Conor Rothwell

Data Scientist
BSc Psychology

My course in Maynooth constantly challenged me to engage critically with the class material. This taught me how to evaluate content rather than passively accepting it. I also learned how to conduct research and combine my thoughts and research evidence into a coherent argument.
More than anything I learned the importance of being friendly and approachable. I met so many fantastically talented and intelligent people throughout my time in Maynooth but I never came away from a conversation feeling patronised or condescended to. This is a lesson I have brought with me through life.

The most interesting element of my job has been the variation in the industries and technologies I have worked with. I have worked in utilities, financial services, and pharmaceutical manufacturing, and have used Python, SQL, Tableau, and Qlikview all in the past year. Every change in industry or technology brings a steep learning curve that must be overcome but it also offers the opportunity to grow and learn. It has been so interesting seeing how different industries challenge similar problem.