Prof Mary Murphy

Having worked for two decades as a campaigner and policy analyst in a number of national social justice NGO's including terms on NESF, NESC and various national policy forums. I returned to academic research in 2002 and graduated with PhD in Politics from the Department of Law and Government, Dublin City University in 2006.
In 2007 I joined the Department of Sociology in Maynooth University and worked to deliver the BA Politics undergraduate programme. I was appointed Professor in 2020 and Head of Department in 2021. My research interests include eco social policy, participation income, gender and social security, globalisation and welfare states, and power and civil society. I co-edited The Irish Welfare state in the 21st Century Challenges and Changes (Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2016) and Policy Analysis in Ireland (Policy Press, 2021) and four special issues. I have published widely in leading international journals including Community Development Journal, Policy and Politics, Policy and Society , Gender, Work and Organisation, Critical Social Policy, Social Policy and Administration, Social Policy and Society, and New Political Economy, as well as Irish journals including Administration, Irish Political Studies and Irish Journal of Sociology.
An elected member of Dublin City Council (2003-2008), I am an active advocate for social justice, eco social welfare and gender equality. Committed to engaged research I have worked with various civil society actors including NWCI, SIPTU, FORSA, INOU and Focus Ireland, as well as various government departments and statutory agencies. Previously a member of the National Expert Advisory Group and Tax and Social Welfare (2011-2014) and Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (2013-2017), in 2019 I was appointed to the Council of State.
In 2007 I joined the Department of Sociology in Maynooth University and worked to deliver the BA Politics undergraduate programme. I was appointed Professor in 2020 and Head of Department in 2021. My research interests include eco social policy, participation income, gender and social security, globalisation and welfare states, and power and civil society. I co-edited The Irish Welfare state in the 21st Century Challenges and Changes (Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2016) and Policy Analysis in Ireland (Policy Press, 2021) and four special issues. I have published widely in leading international journals including Community Development Journal, Policy and Politics, Policy and Society , Gender, Work and Organisation, Critical Social Policy, Social Policy and Administration, Social Policy and Society, and New Political Economy, as well as Irish journals including Administration, Irish Political Studies and Irish Journal of Sociology.
An elected member of Dublin City Council (2003-2008), I am an active advocate for social justice, eco social welfare and gender equality. Committed to engaged research I have worked with various civil society actors including NWCI, SIPTU, FORSA, INOU and Focus Ireland, as well as various government departments and statutory agencies. Previously a member of the National Expert Advisory Group and Tax and Social Welfare (2011-2014) and Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (2013-2017), in 2019 I was appointed to the Council of State.
Research Interests
Political sociology, globalisation, welfare states, social security, procurement, activation, gender, poverty, politics of distribution power, civil society
PI on ACA PES IRC Coalesce funded two year research project A Collaborative Approach to Public Employment Services, mapping the public employment eco-system, developing a guidance model for working with those most distant, developing supporting metrics and implementation tools. Working in collaboration with statutory actors (DEASP) and civil society actors (ILDN, INOU, LESN). Post Doc Dr Nuala Whelan
PI on CommSoc IRC funded 9 month research project examining impact of commissioning and procurement on civil society services, community development and advocacy. working in collaboration with Community Work Ireland. RA Dr Michelle Maher
Forsa - More Power To You: Assessment of Public Services and Local Government- completed 2018
Work Package leader and Management Committee member of RE-InVEST, funded under H2020 Euro 3 ‘European Societies after the Crisis’. The project comprises 19 stakeholder organisations in twelve countries through a participative approach to provide a stronger intellectual foundation to the European Union Social Investment Package, Feb 2015 - April 2019 Post Doc, Rory Hearne, Dr Nuala Whelan
Member of Cost Action IS1409 Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries. 2016-2018
Integrated Delivery Social Services 12 country comparative research project on integrated services for reintegration of minimum income recipients 2017-2018
Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung Europe 8 country case study on Feminist Approaches against Austerity Regimes 2017-2018
PI on ACA PES IRC Coalesce funded two year research project A Collaborative Approach to Public Employment Services, mapping the public employment eco-system, developing a guidance model for working with those most distant, developing supporting metrics and implementation tools. Working in collaboration with statutory actors (DEASP) and civil society actors (ILDN, INOU, LESN). Post Doc Dr Nuala Whelan
PI on CommSoc IRC funded 9 month research project examining impact of commissioning and procurement on civil society services, community development and advocacy. working in collaboration with Community Work Ireland. RA Dr Michelle Maher
Forsa - More Power To You: Assessment of Public Services and Local Government- completed 2018
Work Package leader and Management Committee member of RE-InVEST, funded under H2020 Euro 3 ‘European Societies after the Crisis’. The project comprises 19 stakeholder organisations in twelve countries through a participative approach to provide a stronger intellectual foundation to the European Union Social Investment Package, Feb 2015 - April 2019 Post Doc, Rory Hearne, Dr Nuala Whelan
Member of Cost Action IS1409 Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries. 2016-2018
Integrated Delivery Social Services 12 country comparative research project on integrated services for reintegration of minimum income recipients 2017-2018
Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung Europe 8 country case study on Feminist Approaches against Austerity Regimes 2017-2018
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Murphy, M.P. (2023) Creating an Ecosocial Welfare Future. [Link] | |
2019 | Murphy M.P. and Hearne R. and Whelan N (2019) Participatory Action Human Rights and Capability Approach: The Practice Toolkit. Brussels: Reinvest. | |
2019 | Hearne R and Murphy MP (2019) Participatory Action Human Rights and Capability Approach : The Theory Tool Kit. Brussels: Reinvest. | |
2011 | Dr Mary P Murphy and Peadar Kirby (2011) Towards the Second Republic; Irish Politics after Celtic tiger London, Pluto Ireland. : Pluto. | |
2007 | Murphy M. and Quinlan D. (2007) Common Sense Economics: the links between economic policy and poverty: a manual for community groups. Dublin: Combat Poverty Agency. | |
2008 | Murphy, M. (2008) Reframing the Irish activation debate; Accommodating care and safeguarding social rights and choices . : Policy Institute at Trinity College Dublin. [Full-Text] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2021 | John Hogan and Mary Murphy (2021) 'Introduction Policy Analysis in Ireland' In: Policy Analysis in Ireland. Bristol : Policy Press. | |
2021 | Mary Murphy and Orla O Connor (2021) 'Civil Society and Policy Analysis in Ireland' In: Policy Analysis in Ireland. Bristol : Policy Press. | |
2020 | Mary P Murphy and Michael McGann (2020) 'RENEWING WELFARE THROUGH UNIVERSAL ENTITLEMENT: LESSONS FROM COVID-19' In: The Coronavirus and the Welfare State. Brussels : Social Europe. | |
2019 | Hearne, R. & Murphy, M. (2019) 'Gendering homelessness policy knowledge through participation and action research' In:' In: Producing knowledge, reproducing gender: Power, production and practice in contemporary Ireland. Dublin : UCD Press. | |
2019 | Hearne, R. & Murphy, M. (2019) 'Capabilities and human rights in practice; the case study of participatory research on marketisation and homelessness in Dublin' In: Capabilities and Social Policy: Concepts, measurements and application. London : Policy Press. | |
2016 | Dukelow F.; Murphy M. (2016) 'Welfare states: How they change and why' In: The Irish Welfare State in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges and Change. [DOI] | |
2016 | Murphy M.; Dukelow F. (2016) 'Introduction' In: The Irish Welfare State in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges and Change. [DOI] | |
2016 | Murphy M.; Dukelow F. (2016) 'Conclusion: The changing Irish welfare state' In: The Irish Welfare State in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges and Change. [DOI] | |
2016 | Dukelow F and Murphy M.P. (2016) 'Chapter One: Theorising Welfare State Change' In: The Irish Welfare state in the 21st Century: Challenges and Changes. Basingstoke : palgrave. | |
2016 | Collins M.; Murphy M. (2016) 'Activation: Solving unemployment or supporting a low-pay economy?' In: The Irish Welfare State in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges and Change. [DOI] | |
2015 | Mary P Murphy and Camille Loftus (2015) 'Flex-InSecurity in A precarious future: An Irish example of Flex-Insecurity' In: O Riain S et al eds The Changing Worlds and Workplaces of CapitalismChanging Capitalisms London Palgrave pp 122-138. London : Palgrave. | |
2014 | Dr Mary P Murphy and Camille Loftus (2014) 'A Gendered Right to Social Security and Decent Work? The Debate in the Context of Irish Austerity t' In: Goldblatt B. and L. Lamarche(Eds.). Women’s Right to Social Security. London : Hart. | |
2014 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2014) 'Poverty in Ireland' In: Mc Kendrick J.H. et al(Eds.). Poverty in Scotland 2014, The Independence Referendum and Beyond. London : CPAG. | |
2013 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2013) 'Claiming our Future: a case study of participating in policy alternatives in O Brion D. and MP Murphy (eds) ' In: Deiric O broin and Mary P Murphy(Eds.). Politics, Participation and Power Civil Society and Public Policy in Ireland. Dublin : Glasnevin Press. | |
2012 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2012) 'Participation and Deliberation: A case study of claiming our future' In: Carney G and C Harrisss(Eds.). Citizens’ Voices: Experiments in Democratic Renewal and Reform. Galway : PSAI and ICSG. | |
2010 | Murphy, Mary (2010) 'The politics of redirecting the social policy - towards a double movement' In: Transforming Ireland: Challenges, Critiques, Resources. Manchester : Manchester University Press. [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2010) 'Ideas, interests and institutions; A case study of the Irish social security policy community' In: Hogan J et al(Eds.). Irish Business and Society. Dublin : Gill and MacMillan. | |
2010 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2010) 'Conclusions, Glimmers of hope for Lisbon 2020? ' In: EAPN(Eds.). and the European social inclusion strategy: lessons learned and the road ahead. Dublin : EAPN. | |
2009 | Murphy, M. (2009) 'What impact might globalisation have on Irish civil society ' In: O Broin, Deiric and Kirby, Peadar (Eds.). Power Democracy and Dissent . Dublin : Framer. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Murphy, M. and Kirby, P. (2009) 'State and civil society in Ireland: Conclusions and prospects ' In: O Broin, Deiric and Kirby, Peadar (Eds.). Power Democracy and Dissent . Dublin : Framer. [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Murphy, M.P. (2008) 'The impact of globalisation on the Irish community sector – where is the double movement' In: O Broin Deiric Community, Power and Democracy, Community development and social institutions in Ireland 1991-2007. Dublin : Tasc, New Island Books. | |
2008 | Murphy, M.P. (2008) 'Towards a more equitable society: the role of civil society' In: Cronin Michael Transforming Ireland: Challenges, Resources, Opportunities. Manchester : Manchester University Press. | |
2008 | Murphy, M. and O'Connor, O. (2008) 'Women and Social Welfare' In: Where are we now? New Feminist Perspectives on Women in Contemporary Ireland . Dublin : New Island Press. [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Kirby, P. and Murphy, M. (2008) 'The Competition State' In: Adshead Contesting the Irish State. Manchester : Manchester University Press. | |
2007 | Murphy, Mary (2007) 'Working-aged people and welfare policy' In: Welfare Policy and Poverty. : Combat Poverty Agency, Ireland. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Murphy, M. and O’Connor, O. (2007) 'Women and Irish Social Security Policy' In: Barry Ursula(Eds.). Feminism in Ireland. Dublin : Tasc, New Island Books. | |
2007 | Murphy, M.and Adshead, M. (2007) 'Irish income maintenance ' In: Adshead Maura and Millar Michelle(Eds.). Governance and Public Policy in Ireland. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration. | |
2007 | Murphy, M.P. (2007) 'Working Aged ' In: Cousins Mel et al(Eds.). Poverty and Public Policy. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration. | |
2007 | Murphy, M. (2007) 'The emerging Irish workfare state and its implications for local development ' In: Jacobson, D., Kirby, P. and O Broin, D(Eds.). Taming the Tiger: Social Exclusion in a Globalised Ireland . Dublin : TASC: A Think Tank for action on Social Change. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Murphy, M.P. (2006) 'Towards a Workfare State: implications for local development' In: Jacobsen D, Kirby P and O Broin D(Eds.). Emerging from the Shadow of the Celtic Tiger. Dublin : Tasc, New Island Books. | |
2001 | Murphy, M.and O’Flynn, Joan (2001) 'Politics of Redistribution' In: Cantillon et al(Eds.). Rich and Poor, Perspectives on Tackling Inequality in Ireland. Dublin : Oak Tree Press. |
Edited Book
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Lima V.; Hearne R.; Murphy M.P. (2022) 'Housing financialisation and the creation of homelessness in Ireland'. Housing Studies, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Murphy M.P.; McGann M. (2022) 'Introduction: Towards a Sustainable Welfare State'. Social Policy and Society, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Hogan, J; Howlett, M; Murphy, M (2022) 'Re-thinking the coronavirus pandemic as a policy punctuation: COVID-19 as a path-clearing policy accelerator'. Policy and Society, 41 :40-52. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | McGann M.; Murphy M.P. (2022) 'Some Useful Sources'. Social Policy and Society, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Murphy Mary P; Dukelow Fiona (2022) 'Building The Future From The Present: Imagining Post Growth, Post-Productivist Ecosocial Policy'. . [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Murphy M.P.; McGann M. (2022) 'A period of contention? The politics of post-crisis activation reform and the creeping marketisation of public employment services'. Irish Political Studies, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Finn P.; Murphy M.P. (2022) 'A Multi-Dimensional View of Stigma Experienced by Lone Parents in Irish Homeless and Employment Services'. Social Policy and Society, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Murphy Mary P; Laruffa Francesco; McGann Michael (2021) 'Enabling Participation Income for an Eco-Social State, Social Policy and Society'. Social Policy and Society, . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Murphy Mary P; McGann Michael (2021) 'Towards Sustainable Welfare - Introduction to Special Issue'. Social Policy and Society, . | |
2021 | Murphy M.P. (2021) 'A new welfare imaginary for the island of ireland'. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 32 (2):532-557. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Murphy M.P. (2021) 'A reply'. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 32 (2):614-616. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | McGann, Michael; Murphy, Mary P. (2021) 'Income Support in an Eco-Social State: The Case for Participation Income'. Social Policy and Society, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Noone S.; Brody A.; Brown S.; Cantwell N.; Coleman M.; Collins L.S.; Darcy C.; Dee D.; Donegan S.; Fealy R.; Flattery P.; McGovern R.; Menkman C.; Murphy M.; Phillips C.; Roche M.; Thorne P. (2019) 'Geo-locate project: A novel approach to resolving meteorological station location issues with the assistance of undergraduate students'. Geoscience Communication, 2 (2):157-171. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Hearne R.; Murphy M. (2019) 'Social investment, human rights and capabilities in practice: The case study of family homelessness in Dublin'. Social Policy And The Capability Approach: Concepts, Measurements And Application, :125-146. | |
2021 | Laruffa F.; McGann M.; Murphy M.P. (2021) 'Enabling Participation Income for an Eco-Social State'. Social Policy and Society, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | McGann M.; Murphy M.P. (2021) 'Introduction: The dual tracks of welfare and activation reform-Governance and conditionality'. Administration, 69 (2):1-16. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Whelan N.; Murphy M.P.; McGann M. (2021) 'The enabling role of employment guidance in contemporary public employment services: A work-first to life-first typology'. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 49 (2):200-212. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Murphy M.P. (2021) 'Arguments for a post-pandemic public employment eco system in Ireland'. Administration, 69 (2):127-147. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Hick R.; Murphy M.P. (2021) 'Social Policy and Administration'. Social Policy and Administration, 55 (2):312-325. [DOI] | |
2020 | McGann M.; Murphy M.P.; Whelan N. (2020) 'Workfare redux? Pandemic unemployment, labour activation and the lessons of post-crisis welfare reform in Ireland'. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 40 (9/10):963-978. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Pauline Cullen and Mary Murphy (2020) 'Responses to the COVID‐19 crisis in Ireland: From Feminized to Feminist'. . [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Rod Hick and Mary Murphy (2020) 'Common shock, different paths? Comparing social policy responses to COVID‐19 in the UK and Ireland R Hick, MP Murphy Social Policy & Administration '. SOCIAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION, . [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Murphy, M; Hogan, J (2020) 'Reflections on post-bailout policy analysis in Ireland'. Administration, 68 :145-160. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Mary P Murphy (2020) 'Dual conditionality in welfare and housing for lone parents in Ireland: Change and continuity?'. Social Policy and Administration, . [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Murphy M.P. (2020) 'Will Ireland’s youth once again pay for their elder’s crisis?'. Irish Journal of Sociology, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Doyle D.; Murphy C.; Murphy M.; Coppari P.; Wechsler R. (2019) 'I Felt like she owns me': Exploitation and uncertainty in the lives of labour trafficking victims in Ireland'. British Journal of Criminology, 59 (1):231-251. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Murphy, M (2019) 'Dual conditionality in welfare and housing for lone parents in Ireland: Change and continuity?'. Social Policy and Administration, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Murphy M.; Hearne R. (2019) 'Implementing marketisation: comparing Irish activation and social housing'. Irish Political Studies, 34 (3):444-463. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Whelan, N McGilloway S, Murphy MP and McGuinness C (2018) 'EEPIC - Enhancing Employability through Positive Interventions for improving Career potential: the impact of a high support career guidance intervention on the wellbeing, hopefulness, self-efficacy and employability of the long-term unemployed - a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Trials (2018) 19:141'. Trials, 19 . [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Murphy M. (2017) 'Maximising available resources: Equality and human rights proofing Irish fiscal policy'. Administration, 65 (3):59-80. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Murphy M. (2017) 'How policy and budget proofing can advance human rights and equality in Ireland'. Administration, 65 (3):1-13. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Cannon, B; Murphy, MP (2015) 'Where are the Pots and Pans? Collective Responses in Ireland to Neoliberalization in a Time of Crisis: Learning from Latin America'. Irish Political Studies, 30 :1-19. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Murphy M. (2013) 'Translating degrowth into contemporary policy challenges: A symbiotic social transformation strategy'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 21 (2):76-89. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Murphy M. (2011) 'Civil society in the shadow of the Irish state'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 19 (2):170-187. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | McGann, Michael; Murphy, Mary P. (2021) 'Introduction: The dual tracks of welfare and activation reform–Governance and conditionality'. Administration, 69 (2):1-16. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Cullen, P; Murphy, MP (2020) 'Responses to the COVID-19 crisis in Ireland: From feminized to feminist'. Gender, Work and Organization, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Murphy M. (2018) 'Ode to an invisible woman: The story of qualified adults and partners in Ireland'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 26 (1):25-45. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Hearne R.; Murphy M. (2018) 'An absence of rights: Homeless families and social housing marketisation in Ireland'. Administration, 66 (2):9-31. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Whelan N; McGilloway S; Murphy MP; McGuinness C; (2018) 'EEPIC - Enhancing Employability through Positive Interventions for improving Career potential: the impact of a high support career guidance intervention on the wellbeing, hopefulness, self-efficacy and employability of the long-term unemployed - a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial'. Trials, 19 (1). [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Murphy M. (2017) 'Irish Flex-insecurity: The Post-crisis Reality for Vulnerable Workers in Ireland'. Social Policy and Administration, 51 (2):308-327. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Cullen, Pauline and Murphy, Mary (2017) 'Gendered Mobilizations against Austerity in Ireland'. GENDER, WORK AND ORGANISATION, 24 (1):83-97. [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Murphy, Mary (2017) 'Editors Introduction Special Edition 'Advancing Human Rights and Equality Proofing in Ireland''. Administration, 65 (3):1-13. [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Murphy M. (2016) 'Irish civil society: rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic? A case study of fighting Irish social security retrenchment'. Journal of Civil Society, 12 (1):17-32. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Murphy M. (2016) 'Low road or high road? The post-crisis trajectory of Irish activation'. Critical Social Policy, 36 (3):432-452. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Murphy M. (2015) 'Reflections of an Irish pracademic: Mixing public advocacy, teaching and research?'. Studies in Social Justice, 9 (2):215-230. [Full-Text] | |
2017 | P Cullen and MP Murphy (2017) 'The Business Case for Gender Equality: Perilous for Who?'. GENDER, WORK AND ORGANISATION, . [Full-Text] | |
2016 | MP Murphy (2016) 'What we need for a Second Republic. High Energy Democracy and a Triple Movement'. Etudes Irlandaises, . [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2015) 'Forty years of the EU influencing social policy in Ireland - A glass half full? '. Administration, 62 :69-86. [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2015) 'Gendering the narrative of the Irish Crisis Irish Political Studies 1-20'. Irish Political Studies, 30 :1-20. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Murphy M. (2014) 'Ireland: Celtic Tiger in Austerity-Explaining Irish Path Dependency'. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 22 (2):132-142. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2014) 'Ireland’s Lone Parents, Social Welfare and Recession'. Irish Community Development Law Journal, 3 :6-20. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2013) 'Editors introduction: Irish challenges of transformation Irish Journal of Sociology special edition Alternatives for Transformation'. Irish Journal of Sociology, Vol. 21 :1-5. [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Murphy, M (2012) 'Interests, institutions and ideas: explaining Irish social security policy'. Policy and Politics, 40 :347-365. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2012) 'The politics of labour activation 1980-2010'. Administration, Vol 1 :20-32. [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Cullen, P; Murphy, MP (2017) 'Gendered Mobilizations against Austerity in Ireland'. Gender, Work and Organization, 24 :83-97. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Murphy, Mary P and Kirby, Peadar (2011) 'Globalisation and Models of State: Debates and Evidence from Ireland'. NEW POLITICAL ECOMONY, 16 :19-39. [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Kirby, P; Murphy, M (2011) 'Globalisation and Models of State: Debates and Evidence from Ireland'. New Political Economy, 16 :19-39. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2010) 'The Irish Developmental Welfare State; Irish social policy in 2016 Irish Journal of Applied Social Policy '. 1 . | |
2007 | Murphy, M.P. and M. Millar (2007) 'The NESC Developmental Welfare State: A glass half empty or a glass half full?'. Administration, 55 :75-100. [Full-Text] | |
2002 | Murphy, M.P. (2002) 'Social partnership - is it the only game in town?'. Community Development Journal, 37 :80-90. [Full-Text] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Mary Murphy and Michael McGannle (2022) 'DOES IRELAND HAVE A WELFARE IMAGINARY? FROM PANDEMIC PAYMENTS TO PARTICIPATION INCOME' The Sociological Observer, . | |
2011 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2011) 'A caring society Studies 100 397 pp80-92' Studies, 100 :80-92. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Dr Mary P Murphy and Peadar Kirby (2007) '‘Ireland as a “competition state”’, IPEG Papers in Global Political Economy' PEG Papers in Global Political Economy, 28 . [Full-Text] |
Conference Publication
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Hearne, R & Murphy, M. (2018) European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Participation, empowerment and policy: reflecting on the ReInVest Participatory Action Human Rights and Capability Approach with homeless families in Dublin | |
2017 | Hearne, R & Murphy, M. (2017) European Network for Social Policy Analysis 2017 Social Investment, Human Rights and Capabilities in practice; the case study of homelessness in Dublin | |
2009 | Murphy, M. and O'Connor, O. (2009) Basic Income Earth Network, World Conference Reflections on the Basic Income debate from an Irish feminist perspective; A feminist alternative to basic income [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Murphy, M. (2008) Metropolitan Governance Work Shop European Consortium for Political Research Square pegs and round holes: Dublin City?s experience of the RAPID Programme [Full-Text] |
Conference Contribution
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Mary murphy Michelle Maher Ann Irwin (2020) WINNERS AND LOSERS? the impact of marketisation on civil society in Ireland. Maynooth University, . | |
2020 | Murphy, M., Whelan, N., McGann, M., Finn, P (2020) THE ‘HIGH ROAD’ BACK TO WORK: Developing a Public Employment Eco System for a Post-Covid Recovery. Maynooth University, . | |
2019 | Mary Murphy (2019) More Power To You. FORSA, . | |
2018 | Murphy, Mary and Pauline Cullen (2018) Feminist Response to Austerity in Ireland: Country Case Study. Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, . | |
2018 | Murphy M.P. (2018) Gender Proofing Budget 2019: a cumulative assessment of impacts on lone parents. NWCI, . | |
2017 | Murphy M.P. and Cullen P. (2017) Gender Proofing Budget 2018. MUSSI Working Paper No 3, . [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Murphy M.P, Dulee-Kinsolving, A. Eustace, A. Clarke A (2017) IDSS COUNTRY STUDY IRELAND-study on integrated delivery of social services aiming at the activation of minimum income recipients in the labour market. European Commission, . [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Hearne, R, Murphy, M (2017) Investing in the Right to a Home: Housing, HAPs and Hubs. Maynooth University, . [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2015) JobBridge- Time for a change? Proposals to reform, resize, refocus Irish Internships Dublin: Impact. DUBLIN, . | |
2012 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2012) (2012) Gender Governance and the Irish Crisis Tasc Think Piece, May 2012. TASC, . [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2012) 2012 From careless to careful activation: making activation work for women. NWCI, . [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Murphy, M. (2008) Pensions: What Women Want. A model of pensions that guarantees independence. National Women's Council of Ireland; Combat Poverty Agency, . [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Murphy, M. (2008) Ideas, interests and institutions; explaining Irish social security policy. Combat Poverty Agency Research Initiative, . [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Murphy, M. and Kirby, P. (2008) A Better Ireland is possible: Towards an alternative vision for Ireland. Community Platform, . [Full-Text] | |
2007 | M. Murphy and D. Quinlan (2007) Economics and Poverty - the links. An education and training resource. Combat Poverty Agency, . [Full-Text] | |
2003 | Murphy, M. (2003) A Woman?s Model For Social Welfare Reform. The National Women?s Council of Ireland, Dublin, . [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Murphy, Mary P.; Whelan, N.; McGann, M.; Finn, P. (2020) The High Road Back to Work: Developing a Public Employment Services Eco-System for a Post-Covid Recovery. Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute, . [Link] |
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Mary Murphy and John Hogan (2021) How Ireland’s response to the pandemic is impacted by austerity era reductions. [ANET/COS] [Link] |
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Mary Murphy (2022) walk the talk what we need to build an eco social welfare future. [Blog] [Link] | |
2022 | Mary Murphy (2022) building the future on the pockets of the present. [Blog] [Link] | |
2022 | Mary Murphy (2022) Gender equality - citizens assembly. [Blog] [Link] | |
2021 | Mary Murphy (2021) A welfare imaginary in Ireland. [Blog] [Link] | |
2020 | Mary Murphy (2020) Covid 19 and gender impacts. [Blog] [Link] | |
2021 | Pauline Cullen and Mary P. Murphy (2021) Irish feminists need to mobilise for a post-pandemic future built on an ethic of public care. [Blog] [Link] | |
2018 | Murphy, Mary (2018) Nesting and Gaming. [Blog] [Link] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Murphy M.P. (2018) ‘Welfare Conditionality’. [Book Review] | |
2018 | Murphy, M (2018) The Living Wage. LONDON: [Book Review] | |
2017 | Murphy M.P. (2017) Debating austerity in Ireland crisis, experience and recovery. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Dr Mary P Murphy and Pauline Cullen (2015) Investing in Talent - Promoting Gender Balanced Leadership. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2014) Participation deficit disorder Ben Berber (book review). [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2014) Fred Powell 2013 The politics of Civil Society Big Society and Small Government Second Edition London Policy Press (book Review). [Book Review] | |
2013 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2013) (2013) Emmaus and Abb Pierre: An Alternative Model of Enterprise Charity and Society. Axelle Brodiez-Dolino. Sciences-Po Les Presses. English Translation: Alexandra Harwood. April 2013. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2012) Celtic revival? The rise, fall and renewal of global Ireland, by Sean Kay (2011). [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2012) After the Third Way - The Future of Social Democracy in Europe by Olaf Cramme. [Book Review] | |
2012 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2012) Irish Govemance in Crisis Niamh Hardiman (eds 2012) . [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2011) Privatisation in Ireland: Lessons from a European Economy, Palcic and Reeves 2011. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2009) Social Insurance in Ireland, Sophia Carey. [Book Review] | |
2008 | Murphy, M (2008) Social security in Ireland 1939-1952: The limits to solidarity. OXFORD: [Book Review] [Full-Text] |
Magazine Article
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Mary Murphy (2019) Work Equality and Financial Well Being. Dublin: [Magazine Article] | |
2017 | Mary Murphy and Micheal Collins (2017) I Donal Blake. [Magazine Article] | |
2017 | Murphy M.P. and Hearne R. (2017) Right to Housing. [Magazine Article] [Link] | |
2014 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2014) M. P Murphy (2014) Participation and Political Imagination: Claiming Our Future in Ireland Zukunftsforums. [Magazine Article] | |
2015 | Murphy M.P. (2015) Locating Ireland in South America. [Magazine Article] | |
2015 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2015) Privatisation-kicks-in-quietly-and-unquestioned. [Magazine Article] | |
2015 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2015) A new Irish politics learning from Latin America . [Magazine Article] | |
2015 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2015) Job Bridge to nowhere obvious. [Magazine Article] | |
2015 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2015) Lone parents want to work. [Magazine Article] | |
2014 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2014) Predistribute and redistribute . [Magazine Article] | |
2014 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2014) Ireland’s youth – paying the price for their elders' crisis. [Magazine Article] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Dr Mary P Murphy and Peadar Kirby (2013) Degrow – emphasise the collective, the simple and the environmental! –. [Magazine Article] | |
2013 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2013) More jobs but not at any price. [Magazine Article] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2012) A better Europe. [Magazine Article] | |
2012 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2012) There are alternatives: an argument for equality . [Magazine Article] | |
2012 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2012) Mandate Decent work central to recovery [Magazine Article] | |
2012 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2012) (2012) Political Reform: an Assessment. [Magazine Article] | |
2010 | Dr Mary P Murphy, Niall Crowley Aidan Lloyd (2010) Challenges for Irish Civil Society with Crowley N and Lloyd A . [Magazine Article] | |
2010 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2010) What would the budget look like if Ireland was a civic republic, The Citizen, Issue 3. [Magazine Article] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2009) The Politics of Cutbacks. [Magazine Article] | |
2009 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2009) Flexicurity. [Magazine Article] | |
2009 | Dr Mary P Murphy (2009) Principle of revenue neutrality proves government’s lack of vision. [Magazine Article] [Full-Text] |
Newspaper Articles
Non Published Reports
Technical Publication
Year | Publication | |
2015 | Dr Mary P Murphy and Dr Pauline Cullen (2015) Reversing the Paradox: Promoting Gender Balanced Leadership’. [Technical Publication] [Full-Text] |
Working Paper
Electronic Article
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Murphy, Mary P.; McGann, M. (2020) Reconfiguring welfare in an eco-social state: participation income and universal services. [Electronic Article] [Link] | |
2020 | Murphy, Mary P.; McGann, M. (2020) Renewing welfare through universal entitlement: lessons from Covid-19. [Electronic Article] [Link] |
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Teaching Interests
Undergraduate PO103 Political Institutions, PO152 Political Institutions, P0202 Active Citizenship: Shadowing Power P0304 State and Society PO302 Irish Public Policy PO301 International Public Policy
P0209 Political Parties, Electoral Systems and Corruption PO352 Globalisation and Welfare States PO303 Thesis Support
Masters SO609 Labour Market Policy SO608 Work Futures SO605A Power and Inequality SO621 Thinking about Crisis NIR615 Governance (Space & Society)
My pedagogical approach is informed by Kolb’s (1984) cycle of active learning, reflection, theorizing, and experimentation, and values of equalitIRC PhD Scholarship y and inclusiveness. I aim to promote intellectual curiosity and prioritise integrating contemporary research into teaching and giving opportunity to critically assess the relationship between politics as theory and practice. I make creative use of external learning opportunities, invite guest speakers, make active use of VLE ‘moodle’ and offer different styles of group work and utilise digital learning devices. I was awarded the 2015 Political Science Association of Ireland Teaching and Learning Award and nominated by my department to participate within the Maynooth University process for the national Teaching Expert Award.
PhD supervision
Joe Moran The construction of precarity in Ireland 2010 (2017),
Michelle Maher The Politics of Pensions (2017) IRC PhD Scholarship
Co Supervisor Nuala Whelan Evaluating the Effectiveness and Implementation of New Labour Market Programmes in an Irish context IRC Employment Based PhD Scholarship (2018)
Philip Finn ‘Governmentality of unemployment’ : Welfare conditionality and strategies of resistance IRC PhD Scholarship (2019)
Pablo Rojas No Time to Waste: Rethinking labour market policies as a strategy for the integration of migrant families in Ireland IRC Employment Based PhD Scholarship (2019)