Dr Mary Dobbs


Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor


Mary joined the School of Law and Criminology in September 2020. Previously, she worked as a lecturer and then senior lecturer in Queen’s University Belfast since 2012, where she remains a visiting fellow. 

She specialises in environmental law & governance, agriculture and genetically modified crops - in particular within the EU, but also more broadly.  Her current research includes focussing on these issues in the context of Brexit and the European Green Deal. She has published extensively in the field, engages with stakeholders and through giving evidence at parliamentary inquiries, and is a member of organisations such as Brexit and Environment and the Future Earth Ireland committee in the Royal Irish Academy. Mary has undertaken a number of projects and reports in this field, including for environmental NGOs, the Welsh Senedd and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.

Mary is also part of two Horizon Europe projects: P2GreeN, 2022-2026 and GoGreenNext, 2024-2028. P2GreeN (https://p2green.eu/) examines the potential to reclaim nutrients from human waste for use as fertiliser in food production - Mary is investigating the legal and regulatory frameworks across the EU and relevant regions for this project, focussing on issues such as criteria for fertilisers, classification as waste or water, and environmental and human health controls. The aim is to contribute to a circular, resilient and sustainable supply chain. GoGreenNext (https://gogreennext.eu/) looks to making cities and urban settings more generally a more resilient, balanced environment, where economic development is undertaken in a manner that furthers the environment and human health in a synergistic manner. Planetary health and socio-ecological resilience are key, as are nature legislation and the potential for environmental rights. Mary was previously part of a successful Jean Monnet Network on soft law in the EU Member States and a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on ’Tensions at the Fringes of Europe’.

She was the legal expert on the Expert Advisory Group for the Citizens' Assembly on Biodiversity Loss (2022-2023); and co-Special Advisor on Agriculture to the Scottish Parliamentary Committee on Rural Affairs and Islands (2022-2026). As part of the EAG for the Citizens' Assembly, Mary had the opportunity to work with the members to help identify potential themes, speakers, formats etc, provide a briefing on the governance frameworks and clarify and elucidate on points throughout the Assembly meetings. She is working with Dr. Orla Kelleher to develop this area further, through undertaking research and organising a workshop (funded by MUSSI and the School of Law and Criminology) on constitutionalising environmental rights.

She holds a PhD on the precautionary principle from UCD (2013), as well as a BCL (Law with French Law) from UCD and a certificat superieur en droit francais from Paris II (Pantheon-Assas) 

Mary welcomes potential research students and collaborations regarding environmental law/governance, risk regulation and related areas - including focusses on Brexit/cross-border issues.

Research Interests

My main research interests lie in the area of environmental governance, e.g. regarding issues of agriculture, GMOs and risk regulation. I focus on both theoretical aspects (e.g. legitimacy, resilience, subsidiarity and sustainability) and the practical aspects (e.g. the impacts on farming and biodiversity or the challenges of transnational governance). Due to the nature of both the environment and agriculture, my research engages in a wide range of legal fields regarding for instance EU and national constitutional law, public international law, intellectual property law, trade law, health law and much more. Brexit has become a significant focus for obvious reasons in recent years - drawing many of these strands together. However, I continue to research more generally, including looking at EU and European developments.

It may seem pretty unwieldy, but the interlinkages are part of what makes it interesting and cannot be ignored. 

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
GoGreenNext Co-lead of legal team, task and deliverable Horizon Europe project on greening cities and planetary health. I will be working primarily with two colleagues in law and a post-doc (to be appointed) to identify and evaluate the links between development, nature and health, with reference to suitable theories, and international, EU, national and local policies in law (e.g. Biodiversity Strategy, urban planning, environmental rights). This ties in to my theoretical work on socioecological resilience, environmental governance generally, ecosystem approaches and nature law. I am co-leading on one task and related deliverable (a paper outlining potential suitable legal frameworks. Will co-supervise post-doc. (Funding listed is the approximate value for my time and not including the post-doc) 01/01/2024 30/06/2028 6000
Investigating the challenges for designing an effective proposal to constitutionalise environmental rights Joint PI/Organiser Working with Dr. Kelleher and our Erasmus+ trainee, building on our existing research, my work with the Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss and our evidence to the Joint Oireachtas Committee. Following on from the CABL and Joint Oireachtas Committee Recommendations regarding constitutionalizing environmental rights, we will be hosting a workshop on designing an effective proposal, bearing in mind the specific legal context in Ireland while drawing on international examples. The aim is to develop both academic outputs and policy resources to help shape any potential constitutional referendum and the surrounding discourse. 08/03/2024 2340
Impact of the UK’s Withdrawal from the EU on Human Rights and the Environment in Northern Ireland (HRENI) PI This research is commissioned by the NI Human Rights Commission. It examines the significance of Article 2 of the NI Protocol in the context of environmental protection. Key questions include what assurances does this provision provide for environment protections and rights? And what potential impact(s) could Brexit have on these protections/rights? The research is being undertaken under the umbrella of the Environmental Justice Network Ireland. The team comprises Dr. Mary Dobbs, Alison Hough BL, Dr. Orla Kelleher BL and Dr. Lisa Claire Whitten - along with Dr. Ciara Brennan from the EJNI. 01/03/2023 31/01/2025 13022.38
P2Green - Safe N and P cycling by efficient nutrient capture from human excreta and reprocessing for agricultural use PI This project investigates the potential to reclaim nutrients from human waste to use as fertiliser in food production, promoting a circular economy approach. 01/12/2022 30/11/2026 200302.5
Designing agricultural policies: contextual considerations: Agricultural Policy Briefing for the Welsh Senedd PI Funding to produce a policy briefing/report on agricultural developments for the Welsh Senedd, building on the book Brexit and Agriculture. Drawing on socio-ecological resilience framework. 02/02/2022 01/08/2022 1000
Linking the Irish Environment PI This is a project undertaken in collaboration with colleagues across the island on behalf of two environmental NGO groups - NIEL and IEN. It considers the potential for cross-border and all-island environmental governance and cooperation, especially with regards to the role of eNGOs 22/11/2021 31/05/2022 4000
Brexit and Agriculture Joint PI Funding to hire research assistant for book with Routledge, published January 2022. (Amount converted from sterling) 18/12/2018 01/09/2019 1000
Agri-sustainability in a Changing Political Clime Co-Investigator/Co-organiser Funding to run 2-day workshop on Agri-sustainability in Cardiff in May 2018. (Amount converted from sterling) 14/05/2018 15/05/2018 6000
Sustainable food production PI/Organiser Funding to run 2-day workshop on Sustainable food production in November 2018. Keynotes included Prof. Thomas Cottier of the World Trade Institute. (Amount converted from sterling) 29/11/2018 30/11/2018 3500
‘European Network on Soft Law Research (SoLaR)’ Consultant/Lead Investigator for UK environmental strand (https://www.solar-network.eu/home/). ‘The Soft Law Research Network (SoLaR) aims to promote multi- and interdisciplinary research about use of EU soft law by national administrations and courts and to encourage a dialogue between academia and practitioners.’ I undertook research on the role of EU environmental soft law in the UK, including undertaking empirical research. 01/09/2016 01/09/2019 300000
National and regional controls over EU genetically modified cultivation: opting-out on what basis? Primary Investigatory 01/04/2015 31/07/2016 2220
“Tensions at the Fringes of the European Union – Regaining the EU’s Purpose” (Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence) Co-Investigator https://blogs.qub.ac.uk/tensionatthefringes/ I primarily undertook research on research activity 1 (regarding the EU’s economic, social and ecological aims), as well as organising an Ecological Sustainability workshop in 2017. 01/09/2015 01/09/2018 150000


Year Publication
2022 Ludivine Petetin and Mary Dobbs (2022) * Brexit and Agriculture. Oxford: Routledge. [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2025 Mary Dobbs and CRG Murray (2025) 'Rights Community Action and the limits of “Due Regard” for Environmental Policy Principles Post-Brexit'. Public Law, .
2024 Mary Dobbs; Alison Hough; Orla Kelleher; Lisa Claire Whitten; Ciara Brennan (2024) 'Non-diminution, dynamic alignment and cooperation: Exploring the potential of the Windsor Framework to protect the environment'. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, .
2024 Tobias Lock; Mary Dobbs; Karen Lynch Shally (2024) 'The Windsor Framework – guarantees, gaps and governance'. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, . [Full-Text]
2024 Mary Dobbs (2024) 'Transnational Narratives and Regulation of GMO Risks by G.C. Leonelli, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2021, ISBN 9781509937387, 328 pp'. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 15 (1):208-214. [DOI]
2023 Dobbs, M.; Hamill, S.E.; Hickey, R. (2023) 'Land Law and Land Use'. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 34 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 M. Dobbs and A. Keenan (2022) 'Territorial Approaches to a Pandemic – A Pathway to Effective Governance?'. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 73 (2).
2021 M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and L. Petetin (2021) '*‘Driving the European Green Deal in turbulent times’'. Politics and Governance, 9 (3):316-326. [Link] https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.v9i3.4321 [Full-Text]
2021 V. Gravey, L. Petetin and M. Dobbs (2021) '*‘Quitter la PAC, comment et pour quoi faire? La (re)construction des politiques agricoles britanniques au Coeur des turbulences du Brexit’'. Politique Européenne, 73 (3):150-178.
2020 Mary Dobbs (2020) 'National governance of public health responses in a pandemic?'. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 11 (2):240-248. https://doi.org/10.1017/err.2020.39 [Full-Text]
2019 C. Brennan, M. Dobbs and V. Gravey (2019) '* Out of the frying pan, into the fire? Environmental governance vulnerabilities in post-Brexit Northern Ireland'. European Environmental Law Review, 21 (2):84-110. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461452919843646 [Full-Text]
2017 M. Dobbs (2017) 'Genetically Modified Crops, Agricultural Sustainability and National OptOuts – Enclosure as the Loophole?'. Common Market Law Review, 54 (4):1093-1122.
2016 M. Dobbs (2016) 'Attaining Subsidiarity-based Multilevel Governance of Genetically Modified Cultivation?'. Journal of Environmental Law, 28 (2):245-273.
2015 M. Dobbs (2015) 'The Shifting Battleground of Article 4(2) TEU: Evolving National Identities and the corresponding need for EU management?'. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 21 (2).
2014 M. Dobbs (2014) 'Sovereignty, Article 4(2) TEU and the Respect of National Identities: Swinging the Balance of Power in Favour of the Member States?'. The Yearbook of European Law, 33 (1):298-334.
2011 M. Dobbs (2011) 'Excluding Coexistence of GMOs? The Impact of the EU Commission's 2010 Recommendation on Coexistence'. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 20 (2):180-193.
2011 M. Dobbs, D. Casey, A. Greene, J. Lawless and N. Mullholland (2011) '*Transforming Researchers into Educators: Some Reflections on the University College Dublin School of Law Syllabus Design Workshop 2010’'. German Law Journal, 12 (9):1510-1528.
2010 M. Dobbs (2010) 'Legalising General Prohibitions on Cultivation of Genetically Modified Organisms'. German Law Journal, 11 (12):1347-1372.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2025 Mary Dobbs (2025) 'EU Environmental Law - Perseverance and Compromise?' In: Elgar Encyclopedia of European Law. Cheltenham : Elgar.
2024 Mary Dobbs; Aleksandra Czarnik; Joseph McMahon (2024) 'Waste Not, Want Not – Towards an alternative source of fertilisers' In: Research Agenda for Agricultural Law. Cheltenham : Elgar.
2022 Mary Dobbs (2022) 'Northern Ireland's agricultural quagmire: how to develop a sustainable agricultural policy?' In: The Governance of Agriculture in post-Brexit UK. Oxford : Routledge.
2021 M. Dobbs and O. Stefan (2021) '*EU Soft Law in the UK on the Eve of Brexit: (not) Much Ado About Nothing?' In: EU Soft Law in Member States: Theoretical Findings and Empirical Evidence. London : Bloomsbury/Hart.
2022 M. Dobbs and V. Gravey (2022) '*Environment and Trade' In: The Law and Practice of the Protocol. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
2019 M. Dobbs (2019) 'The Challenges for the Environment across the Island' In: Brexit and Northern Ireland – Bordering on Confusion?. London : Bite-sized Books.
2016 M. Dobbs (2016) 'Regulating Genetically Modified Organisms in Ireland – Laissez faire approach?' In: Genetic Technology in the Light of Food Security and Food Safety. New York : Springer.
2015 M. Dobbs (2015) 'Co-existence of GMOs in the EU – A Veritable Choice for Whom?' In: Research Handbook on EU Agriculture Law. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar.

Published Report

Year Publication
2025 M. Dobbs; C. Brennan; A. Hough; O. Kelleher; L.C. Whitten (2025) The Environment, Human Rights and the Windsor Framework. Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, .
2023 Aleksandra Czarnik; Mary Dobbs; Joseph McMahon; et al (2023) D-3.7 - Scoping review describing the status of the legislative framework. P2GreeN, . [Link]
2023 C. Brennan, F. Brereton, M. Dobbs, V. Gravey, H. Gould, A. Hough and L.C. Whitten (2023) Linking the Irish Environment - Final Report. EJNI, . [Link]
2022 M. Dobbs & L. Petetin (2022) ‘Designing agricultural policies: contextual considerations’. Welsh Senedd, . [Link]
2021 Mary Dobbs and Ludivine Petetin (2021) * Agriculture: environment, food and animal health standards. UK in a Changing Europe, .


Year Publication
2023 Ludivine Petetin; Mary Dobbs (2023) The Agriculture (Wales) Bill – getting support right (part 2). [Blog] [Link]
2023 Ludivine Petetin; Mary Dobbs (2023) The Agriculture (Wales) Bill – greater clarity and ambition needed (part 1). [Blog] [Link]
2019 C. Brennan and M.Dobbs (2019) * Reality bites: The implications of scrutiny-free environmental law reform in Northern Ireland after Brexit. [Blog] [Link]
2019 Mary Dobbs (2019) Environmental principles in the Environment Bill. [Blog] [Link]
2018 Ludivine Petetin and Mary Dobbs (2018) *Collaborating for Agricultural Sustainability. [Blog] [Link]
2018 M. Dobbs, V. Gravey, C. Brennan and A. Uí Bhroin (2018) What is the future of environmental governance in Northern Ireland?. [Blog] [Link]
2015 M. Dobbs (2015) Choosing to go GM-Free? The New EU Legal Framework for Genetically Modified Crops. [Blog] [Link]
2015 M. Dobbs (2015) ‘Can you really be GM-free? Why new European laws pose a moral dilemma’. [Blog] [Link]
2015 M. Dobbs (2015) Cultures OGM: trêve fragile en Europe. [Blog] [Link]
2015 M. Dobbs (2015) GM crops: an uneasy truce hangs over Europe. [Blog] [Link]

Invited Review Articles

Year Publication
2018 M. Dobbs (2018) Ines Hätel, Roman Budzinowski (Eds.), Food Security, Food Safety, Food Quality. Current Developments and Challenges in European Union Law. Baden-Baden/Oxford: Nomos/Hart Publishing, 2017. [Invited Review Articles]
2018 Mary Dobbs (2018) Joanne Blennerhassett, A Comparative Examination of Multi-Party Actions: The Case of Environmental Mass Harm, Civil Justice Series, (Hart Publishing, 2016). [Invited Review Articles]

Invited Lectures

Year Publication
2020 M. Dobbs (2020) ‘Agriculture in NI Post-Brexit’. [Invited Lectures]
2019 M. Dobbs (2019) Brexit and the rise of incoherency. [Invited Lectures]
2019 M. Dobbs (2019) Brexit and the cracks in environmental governance. [Invited Lectures]
2018 M. Dobbs (2018) Brexit & Environmental Challenges, Opportunities and Next steps. [Invited Lectures]

Invited Seminars

Year Publication
2023 Mary Dobbs (2023) Public Participation & the Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss. Youtube: [Invited Seminars] [Link]
2022 M. Dobbs (2022) ''Taking back control'? Lessons from designing agricultural policies post-Brexit'. Durham University: [Invited Seminars]
2014 M. Dobbs (2014) Attaining Multilevel Governance of GM Cultivation. [Invited Seminars]
2018 M. Dobbs (2018) ‘Brexit: Where it’s at & where we want it to go’. [Invited Seminars]

Invited papers

Year Publication
2022 M. Dobbs (2022) NI agricultural updates. [Invited papers]


Year Publication
2021 M. Dobbs (2021) NESC Shared Ireland Consultation - advance consultancy. [Consultancy]

Policy Contribution

Year Publication
2024 M. Dobbs; V. Gravey (2024) Written Submission to DAERA's Consultation on a Draft Environmental Principles Policy Statement for Northern Ireland. [Policy Contribution]
2024 Ciara Brennan, Finbarr Brereton, Mary Dobbs, Viviane Gravey, Hannah Gould, Alison Hough & Lisa Claire Whitten (2024) Linking the Irish Environment: Exploring the role of civil society in promoting cross-border environmental cooperation. [Policy Contribution] [Link]
2023 Mary Dobbs and Orla Kelleher (2023) Invited oral and written evidence to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment and Climate Action (JOCECA) for the Committee's examination of the Citizens' Assembly Report on Biodiversity Loss. [Policy Contribution] [Link]
2023 Mary Dobbs (2023) Review of Evidence : future Scottish agricultural policy (Briefing for Scottish Parliamentary RAI committee). [Policy Contribution]
2022 M. Dobbs (2022) Designing an optimal policy statement: Ambitious, clear and effective [invited paper to NI Departments on environmental principles]. [Policy Contribution]
2022 M. Dobbs; et al (2022) Mapping governance for nature protection in Ireland - Complexity and Interdependence (invited presentation). [Policy Contribution]
2022 M. Dobbs; M. O Cinneide; P. Doran; V. Gravey; S. Hamill; A. Hough; O. Kelleher; R. Killean; R. Walsh (2022) Mapping governance for nature protection in Ireland - Briefing for the Irish Citizens' Assembly on Biodiversity Loss. [Policy Contribution]
2022 M. Dobbs; L. Petetin (2022) Common Frameworks - Briefing Paper for RAINE Committee. [Policy Contribution]
2022 M. Dobbs, V. Gravey, M. Byrne, H. Cooke, J. Prince (2022) Written submission to consultation on NI's Environmental Strategy. [Policy Contribution]
2022 M. Dobbs (2022) Roundtable on the interaction of human rights and the environment in Northern Ireland after Brexit - invited participant. Belfast: [Policy Contribution]
2022 M. Dobbs (2022) Meeting with the Office for Environmental Protection - Issues in NI. [Policy Contribution]
2021 M. Dobbs, V. Gravey, L. Petetin and C. Reid (2021) *Invited written evidence to the Welsh Inquiry on Priorities for the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee. [Policy Contribution]
2021 M. Dobbs and V. Gravey (2021) Written submission to consultation on NI's Rural Policy. [Policy Contribution]
2021 M. Dobbs, V. Gravey, M. Byrne, H. Cooke, J. Prince (2021) Written submission to consultation on NI's Green Growth Strategy. [Policy Contribution]
2021 M. Dobbs (2021) Invited written submission to NESC Shared Ireland Consultation - advance consultancy. [Policy Contribution]
2021 M. Dobbs and L. Petetin (2021) Invited written submission to the EU Environment Sub-Committee consultation on UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement. [Policy Contribution]
2021 M. Dobbs (2021) Invited written submission to the House of Lords' Inquiry on the Common Frameworks. [Policy Contribution]
2020 M. Dobbs et al (2020) QUB submission to DAERA's environmental strategy engagement. [Policy Contribution]
2020 M. Dobbs and V. Gravey (2020) Written submission to DAERA's environmental strategy engagement. Joint submission by group of experts from across the university. [Policy Contribution]
2020 M. Dobbs (2020) Invited oral evidence to Northern Ireland Assembly’s Agriculture, Environmental and Rural Affairs Committee on the Agriculture Bill. [Policy Contribution]
2020 M. Dobbs (2020) Invited Oral evidence to Northern Ireland Assembly’s Agriculture, Environmental and Rural Affairs Committee on the Environment Bill. [Policy Contribution]
2020 M. Dobbs (2020) Invited written evidence to Northern Ireland Assembly’s Agriculture, Environmental and Rural Affairs Committee on the Environment Bill. [Policy Contribution]
2019 M. Dobbs (2019) Invited Oral Presentation to Belfast city council on 'Environmental (& agricultural) considerations. [Policy Contribution]
2019 M. Dobbs & L. Petetin (2019) *Written submission to the EFRA & EAC Committees on the Environment (Principles and Governance) Bill. [Policy Contribution]
2019 M. Dobbs (2019) Invited submission on DAERA's environmental strategy, prior to its publication and formal engagement. [Policy Contribution]
2019 M. Dobbs and L. Petetin (2019) 'Supplementary Invited Submission to the Welsh Assembly’s Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee on Legislative Consent for the Agriculture Bill'. [Policy Contribution]
2019 M. Dobbs (2019) Invited Oral evidence to the Welsh Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee on the Environment Bill. [Policy Contribution]
2018 M. Dobbs and V. Gravey (2018) Submission to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Inquiry on ‘Brexit and Northern Ireland: Agriculture. [Policy Contribution]
2018 M. Dobbs, V. Gravey, C. Brennan and A. Uí Bhroin (2018) Written Evidence submitted to DEFRA on the 'Environmental Principles and Governance after Brexit Inquiry'. [Policy Contribution]
2018 M. Dobbs and L. Petetin (2018) Written Evidence submitted to DEFRA Consultation on Health and Harmony. [Policy Contribution]
2018 M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and L. Petetin (2018) Submission to the Welsh Government on‘ Brexit and our Land. [Policy Contribution]
2018 M. Dobbs and L. Petetin (2018) Invited submission to the Welsh Assembly’s Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee on Legislative Consent for the Agriculture Bill. [Policy Contribution]
2018 M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and L. Petetin (2018) Submission to DAERA on the NI ‘Future Agricultural Policy Framework. [Policy Contribution]
2018 C. Brennan, M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and A. Ui Bhroin (2018) *The Future of Environmental Governance in Northern Ireland. [Policy Contribution] [Link]
2018 M. Dobbs (2018) Invited oral evidence to the Welsh Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee on the UK Agriculture Bill. [Policy Contribution]
2018 M. Dobbs (2018) Invited oral evidence to the House of Commons Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Inquiry on ‘Brexit and Northern Ireland: Agriculture’. [Policy Contribution]
2017 M. Dobbs, L. McGowan, V. Gravey and M. Melo Araujo (2017) Written Submission to: ‘Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee - Brexit: Trade in food inquiry’. [Policy Contribution]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Mary Dobbs; Joseph McMahon; Aleksandra Czarnik (2024) Research Agenda for Agricultural Law Fertilisers Online, .
2023 Mary Dobbs (2023) The Biotechnology Directive at 25: A Reflection on its Past, Present and Future Plant life: There to be owned? Maynooth, .
2023 Mary Dobbs (2023) Council for European Studies Turbulence, resilience and environmental rights: a time to embed values and voices? Iceland, .
2023 Mary Dobbs; Orla Kelleher (2023) Workshop on the Northern Ireland Protocol ‘Article 2 of the Protocol & RSE: a pathway to environmental protections post-Brexit?’ Maynooth, .
2023 Viviane Gravey; Mary Dobbs; Diarmuid Torney; Brendan Moore (2023) UACES Conference Speaking Truth To Power And People? Research & Engagement At The Science/Policy Interface Belfast, .
2023 M. Dobbs (2023) UCC Law and the Environment Annual Conference Rights and safeguards in the GFA and Article 2 of the NI Protocol : a pathway to environmental protections post-Brexit? UCC, Cork, 20/04/2023-.
2023 M. Dobbs (2023) Rights of Nature Symposium Rights of Nature and the Citizens UCD, Dublin, 18/04/2023-.
2023 Mary Dobbs and Orla Kelleher (2023) Network of European Environmental Lawyers ‘Recent CJEU Judgments: Environmental Law’ invited presentation at the Network of European Environmental Lawyers Meeting Dublin (an event for State-employed lawyers), March 2023 Dublin, .
2023 Mary Dobbs; Orla Kelleher (2023) Irish Association of Law Teachers Conference ‘Safeguarding the environment on the island of Ireland: from the 1998 Agreement to the Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland’ Dublin, .
2023 Mary Dobbs and Orla Kelleher (2023) Irish Centre for European Law ‘Environmental Cases’ invited presentation at the ICEL Review of the CJEU in 2022 Dublin, February 2023 Dublin, .
2022 M. Dobbs, S. Hamill & R. Hickey (2022) Land Law and Land Use Mapping workshop Dublin, 30/04/2023-.
2022 M. Dobbs (2022) Developing engaged citizens within (environmental) syllabi – challenges, opportunities and rewards IALT Conference Belfast, .
2021 M. Dobbs and A. Hough (2021) Cross-border co-production of environmental knowledge: a collaboration with Civil Society RIA Co-Production Symposium and Workshop Dublin, 03/06/2021-.
2021 M. Dobbs and L. Petetin (2021) Governance and Resilience for UK Agriculture post-Brexit UACES annual conference Online, 07/09/2021-.
2021 M. Dobbs (2021) Turbulence, resilience and adaptive capacity – hard cases making for adaptive law? IALT Conference Cork, .
2021 M. Dobbs (2021) Environmental implications - the NI Protocol, the TCA and UK developments The Protocol and the Environment Belfast/Dublin, 15/02/2021-15/02/2021.
2021 M. Dobbs and L. Petetin (2021) Two Paths Diverged in Agriculture: which one for the UK? SLS annual conference Durham, 01/09/2021-.
2021 M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and L. Petetin (2021) Understanding EU environmental governance in turbulent times ECPR annual conference Innsbruck, 01/09/2021-.
2021 M. Dobbs (2021) Law’s role in a sustainable future? Patenting and the enclosure of plant genetic resources Caretakers of the Environment Conference; Future Earth Ireland panel Dublin, 06/07/2021-.
2021 M. Dobbs and L. Petetin (2021) What governance for agri-food systems post-Brexit? ECPR annual conference Innsbruck, 31/08/2021-.
2021 M. Dobbs (2021) Keynote by Tara Shine Caretakers of the Environment Conference Dublin, 09/07/2021-.
2021 M. Dobbs (2021) Chaired breakout sessions Advising for Sustainable Food Production as an Island Online, 16/08/2021-.
2020 M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and L. Petetin (2020) Workshop on Climate Governance and the European Green Deal in Turbulent Times ‘Understanding EU environmental governance in turbulent times,’ Online, .
2020 M. Dobbs (2020) ‘Multilevel governance of pandemics’ International Law in Times of Crisis - Fall 2020 Symposium University of South Carolina School of Law, 06/11/2020-.
2020 M. Dobbs (2020) ‘The NI Protocol, trade and environmental governance’ Ireland-Northern Ireland Protocol to the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement Belfast, 01/12/2020-.
2020 M. Dobbs (2020) Governance of Epidemiological Units: Localised to Centralised Approaches COVID-19 and Legal Responses on the Island of Ireland Virtual, 11/12/2020-.
2019 M. Dobbs (2019) IALT Conference ‘Environmental Governance on the Island of Ireland: Shifting Patterns and Challenges to Coherency’ Limerick, .
2019 M. Dobbs and L. Petetin (2019) UACES Conference ‘Environmental and Social Resilience in UK and Devolved Agricultural Policies’ Lisbon, Portugal, .
2019 V. Gravey, L. Petetin and M. Dobbs (2019) Association Française de Science Politique - Congrès 2019 ‘Quitter la PAC, comment et pour quoi faire ? Construire une politique agricole britannique au coeur des turbulences du Brexit’ Bordeaux, France, .
2019 M. Dobbs (2019) UACES Conference ‘Brexit: A New Dawn for Environmental Governance in Northern Ireland?’ Lisbon, Portugal, .
2019 M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and L. Petetin (2019) UACES Conference 'Building UK Agricultural Policies amid the Brexit Turbulence' Lisbon, Portugal, .
2019 M. Dobbs and O. Stefan (2019) EU Soft Law in the UK on the Eve of Brexit: (not) Much Ado About Nothing? Soft Law Conference Aix-Marseille University, .
2019 M. Dobbs (2019) The Ethics of Patenting Plant Genetic Resources The Era of Biotechnology: Lights and Shadows in Trading Genetically Modified Organisms within the WTO Framework Symposium Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, .
2019 M. Dobbs (2019) A Principled Future post-Brexit? Law and the Environment Conference UCC, Cork, .
2019 M. Dobbs (2019) Brexit: Potential Challenges for agricultural governance across the UK AgendaNI’s Northern Ireland Agribusiness Conference Northern Ireland, .
2018 M. Dobbs (2018) Nature Protection after Brexit? EU Nature Conservation Law and Policy Post-2020: Key Challenges Conference UCD, .
2018 M. Dobbs (2018) UK perspectives on the regulatory framework of new genome editing technologies’ Conférence sure les nouvelles techniques de sélection des plantes Nantes, France, .
2018 M. Dobbs (2018) Down the Rabbit Brexit Hole Friends of the Earth NI event ‘The Law and the Land Belfast, .
2017 M. Dobbs (2017) UK IVR Annual Conference 'Flexible Rationality: Legitimising the Precautionary Principle?’ Sheffield, .
2017 M. Dobbs (2017) 5th Annual European Environmental Law Forum Conference ‘Contextualising patenting of plant genetic resources: hidden threats to biodiversity’ Copenhagen, Denmark, .
2017 M. Dobbs (2017) Precaution-spotting’: the value of express, implicit and interpretative precaution Law and the Environment Conference UCC, Cork, .
2016 M. Dobbs (2016) Genetically Modified Crops, Agricultural Sustainability and National OptOuts – Enclosure as the Loophole? Law and the Environment Conference UCC, Cork, .
2015 M. Dobbs (2015) Designing Law for Nutrition-Related Health ‘Harmonising the precaution out of the precautionary principle? The need for maintaining flexibility and an interpretative role’ Surrey, England, .
2014 M. Dobbs (2014) SLS Conference Political Posturing or Real Powers: Control of Genetically Modified Crops by the Member States and their Regions Nottingham, England, .
2014 M. Dobbs (2014) The CAP in 2020: The Future of the Policy? Coexistence of GMOs in the EU – A Veritable Choice? UCD, Dublin, .

Working Paper

Year Publication
2021 M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and L. Petetin (2021) The turbulent development of agricultural policies post-Brexit. Queen's University Belfast: [Working Paper] [Link]

Radio Presentation

Year Publication
2018 M. Dobbs (2018) 'MOT tests post-Brexit' on BBC NI Drivetime Evening Extra. [Radio Presentation]

Video recording / TV

Year Publication
2020 M. Dobbs (2020) Sustainability, Law and Borders. [Video recording / TV] [Link]

Published Interview

Year Publication
2023 Orla Dwyer; Josh Gabbatiss (2023) Q&A: Will the UK’s new farm payments cut emissions and help nature?. [Published Interview] [Link]
2019 S. Pickstone (2019) Environmental Divergence: What could change after Brexit’. [Published Interview] [Link]
2018 S. Pickstone (2018) ‘What does Brexit mean for the precautionary principle?’. [Published Interview] [Link]
2017 S. Gardner (2017) ‘Biotech companies wary of Brexit threat to EU crop approvals’. [Published Interview] [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Brexit and Environment Associate Member 01/08/2018 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
13/09/2023 Prix d'honneur (book prize) European Council for Rural Law
01/05/2021 Visiting Fellow Queen's University Belfast


Committee Function From / To
Rural Affairs Islands and Natural Environment (Scottish Parliamentary Committee) Special Advisor on Agriculture 01/09/2022 -
Expert advisory group for Citizens' Assembly on Biodiversity Loss Advisor 30/03/2022 - 31/03/2023
Irish Association of Law Teachers President (Secretary for 2021-2022, Treasurer for 2022-2023) 20/11/2021 - 16/11/2024
RECIEL editorial board board member -
EJRR Book review editor -
Future Earth Assembly (Global) National representative 10/07/2021 -
Future Earth Ireland (in the Royal Irish Academy) Committee Member 01/05/2019 -


Employer Position From / To
UK Office for Environmental Protection Member of College of Experts 01/01/2024 - 01/01/2027
Scottish Parliament, Rural Affairs and Islands Committee Special Advisor 01/08/2024 - 31/03/2026
UCC External Examiner 01/10/2023 - 01/09/2026
Athlone Institute of Technology External Examiner 30/09/2017 - 30/09/2020
Queen's University of Belfast Lecturer/Senior Lecturer 01/08/2012 - 31/08/2020


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University College Dublin PhD Law - ‘The Viability of the Precautionary Principle: Legitimate and Justiciable?’
University College Dublin BCL (Law with French Law) Law
Université Paris II, Panthéon-Assas Certificat supérieur en droit français Law
Queen's University of Belfast Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching Education


Language Reading Writing Speaking
French Fluent Functional Functional

Editorial / Academic Reviews

Amount Role From / To
European Journal of Risk Regulation Reviewing Editor 01/01/2022 -
Review of European Community and International Environmental Law Member of the Editorial Board 01/01/2022 - 01/01/2025