant identities within a diaspora' In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Migration in International Business. United Kingdom : Palgrave MacMillan.
2023 Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė, V.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Duobienė, J.; Žičkutė, I.; Liubinienė, V. (2023) 'Can Intentions to Migrate be Explained through Individual Values? An Explorato-ry Study in Lithuania' In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Migration in International Business. United Kingdom : Palgrave MacMillan.
2021 Zander, L., Kang, O., Mockaitis, A.I., Zettinig, P. (2021) 'The Dual Role of Trust in Creative Global Virtual Teams: Implications for leadership in times of crisis' In: Globalization, Political Economy, Business and Society in Pandemic Times. UK : Emerald Publishing Limited.
2020 Zander, L., Mockaitis, A.I., Harzing, A.W. et al. (2020) 'Action intent: Getting closer to leadership behavior in 22 countries' In: Research handbook of global leadership: Making a difference. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. [DOI]
2020 Zettinig, P., Zander, U., Zander, L., & Mockaitis, A (2020) 'A World of Learning: A future for leaders who can make a difference based on European foundations' In: Research handbook of global leadership: Making a difference. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Butler, C., Sutton, C., Mockaitis, A. & Zander, L. (2020) 'The new millennial global leaders: what a difference a generation makes!' In: Research handbook of global leadership: making a difference. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Zettinig, P.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Zander, L.; (2015) 'Students as Global Virtual Team Leaders: A Model for Enquiry-Based Experiential Learning' In: The Palgrave Handbook of Experiential Learning in International Business. [DOI]
2015 Mäkelä, L., De Cieri, H., & Mockaitis, A.I. (2015) 'International Business Traveler, Is Work Always on Your Mind? An Investigation of the Relationship Between Sources of Social Support and Satisfaction with Work-Related International Travel: The Moderating Role of Over-Commitment' In: Work and Family Interface in the International Career Context. New York : Springer.
2015 Zander, L., Butler, C., Mockaitis, A.I., Herbert, K., Lauring, J., Mäkelä, K., Paunova, M., & Zettinig, P. (2015) 'Team-Based Global Organizations: The Future of Global Organizing' In: The Future of Global Organizing. United Kingdom : Emerald.
2015 Zander, L., Mockaitis, A.I., & Butler, C. (2015) 'Leading Global Teams' In: Leading Organizations: Perspectives for a New Era. Thousand Oaks : Sage. [Full-Text]
2014 Mockaitis, A.I.; Bahl, M.; (2014) 'Country choice of manufacturing SMEs in central and eastern Europe: The importance of foreign partner relations and level of market entry' In: Internationalization of Firms from Economies in Transition: The Effects of a Politico-Economic Paradigm Shift. [DOI]
2009 Salciuviene, L.; Ghauri, P.N.; Mockaitis, A.I.; De Mattos, C.; (2009) 'Brand image perceptions across cultures: A study of symbolic and functional associations' In: Advances in International Marketing.
2014 Zettinig, P., Mockaitis, A.I., & Zander, L. (2014) 'Students as Global Virtual Team Leaders: A Model for Inquiry-Based Experiential Learning' In: The Palgrave Handbook of Experiential Learning in International Business, Palgrave Macmillan. United Kingdom : Palgrave Macmillan.
2014 Mockaitis, A.I., and Bahl, M. (2014) 'Country Choice of Manufacturing SMEs in Central and Eastern Europe: The Importance of Foreign Partner Relations and Level of Market Entry' In: Internationalization of Firms from Economies in Transition: The Effects of a Politico‐Economic Paradigm Shift. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar.
2008 Mockaitis, A.I.; (2008) 'The path to the internationalization of Lithuanian manufacturing SMEs' In: Handbook of Research on European Business and Entrepreneurship: Towards a Theory of Internationalization.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2024 Zander, L.; Mockaitis, A.I. (2024) Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Primary and secondary socialization: A nine-country study of leadership preferences, leader role and work culture in MNEs Christchurch, New Zealand,
2024 Mockaitis, A.I., Zhu, C.J., Zhu, Z., & Chen, Z. (2024) Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) The relevance of corporate language for knowledge transfer to distal MNE subsid-iaries 07/02/2024- 09/02/2024
2024 Zander, L., & Mockaitis, A.I. (2024) Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Crisis, isolation and fear: Supportive global virtual team leadership
2023 Nooshabadi, J., Mockaitis, A.I., & Chugh, R (2023) European International Business Academy Dark Triad Personality Traits and and Firm Internationalization Performance: The Mediating Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation
2023 Zander, L., & Mockaitis, A.I (2023) European Academy of International Business Crisis, isolation and fear: Supportive global virtual team leadership in pandemic times
2021 Zander, L., Mockaitis, AI., Zettinig, P., Gerschewski, S. (2021) European International Business Academy Achieving global virtual team performance: Leadership status and effectiveness
2017 Herbert, K., Mockaitis, A.I., & Zhu, C.J. (2017) European International Business Academy Garnering the benefits of diversity in global virtual teams: A propositional model of the diversity-performance relationship
2015 Zander, L., Butler, C., Mockaitis, A.I., & Vodosek, M. (2015) Academy of Management 2015 annual meeting Making a Difference with Global Leadership: What Can Firms, People and Business Schools Do?
2015 Lücke, G., Mockaitis, A.I., Zander, L., & Ferrin, D. (2015) Academy of Management 2015 annual meeting Team-Based Organizations in a Global World
2014 Mockaitis, A.I., Zander, L.., Herbert, K.J., & Zettinig, P. (2014) European International Business Academy Does Type of Shared Leadership Matter in Multicultural Global Virtual Teams? The Relationship between Shared Leadership and Team Performance
2014 Mockaitis, A.I., Herbert, K.J., Zettinig, P., & Zander, L. (2014) European International Business Academy Shared Team Leadership: Improving Satisfaction and Performance
2013 Herbert, K., & Mockaitis, A.I. (2013) ANZIBA Leveraging Global Virtual Team Diversity for Shared Leadership Success
2013 Mockaitis, A.I., I.Alfaro, S.Gerschewski, E.Glikson, P.Hinds, Y.Lee, M.Paunova, P.Brandi, B.Thomason, S.Vaerlander, M.Watson-Manheim, L.Zander and P.Zettinig (2013) Academy of Management 2013 annual meeting Exploring the Dynamics of Multicultural Groups and Teams
2004 Šalčiuvienė, L., A.Mockaitis and R.Virvilaitė (2004) Irish Academy of Management Lithuanian Consumer Values and Brand Image
2012 Anwar, J., & Mockaitis, A.I. (2012) ANZIBA Firm Internationalisation: Does Corporate Governance Matter?
2011 Mockaitis, A.I., J. Dietz, M. Vodosek, K. Jonsen, M.E. Mendenhall, Z. Aycan, N. Boyacigiller, D.C. Thomas, S. Taylor, I. Berdrow, L. Zander, and P.Zettinig (2011) Academy of Management 2011 annual meeting Scientific Mindfulness
2010 Mockaitis, A.I., L.Zander, P.Zettinig, S.Gerschewski, S.Khilji, E.Davis, M.Cseh, E.Ravlin, A.K.Ward, and C.Butler (2010) Academy of Management 2010 annual meeting Leading multicultural teams for success: A prism of perspectives
2010 Ralston, D.A., Egri, C.P., Reynaud, E., Srinivasan, N., Furrer, O., Brock, D., Alas, R., Wangenheim, F., Darder, F.L., Mellahi, K., Karam, C., Kuo, C., Potocan, V., Mockaitis, A.I., Szabo, E., Gutiérrez, J.R., Pekerti, A., Butt, A., Palmer, I., Naoumova, I., Lenar-towicz, T., Starkus, A., Thanh, H.V., Dalgic, T., Molteni, M., de la Garza, M.T., Maignan, I., Castro, F.B., Moon, Y., Terpstra-Tong, J., Dabic, M., Li, Y., Danis, W., Kangasniemi, M., Ansari, M., Riddle, L., Milton, L., Hallinger, P., Elenkov, D., Girson, I., Ramburuth, P., Casado, T., Rossi, A.M., Richards, M., Van Deusen, C., Fu, P.P., Wan, P.M.K., Tang, M., Lee, C.H., Chia, H.B., Fan, Y. & Wallace, A (2010) Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS) An Assessment of the Societal Values Dimensions of the Schwartz Values Survey
2009 Mockaitis, A.I.; Rose, E.L.; Zettinig, P.; (2009) Academy of Management 2009 Annual Meeting: Green Management Matters, AOM 2009 The determinants of trust in multicultural global virtual teams
2009 Jenkins, E., and Mockaitis, A.I. (2009) ANZIBA The Mismatch of Perceptions and Reality: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Ex-patriate Cross-Cultural Adjustment
2009 Zander, L.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Harzing, A.-W.; Baldueza, J.; Barner-Rasmussen, W.; Barzantny, C.; Canabal, A.; Davila, A.; Espejo, A.; Ferreira, R.; Giroud, A.; Koester, K.; Liang, Y.-K.; Morley, M.J.; Myloni, B.; O'Sullivan, S.L.; Odusanya, J.O.T.; Palaniappan, A.K.; Prochno, P.; Choudhury, S.R.; Saka, A.; Siengthai, S.; Viswat, L.; Soydas, A.U.; (2009) Academy of Management 2009 Annual Meeting: Green Management Matters, AOM 2009 Don't just say what you mean - Contextualize it: A leadership study across 17 countries
2008 Zander, L., Mockaitis, A.I., Harzing, A.W. (2008) ANZIBA Getting closer to the action: examining leaders’ behavioral intent with GLOBE's leadership dimensions across 22 countries
2007 Harzing, A.W., Mockaitis, A.I., Baldueza, J., Barner-Rasmussen, W., Barzantny, C., Berthelot, A., Davila, A., Espejo, A., Ferreira, R., Giroud, A., Koester, K., Leiba O’Sullivan, S., Liang, W.K., Morley, M., Myloni, B., Odusanya, J.O.T., Prochno, P., Choudhury, S.R., Saka, A., Sienghtai, S., Viswat, L., Uzuncarsili Soydas, A., and Zander, L. (2007) European International Business Academy Ranking and rating in native-language versus English-language questionnaires: a methodological comparison
2007 Harzing, A.W., Mockaitis, A.I., Baldueza, J., Barner-Rasmussen, W., Barzantny, C., Berthelot, A., Davila, A., Espejo, A., Ferreira, R., Giroud, A., Koester, K., Leiba O’Sullivan, S., Liang, W.K., Morley, M., Myloni, B., Odusanya, J.O.T., Prochno, P., Choudhury, S.R., Saka, A., Sienghtai, S., Viswat, L., Uzuncarsili Soydas, A., and Zander, L. (2007) ANZIBA Ranking versus rating: What is the best way to reduce response bias and language bias in cross-national research?
2007 Salciuviene, L., Mockaitis, A.I., De Mattos, C., and Ghauri, P. (2007) Consortium for International Marketing Research Brand image perception across cultures: A study in the communications sector
2006 Salciuviene, L., Mockaitis, A.I., De Mattos, C., and Ghauri, P. (2006) European International Business Academy Brand image perception and consumer values: a cross-cultural comparison
2006 Mockaitis, A.I., A.P.Kriauciunas, M.Makovec, and L.Nicolescu (2006) European International Business Academy An investigation into the capabilities that influence the internationalization of Central and Eastern European SMEs
2006 Mockaitis, A.I., Rose, E.L. and Zettinig, P. (2006) ANZIBA Evaluations of work in multicultural virtual teams – does collectivism matter?
2006 Mockaitis, A., L. Šalčiuvienė and V.Pranulis (2006) AIB-UK Conference Testing the application of the Cetscale for use in consumer research in Lithuania
2005 Mockaitis, A. and L.Šalčiuvienė (2005) European International Business Academy The relationship between Lithuanian consumer ethnocentrism and country of origin perceptions
2005 Mockaitis, A. and E.Vaiginiene (2005) European International Business Academy The Path to Internationalization of Lithuanian Manufacturing SMEs - an Upward Climb?
2005 Mockaitis, A., L.Šalčiuvienė and V.Pranulis (2005) World Business Congress of the IMDA Consumer perceptions of products of local and foreign origin in a former Soviet country
2005 Šalciuviene, L., A.Mockaitis and R.Virvilaitė (2005) Intercultural Communication Competence-Implications for Business, Education and Politics Measuring brand image dimensionality: a cross-cultural study of consumer values and preferences
2005 Zaleska, K, A.Mockaitis, L. Nicolescu , T. Kovaleva, and Z. Dvorakova (2005) European International Business Academy Conference Educating managers using projects between Western and Eastern European Countries
2004 Harzing, A.W. and A.Mockaitis (2004) European International Business Academy Working in the Enlarged European Union: Ideal Jobs and International Mobility among University Students in Sixteen European Countries
2003 Harzing, A.W., A.Mockaitis et al (2003) ANZIBA The Use of English Questionnaires in Cross-National Research: Does Cultural Accommodation Obscure National Differences? [Full-Text]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Mockaitis, A.I.; Kumpikaite-Valiuniene, V.; Zickute, I.; Duobiene, J.; Baneviciene, I. (2024) Academy of Management Annual meeting Between Past and Present: Unraveling Values across Generations Chicago, IL, USA, .
2024 Nooshabadi, J.E.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Chugh, R. (2024) Academy of Management Annual meeting Personality Matters: How dark traits drive SME Chicago, IL, USA, .
2024 Nooshabadi, J.E.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Chugh, R. (2024) Academy of Management Annual meeting CEOs’ Dark Triad Personality Traits and their Effect on Ambidexterity in SMEs Chicago, IL, USA, .
2024 Mockaitis, A.I.; Kumpikaite-Valiuniene, V.; Zickute, I.; Duobiene, J.; Baneviciene, I. (2024) European Academy of Management Cultural Evolution: Exploring Lithuanians' Changing Values over a Decade Bath, UK, .
2024 Zander, L.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Zettinig, P.; Gerschewski, S. (2024) Academy of International Business annual conference The Challenging Leadership of Global Virtual Teams: The criticality of achieved leadership status for team output Seoul, Korea, .
2024 Zickute-Daugelaviciene, I.; Kumpikaite-Valiuniene, V.; Mockaitis, A.I.; Beneviciene, I.; Duobiene, J. (2024) The Migration Conference A bibliometric analysis of migrants’ values Mexico City, Mexico, .
2024 Chugh, R., Mockaitis, A.I., Lanivich, S.E., Nooshabadi, J.E. (2024) Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange conference CEO narcissism and venture strategy during disruptions Sydney, Australia, 05/02/2024-09/02/2024.
2024 Nooshabadi, J.E., Mockaitis, A.I., & Chugh, R. Dark (2024) International Business Review Young IB Scholars Workshop (in association with EIBA) Dark triad personality traits and firms internationalization performance: The mediat-ing effect of entrepreneurial orientation online, 18/01/2024-19/01/2024.
2023 Butler, C.L., Mockaitis, A.I., Ojo, A. (2023) Do Best Hybrid/Remote Working Practices Vary by Career Stage? Lessons from Post-COVID UK and Germany The 21st European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress Katowice, Poland, .
2023 Mockaitis, A.I., & Zander, L. (2023) Academy of Management Annual meeting Dissecting generations of migrant identities within a diaspora Boston, MA, .
2023 Nooshabadi, J.E., Mockaitis, A.I., & Chugh, R. (2023) Academy of International Business annual conference CEO Dark Triad and Firm Internationalization Warsaw, Poland, .
2022 Zander, L., Mockaitis, A.I., Zettinig, P., & Lauring, J. (2022) 15th GEM&L international conference on Management and Language Native English-Speaking Leaders and Inflated Views on Information Sharing in Global Virtual Teams Germany, .
2022 Terpstra-Tong, J., Furrer, O., Ralston, D.A., Mockaitis, A.I., et al. (2022) Attitudes of Future Business Professionals towards Corporate Responsibility in 28 Societies Academy of International Business US-Southeast 2002 chapter conference Panama City Beach, FL, USA, 27/10/2022-29/10/2022.
2022 Zander, L., Zander, U., & Mockaitis, A.I. (2022) The Convoluted Evolution of the Multinational Company: Ethnocentric Blind Spots, Regression and Backlash Academy of International Business annual conference Miami, FL, USA, 05/07/2022-09/07/2022.
2022 Nooshabadi, J., Mockaitis, A.I., & Chugh, R. (2022) James Bond Chief Executive Officer and Firm Internationalization Academy of Management Annual meeting Seattle, WA, .
2022 Mockaitis, A.I., Zander, L., & Zettinig, P. (2022) Shared Leadership in Global Virtual Teams: Tasks and Processes Academy of Management Annual meeting Seattle, WA, .
2022 Zander, L., Mockaitis, A.I., Zettinig, P., & Gerschewski, S. (2022) Leadership Effectiveness in Global Virtual Teams is not Enough: Achieved Leadership Status and Team Output Academy of International Business annual conference Miami, FL, USA, 05/07/2022-09/07/2022.
2021 Butler, C.L., & Mockaitis, A.I. (2021) COVID-19 pandemic disruptions to working lives: Examining job satisfaction, stress and burnout across life stages British Academy of Management online, 31/08/2021-03/09/2021.
2021 Butler, C.L., & Mockaitis, A.I. (2021) New ways of working and the illusion of flexibility: The impact of temporal schemata, role conflict and overload on the wellbeing of global virtual team members British Academy of Management onine, 31/08/2021-03/09/2021.
2021 Aleem, M., Zettinig, P., & Mockaitis, A.I. (2021) Psychological safety and learning behaviors in virtual work environments 16th Vaasa Conference on International Business Vaasa, Finland, 17/08/2021-18/08/2021.
2020 Ralston, D.A., C.J. Russell, Jane Terpstra-Tong, Malcolm Richardson, Casado, T., et al. (2020) Societal-Level vis-à-vis Individual-Level Work Values in the 21st Century Businessworld: An Empirical Analysis of 51 Countries Academy of International Business Miami, FL, USA, .
2018 Choi, Y., Bordia, S., Zhu, J., Guo, F., & Mockaitis, A.I. (2018) The effects of expatriates’ host country language proficiency on subsidiary per-formance Academy of International Business annual meeting Miami, FL, USA, .
2018 Herbert, K., Mockaitis, A.I., & Zhu, C. (2018) Can global virtual teams leverage diversity to achieve team innovation and effec-tiveness? The important role of shared leadership European Academy of Management (EURAM) conference Reykjavik, Iceland, .
2016 Herbert, K., Mockaitis, A.I., & Zhu, C.J. (2016) Enabling the performance potential of culturally diverse global virtual teams: A propositional model 14th International Conference on Human Resource Management Vancouver, Canada, .
2015 Lücke, G., Zander, L., & Mockaitis, A.I. (2015) Mobilizing Multiplicity and Exploring Resourcefulness through Team-Based Or-ganizing Academy of Management Vancouver, Canada, .
2015 Zander, L., Mockaitis, A.I., & Zettinig, P. (2015) Perspectives on Global Team-Based Organizing: Out with the Old and In with the New? Academy of Management Vancouver, Canada, .
2014 Mäkelä,L., De Cieri, H., & Mockaitis, A.I. (2014) An Investigation of the Relationship Between Sources of Social Support and Satis-faction with Work-Related Travel: The Moderating Role of Over-Commitment 13th IHRM Conference Krakow, Poland, .
2014 Zander, L., Kang, O., Zettinig, P., Mockaitis, A.I., & Herbert, K. (2014) Creativity and the Dual Role of Trust in Global Virtual Teams First International Network of Trust) Workshop Coventry UK, .
2013 Zander, L., Mockaitis, A.I., Zettinig, P., & Gerschewski, S. (2013) Culture-Free, Color-Blind and Gender-Neutral? A Study of Incoming Leaders’ Sta-tus Characteristics and Effective Global Team Leadership Academy of Management Lake Buena Vista FL, USA, .
2013 Mockaitis, A.I., Zhu, J., Simpson, D., & Zhu, J. (2013) Could You Repeat That Please, in Our Language? The Role of Corporate Lan-guage in Knowledge Transfer to MNE Subsidiaries in China Academy of International Business annual conference Istanbul, Turkey, .
2013 Zettinig, P., Mockaitis, A.I., & Zander, L. (2013) Learning from Global Virtual Teamwork with an Inquiry-based Approach Academy of Management Lake Buena Vista FL, USA, .
2012 Herbert, K., Mockaitis, A.I., & Zander, L. (2012) Sharing Leadership across Time and Space: A Study of 66 Global Virtual Teams Euro-Asia Management Studies Association Singapore, .
2012 Ralston, D.A., Egri, C.P., Furrer, O., Mockaitis, A.I., et al. (2012) Are Values at the Societal-Level Acceptable as Cross-Cultural Predictors in To-day’s Global Economy? Academy of International Business Annual Meeting Washington, DC, .
2012 Zettinig, P., Zander, U., Zander, L., & Mockaitis, A.I. (2012) A World of Learning: A Future Based on European Foundations Annual SNEE European Integration Conference Mölle, Sweden, .
2011 Mockaitis, A.I., Zander, L., and Zettinig, P. (2011) The University of Life: Scientific mindfulness in a research program on motivation and learning Academy of Management San Antonio, TX, .
2011 Egri, C.P., Mockaitis, A.I. et al. (2011) Influence of Societal Contexts and Individual Values on Attitudes towards Corpo-rate Responsibilities Across 40 Societies Academy of International Business annual conference Nagoya ,Japan, .
2010 Zander, L., and Mockaitis, A.I. (2010) The Cross-Cultural Change Agent: Management Practice Transfers and Cultural Competence EIASM Workshop on International Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management Tübingen, Germany, .
2010 Mockaitis, A.I., Rose, E.L., and Kriauciunas, A.P. (2010) The Influence of Psychic Distance on Entry Mode and Location Choice for Transition Economy Firms Academy of Management Montreal, Canada, .
2010 Zettinig, P., Mockaitis, A.I., and Zander, L. (2010) Teaching International Business with Global Virtual Teams: Applying an Inquiry Learning Approach Academy of International Business annual conference Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, .
2010 Zander, L., Mockaitis, A.I., Zettinig, P., and Gerschewski, S. (2010) What You See is What You Get But You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet: A Study of Incom-ing Leaders of GVTs Academy of Management Montreal, Canada, .
2010 Zettinig, P., Mockaitis, A.I., and Zander, L. (2010) Inquiry Learning in Global Virtual Teams European Academy of Management (EURAM) conference Rome, Italy, .
2009 Mockaitis, A.I., L. Zander, A.W.Harzing (2009) Why Do Leaders Do What They Do? A 22-Country Study on Leadership Behavioral Intent Academy of International Business annual conference San Diego, USA, .
2009 Mockaitis, A.I., Rose, E.L., and Zettinig, P. (2009) The Determinants of Trust in Multicultural Global Virtual Teams Academy of International Business annual conference San Diego, USA, .
2009 Jenkins, E., and Mockaitis, A.I. (2009) The Mismatch of Perceptions and Reality: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Ex-patriate Cross-Cultural Adjustment Academy of International Business annual conference San Diego, USA, .
2008 Mockaitis, A.I., Zander, L., Harzing, A.W., Davila, A., Ghiroud, A., Leiba O’Sullivan, S., Myloni, B. and Palaniappan, A. (2008) Explaining cross-national differences in leadership behavior with cultural syn-dromes: a 22-country study Academy of International Business annual conference Milan, Italy, .
2007 Mockaitis, A.I., E.L.Rose and P.Zettinig (2007) The power of individual cultural values in global virtual teams Academy of International Business annual conference Indianapolis, USA, . [Full-Text]
2007 Mockaitis, A.I. (2007) Is there anybody out there? Eliciting responses from CEE firms Academy of Management Philadelphia, USA, .
2007 Mockaitis, A.I., E.L.Rose and P.Zettinig (2007) The power of individual cultural values in global virtual teams Academy of Management Philadelphia, USA, . [Full-Text]
2006 Mockaitis, A.I., A.P.Kriauciunas, M.Makovec, and L.Nicolescu (2006) The internationalization of manufacturing SMEs in Central and Eastern Europe: Which resources matter? Academy of Management Atlanta, USA, .
2006 Moustafa, K., Van Scotter, J.B., Pakdil, F., Chamseddine, N.J., Mockaitis, A.I., Salciuvi-ene, L., Tsai, F.S., Esatoglu, E., and Koyuncu, M. (20 (2006) Cultural variations and perceptions of media effectiveness Academy of Management Atlanta, USA, .
2005 Mockaitis, A. and E.Vaiginiene (2005) Obstacles to Internationalization as Seen by Small and Medium-Sized Firms in Five Central and Eastern European Countries Academy of Management Honolulu, USA, .
2004 Mockaitis, A. and L.Šalčiuvienė (2004) A Cross-Cultural Study of Leadership Attitudes in Three Baltic Sea Region Coun-tries International Association of Cross Cultural Competence and Management Naples, Italy, .


Year Publication
2022 Audra Mockaitis (2022) Equity and Fairness in International Business through the Lens of Global Migration. [Blog] [Link]

Published Report

Year Publication
2023 Mockaitis, A.I., & Butler, C.L. (2023) Disrupted: Remote Work and Life under Lockdown during the Great COVID-19 Pause. MUSSI, . [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Australia New Zealand International Business Academy member -
European International Business Academy member -
European Academy of Management member -
Academy of Management member -
Academy of International Business member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/07/2022 Nominee, FIU/AIB Best Theory Paper Award Academy of International Business
01/01/2021 Best Paper Award British Academy of Management
01/01/2018 Best Reviewer Journal of World Business
01/01/2015 Best Paper Proceedings Academy of Management
01/01/2015 Best Paper Proceedings Academy of Management
01/01/2014 Annual HRM Researcher/Research Group of the Year Award Årets HR-forskning
01/01/2013 Best Paper Proceedings Academy of Management
01/01/2010 Best Reviewer Award European Academy of Management
01/01/2010 Best Reviewer Award Academy of Management
01/01/2010 Emerald Best International Symposium Award nominee Academy of Management
01/01/2009 Best Paper Proceedings Academy of Management
01/01/2009 Best Paper Proceedings Academy of Management
01/01/2009 All-Academy Carolyn Dexter Award nominee Academy of Management
01/01/2008 Best Track Paper Award Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management
01/01/2008 Best Paper Award Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management
01/01/2008 Best Reviewer Award Academy of Management
01/01/2007 Best Reviewer Award Academy of Management


Committee Function From / To
International HR Scholarly Award Selection Committee, HR Division, Academy of Management Member 01/01/2023 - 30/04/2023
MU Employee recognition awards Member -
Academic Promotions Board Member -
AC International Education Member -
MU Research achievement awards Member -
Thunderbird International Business Review Member -
Research Committee, FSS Chair -
Research Committee (AC) Member -
MU SPUR judge Judge -
AC Research Committee OA subcommittee Member -
AC Graduate Education Member -
HUME scholarships Member -
Academic Council Member -
Journal of World Business Member -


Employer Position From / To
Monash University Associate Professor (Professor B) 20/12/2010 - 08/02/2019
Victoria University of Wellington Senior Lecturer 01/02/2006 - 20/12/2010


Language Reading Writing Speaking
Spanish Functional Basic Basic
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Russian Functional Functional Functional

Editorial / Academic Reviews

Amount Role From / To
The Icelandic Research Fund Reviewer -
Management International Review Guest Editor 01/06/2016 -
Journal of World Business Member of the Editorial Board 01/01/2014 -
Human Resource Management Reviewer -
Thunderbird International Business Review Series Editor 01/01/2008 - 30/06/2020
Personnel Review Reviewer -
Journal of International Business Studies Reviewer -
Journal of Management Studies Reviewer -
International Journal of Human Resource Management Guest Editor 01/01/2018 - 30/11/2018
Baltic Journal of Management Associate Editor 01/01/2017 - 31/08/2020
Cross Cultural Management Reviewer -
Thunderbird International Business Review Member of the Editorial Board 30/06/2020 -

Teaching Interests

Cross-Cultural Management
International Human Resource Management
International Business
International Management
Managing the MNE